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Example sentences for "entrepreneurial"

Lexicographically close words:
entrenchments; entrent; entrepot; entreprendre; entrepreneur; entrepreneurs; entreprise; entreprises; entrer; entresol
  1. The entrepreneurial and technical advantages of the American economy were never greater and it is small business that is creating virtually all new jobs and employment opportunities.

  2. Third, the American commercial-industrial base is undergoing profound change propelled largely by the entrepreneurial nature of the free enterprise system and the American personality.

  3. The match of the entrepreneurial individual with the potential of the technology base is key.

  4. A significant element supporting this explosion in applied information and other technologies is the American free enterprise system and its entrepreneurial character.

  5. Some land went to entrepreneurial cloth manufacturers, who converted the buildings for the manufacture of cloth.

  6. Entrepreneurial master-builders subcontracted work to craftsmen and took a large profit or a large loss and debt.

  7. It presents both the entrepreneurial skills and drives of the capitalist system and widespread government intervention of the socialist mold.

  8. Socialist policy, embodied in a thicket of bureaucratic regulations, in many instances has driven away or pushed underground the mercantile and entrepreneurial spirit for which Syrian businessmen have long been famous.

  9. This success has been achieved by a unique system of guidance by an authoritarian government of what is essentially an entrepreneurial process.

  10. Answer: By providing them with the conditions to work and exercise their entrepreneurial skills.

  11. This success has been achieved by a unique combination of authoritarian government guidance of what is at bottom an essentially entrepreneurial process.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entrepreneurial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.