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Example sentences for "equipments"

Lexicographically close words:
equinoxes; equip; equipage; equipages; equipment; equipoise; equipotential; equipped; equipping; equips
  1. Nothing daunted, he conceived and executed the scheme of floating his equipments across at night in floats made of tent skins, filled with hay.

  2. No especial inventiveness seems to have been exercised, but the equipments of the men, their organization, their armor, their weapons and their discipline had been brought to a standard exceedingly high.

  3. Not long afterward Alexander had to cross the Danube with his army and all their equipments and attack a force of barbarians on the farther bank.

  4. Those responsible for this had marching being mounted did not seem to realize what a heavy drain it was on the energy of the men to carry about thirty pounds, including arms equipments and etc.

  5. The boys within hearing smiled, some audibly, and as the march was resumed their arms and equipments felt less heavy on account of this display of waggishness.

  6. Our trip has been delayed to-day, for the saddler cannot get our equipments in readiness for at least forty-eight hours.

  7. Their odd uniforms and equipments attracted much curiosity and comment.

  8. Besides his usual equipments in the Baby Mine, he added an ax, a double barreled gun which could be taken apart and made to occupy a very small space.

  9. Of the equipments and tactics of the belligerents we get from our Annals but scanty details.

  10. No such equipments had yet been seen in that country, nor indeed in any other, where the Normans were still strangers.

  11. The Penitentiary is a noble building, erected on the plan of the Philadelphia House of Correction, by a Philadelphia architect, the prisoners in which are engaged in making uniforms, shoes, and other equipments for the army.

  12. One brave fellow had actually not a morsel to eat for four days, and then could keep nothing on his stomach for two days more, so that his life was despaired of; and yet he brought all his equipments safe into camp.

  13. Ascending, with proper precautions, the wooded hill, we soon found ourselves in the deserted camp of a light battery, amid scattered equipments and suggestions of a very unattractive breakfast.

  14. At the same time the "stoppages" from the pay-rolls for the loss of all equipments and articles of clothing remained the same as for all other soldiers, so that it placed the men in the most painful and humiliating condition.

  15. The equipments were taken in from the field of battle, the war-harness of men now wounded and dead was out of use for the moment, other soldiers would wear them presently and make great fight in them.

  16. The Cossacks emptied on the ground the century-old mead and wine, carefully hoarded up in lordly cellars; they cut and burned the rich garments and equipments which they found in the wardrobes.

  17. With but slight resistance they fled the field, leaving much of their transportation and equipments to fall into our hands.

  18. Everywhere could be seen torn garments, haversacks, and other personal equipments of soldiers.

  19. When the fight was over, I was the possessor of a horse and all the equipments for a campaign.

  20. When the equipments of the men were inspected by one of the staff officers, he found that their cartridge-boxes were empty, although they had been on duty there for more than a month.

  21. The movements of General Burnside, which resulted in the battle of Fredericksburg, were now in progress; inspections of the troops were frequent; and on the 9th, Colonel Barnes made an inspection of the arms and equipments of the regiment.

  22. The summit and westerly side of the mountain, down which the Confederates fled, gave proof of the extreme panic which seized them at the close of the battle; guns, blankets, and equipments were scattered about the ground in great profusion.

  23. While others were splendidly provided for by private munificence, and hurried off to the seat of war, this regiment was unprovided by the State with an organization, clothing, arms, equipments or rations.

  24. Their arms and equipments are kept in the state arsenals, and are produced only when the soldiers are called out, which takes place once a year, after the harvest season.

  25. The rifles and equipments had been turned in and the morning was eagerly anticipated.

  26. Off came the rubber blankets from the men, and clothing and equipments were spread out to dry in the afternoon sun.

  27. New arms, not comparable of course with those of the regular army but better than any previous militia armament, had been issued and the equipments and uniforms were in good and serviceable condition.

  28. The details sent to dig graves were recalled, the equipments were donned again and in a short time we were once more "piking the pike.

  29. Your Majesty collects your equipments of war, endangers your soldiers and officers and excites the resentment of the various princes--do these things cause you pleasure in your mind?

  30. Each mother has fitted each sash; Their equipments are full and complete; But fresh unions, whatever their dash, Can ne'er with reunions compete.

  31. The soldier would in this way have his habiliments warmer, his equipments tighter and more simple, and his appearance in line or on guard, highly improved.

  32. The same is true of the equipments for house-cleaning and for washing the dishes.

  33. Inspection of arms and equipments of the Troopers came on Saturday, and, as the arms just issued were uniformly dirty, a large number of the men put in an hour or two of hard cleaning and polishing.

  34. Gretna waiting for the issue of arms and equipments from the Government.

  35. Hence it is that a great teacher with poor buildings and inferior equipments is incomparably better than great buildings and equipments without a competent teacher.

  36. We must have sound instruction and influence in the Sunday-school, and to this end we must have sound and clear helps and equipments for teacher and pupil.

  37. It is therefore even more important for our Church than for any other, to furnish all the necessary equipments for good, sound, live Sunday-schools.

  38. Our equipments ought to aim to become more and more superior to all others.

  39. All the people had big kettles and regular equipments for making it.

  40. The sun, mounting higher and higher as we advanced, took every little bit of burnished steel on the arms and equipments along the line of horsemen, and turned them into glittering flashes of radiating light.

  41. Beside every stall hung the saddle and equipments of the trooper, and the companies vied with one another in keeping them in perfect condition.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "equipments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.