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Example sentences for "foreigners"

Lexicographically close words:
forehead; foreheads; forehold; foreign; foreigner; foreignness; foreknew; foreknow; foreknowing; foreknowledge
  1. I have often heard the complaint made that Englishmen cannot speak of foreigners without an air of patronage.

  2. How these foreigners do it for the money is a mystery to me.

  3. Foreigners always presume that we have itching palms, salved in due course by the managers or by the players.

  4. Probably the clever caricaturist and lively critic is really talking about the so-called West End theatres and the foreigners who come to us, and of occasional visits paid by him to selected pieces in important Continental cities.

  5. No wonder foreigners are puzzled by our theatre.

  6. The advantage of the foreigners is even greater in the matter of dialogue than subject.

  7. The foreigners cut up everything on their plates, clean their knives upon the bread, sometimes before and sometimes afterwards scooping out the salt with them, and then lay them by for the next dish.

  8. If they were united they could free the country from the foreigners in a month.

  9. It is remarkable also, that while asserting to foreigners this supreme dignity of the French Republic, Buonaparte should have departed so far from the respect he owed its rulers.

  10. But such allusions were now no longer endured by the populace; authors now brought brave Italians on the stage, putting foreigners to flight, and defending their honour and their rights.

  11. To them the four foreigners were merely huddled together as they strolled, enjoying the dubious beauty of modern Athens.

  12. Killing unfriendly foreigners became a way of life some of them have yet to forget.

  13. He grimaced to think how his country had been brought to today's humiliating state of affairs, reduced to bargaining with foreigners like Arabs in a medina.

  14. The Greeks considered them as barbarians, which meant foreigners to the Hellenic race; it is probable, nevertheless, that they had a certain affinity with it.

  15. The slaves, taken among foreigners and captives,[17] and associated in all the domestic labours of the family, often received their liberty as a recompense for their conduct.

  16. Before the onslaught of such terrific foreigners a superior London footman could only protest with dignity and hold the door open for them to pass.

  17. When we were at war with the Viceroy of Canton, the European factories were burnt, and foreigners compelled to abandon the place, leaving a great deal of property in the hands of Chinese merchants.

  18. We are being conducted to an inn which is to be better than any that foreigners have been admitted to before.

  19. Foreigners are disposed to put more confidence in them than they do in each other, and they must surely know their own countrymen best.

  20. This is a mistake, however, for foreigners have a considerable share in that trade directly, and their steamers and sailing vessels are employed to a very large extent by the Chinese merchants.

  21. You have two distinguished foreigners in your house, they are very good people, and you ought to treat them with the kindness due to strangers from distant countries.

  22. The authorities at Peking may yet find cause to regret that their suspicion of friendly foreigners has deprived them of such important auxiliaries at many of their most vulnerable points.

  23. The curtain has risen once more; foreigners are free to traverse the length and breadth of China, and to spy out the nakedness of the land.

  24. For the present, however, foreigners are limited by the provisions of the existing treaties, to the ports formally opened by those treaties.

  25. Then by taxing exports you make foreigners help pay your expenses.

  26. To prevent our citizens from buying from foreigners, and to force foreigners to buy from our citizens.

  27. That is possible; but I cannot rid myself of the idea that the foreigners may send us cloth and not take something else, in which case we shall be prettily caught.

  28. Few foreigners at this time are free from taxes.

  29. And damn those foreigners who come over here with their fool notions of dignity!

  30. Nearly one-fifth are foreigners in origin; but the younger members of the alien races soon learn to speak English, and to adopt Canadian ways.

  31. The records of the British and Foreign Bible Society are suggestive in connection with the influx of foreigners into the Dominion.

  32. Some of the foreigners come to Canada with the hope of making money and returning to their native countries; but many are anxious to remain.

  33. In every large city it is coming to pass that there is a markedly foreign quarter; and many of the older people remain foreigners to all intents and purposes.

  34. Despite all that is being done, many of the settlers are for years out of reach of church services, and some of the groups of foreigners are practically left to themselves in this respect, for want of people to work amongst them.

  35. In that section of the town where the girls lived, the Americanized foreigners had little in common with such families as those of the girls of True Tred Troop.

  36. Speaking of foreigners reminds me of an incident which occurred on the road between Saratoga Springs and Dunham's Basin.

  37. Close by, in the side of the circular hill that surrounds the lake, stands the famous Grotto del Cane, closed with a door to enable the keeper to get a little money from the foreigners who come to visit it.

  38. Patriotic persons and organizations should have immense numbers of anti-Socialist books, pamphlets and leaflets published in the different languages and distributed free of charge to foreigners who are not yet acquainted with English.

  39. Since the foreigners in our country, especially Russians, Italians and Jews, take to Socialism very readily, something should be done to protect them by native Americans who are especially able to do so.

  40. All they seem to want is to come over here and make trouble--out of twenty-one gun-toters who have been brought before me, nineteen have been foreigners and not even citizens.

  41. They certainly do look more like foreigners than English people, but I dare say they are none the worse for that.

  42. We had gone to it; but finding that we as foreigners constituted the chief centre of interest, we had run away to the seclusion of our house.

  43. It is a pose which entirely misleads foreigners and causes them to regard the English as an incredibly stupid and indifferent nation.

  44. And yet we feel surprised, and hurt, and indignant, when foreigners suggest that we are a nation of shopkeepers.

  45. The regularity and rapidity with which the house-to-house postal deliveries take place in the Capital and principal cities of the Republic have frequently been noticed, and favourably commented upon, by foreigners sojourning in Salvador.

  46. Santa Ana contains, perhaps, a greater proportion of resident foreigners than any other town or city in Salvador.

  47. There are but few foreigners in this town, but the courtesy and friendliness of the people render a stay there more than usually pleasant.

  48. Araujo is highly respected, apart from his exalted position; and to foreigners he is especially persona grata, on account of his broad sympathies and general charm of manner.

  49. Augspurg, who speaks English very well, and is invariably courteous and obliging to foreigners who seek his assistance or advice.

  50. Both of the foreigners had arisen and were standing very erect and soldierly a few yards away.

  51. Neither of the distinguished foreigners looked the part of a nobleman.

  52. The period fixed by the king had already expired, and these obnoxious foreigners were still in the country, living in part on pillage, and each day committing some new excess.

  53. The citadels occupied by the Spanish soldiers were given up to the Flemish and Walloon troops; and the departure of these ferocious foreigners took place at once.

  54. The latter wished to denaturalize themselves, and become as though they were foreigners even on their native soil; the former remained firm and faithful to their country and to each other.

  55. These foreigners founded schools in the country, a host of apprentices joined them, who made such progress in their craft that soon they were able to compete with their masters.

  56. But for us inappreciative foreigners a little of it went a great way.

  57. But I am sure the next foreigners who went to San Quirico heard woful tales of the evil doings of the two Inglesi who came on a velocipede.

  58. That is more than thousands of foreigners can say, although they live in the midst of us year in and year out.

  59. Foreigners have no more idea than a child how to use their hands; they will scratch and kick, but if you give them a good go-along, they will not face up again.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foreigners" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.