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Example sentences for "iustice"

Lexicographically close words:
iust; iusta; iuste; iustes; iusti; iustices; iustifie; iustitia; iustitiam; iustlie
  1. And thus administring iustice to his subiects for the tearme of 19 yeares, he finallie departed this life, and was buried at London, or as [Sidenote: Caius.

  2. Some write, that now at this present, the king should ordeine or rather confirme the bishop of Elie his chancellour to be lord chéefe iustice ouer all England, and the bishop of Durham to be lord iustice from Trent northwards.

  3. Sidenote: He is called before the archbishop of Canturburie lord chéefe iustice or president of the realme.

  4. The bishop of Elie lord chancellour and cheefe iustice of England was also sent backe hither into this realme, to set forward things behoouefull for the kings iournie.

  5. Mauds castell: but the lord chéefe iustice comming to the reskue of them within, gaue battell to the aduersaries, and vanquishing them slue three thousand of them, and seauen hundred of those that were taken prisoners and wounded.

  6. Furthermore, the same bishop gaue to the king a thousand markes to be made chéefe iustice of England, and that he might tarrie at home, and not go into the holie land.

  7. Which is the wiser here; Iustice or Iniquitie?

  8. If it please your honour, I am the poore Dukes Constable, and my name is Elbow; I doe leane vpon Iustice Sir, and doe bring in here before your good honor, two notorious Benefactors Ang.

  9. You will thinke you haue made no offence, if the Duke auouch the iustice of your dealing?

  10. My Lord, her wits I feare me are not firme: She hath bin a suitor to me, for her Brother Cut off by course of Iustice Isab.

  11. It is a world to see how these Louteas are serued and feared, in such wise, that in publike assemblies at one shrike they giue, all the seruitors belonging vnto iustice tremble thereat.

  12. There is another custome to the Ermine, of one and an halfe per centum, which is to the Iustice of the Christians: the goods for this custome are rated as they are for the kings custome.

  13. Nor is it strange, that Adam's ill desart Should be transferd vnto his guilty Race; When Christ His grace and iustice doth impart To men vniust, and such as haue no grace.

  14. Noble Mr. Attornie, Since your departure hence I haue received two ioynt letters from you, and Sr.

  15. How can a mirror sundry faces show, If from all shapes and formes it be not cleare?

  16. When with the motions of both Will and Wit, She still aspireth to eternitie, And neuer rests, till she attaine to it?

  17. Or that one penall law by Adam broke, Should make God breake His owne eternall Law; The setled order of the World reuoke, And change all forms of things, which He foresaw?

  18. But it was now "the beginning of the end" with her.

  19. The mutuall loue, the kind intelligence 'Twixt heart and braine, this sympathy doth bring.

  20. Heere Sense's apprehension, end doth take; As when a stone is into water cast, One circle doth another circle make, Till the last circle touch the banke at last.

  21. Here again we would have expected some resemblances or suggestions; but again there is not a jot or tittle of either.

  22. Viceroy and Iustice to haue our money againe, considering that they had had it in their hands neere fiue moneths and could prooue nothing against vs.

  23. At our comming we were cast into prison, and examined before the Iustice and demanded for letters, and were charged to be spies, but they could prooue nothing by vs.

  24. God knoweth how we shall be delt withall in Goa, and therefore if you can procure our masters to send the king of Spaine his letters for our releasement, you should doe vs great good: for they cannot with iustice put vs to death.

  25. Your Vertue is, To make him worthy, whose offence subdues him, And curse that Iustice did it.

  26. He vsed wheresoeuer he went within the cities or elsewhere abroad, to haue a banner borne before him, in token of iustice to be ministred by his roiall authoritie.

  27. For they seeke nothing else, but for a small occasion grounded vpon a light pretext to sound into the eares of great lords that which mischieuously they haue contriued against those, whose execution of iustice is odious vnto them.

  28. If from this day forward we may be capable of this benefit, that your Lordship will hold vs for your owne, we cannot faile to be fauoured and maintained in true iustice and reason, and to haue the name of men.

  29. In this God shewed his iustice to reuenge tyrannie.

  30. There were also foure persons excepted, against whome the king might by order of law and iustice proceed as he saw cause, for their faults and trespasses committed.

  31. Also we diligentlie and truelie shall trauell to our power, and doo that iustice be administred and doone in the same realme of France after the lawes, customes, and rights of the same realme, without personall exception.

  32. Let vs now examine what course of Iustice is held for deciding such controuersies as befall in Tinne causes, and with what priuileges they are endowed and encouraged.

  33. They alleadge for themselues, that speedy iustice is administred in their townes, and that it saueth great expences, incident to assize trials, which poor Artificers cannot vndergoe.

  34. Hee serued in the office of a iustice of peace, almost 60.

  35. For Cain no doubte was conuict in conscience, that he had done against iustice in murthering of his brother.

  36. Doth such translation of realmes and nations please the iustice of God, or is the possession by such means obteined, lauful in his sight?

  37. In those matrones we finde that the spirit of mercie, truthe, iustice and of humilitie did reigne[111].

  38. I answer, it is not onlie laufull that women possesse their inheritance, but I affirme also that iustice and equitie require, that so they do.

  39. Hell take their hearts, that this ill deed haue done And vengeance follow till they be ouercome: Nor liue t'applaud the iustice of this deed.

  40. With iustice he ruled the commons quietlie, and enterteined the nobles honorablie.

  41. Now at his comming from thence, being well disposed, towards the reliefe of his people, he lessened the tributes and impositions, and did iustice aswell in respect and fauour of the poore as of the rich.

  42. Lat non scape at the dore · take, yonge men, yeme; 825 For I wil be Iustice this day · domes for to deme.

  43. Nathelees, by certeyne presumpcions and coniectinges, I holde and bileve / that god, which that is ful of Iustice and of rightwisnesse, hath suffred this bityde by Iuste cause resonable.

  44. Now was ther thanne a Iustice in that toun, That governour was of that regioun.

  45. But lat the Iustice be war that he do it rightfully, and that he do it nat for delyt to spille blood, but for kepinge of rightwisenesse.

  46. That oon is by lawe; right as a Iustice dampneth him that is coupable to the deeth.

  47. After this he was better ordered in his actions; he erected a Bishopricke at Caerlile, and endowed it with many honours: he caused Iustice indifferently to be administred; and eased the people of the tribute called Dane guilt.

  48. Rest your selues vpon the Iustice of your cause and foresight of your Commaunder.

  49. Notwithstanding hee tempered it with many admirable actions both of iustice and of clemencie and mercie: for which hee is much extolled by the Normane[27] writers.

  50. Hee was neuer infested with domesticall warres; which in regard of those tumultuous times, is a manifest argument both of his iustice and prouidence; the one not giuing cause, the other no hope, for his subiects to rebel.

  51. The lord Louell bare the third sword on the left hand with a point, which signified iustice to the cleargie.

  52. Beside that, God of his iustice in conclusion appointed to him a condigne paine and affliction for his merits and deserts.

  53. For he that calleth himselfe king, keepeth from me the crowne and regiment of this noble realme and countrie, contrarie to all iustice and equitie.

  54. The earle of Kent bare the second sword on the right hand of the king naked, with a point, which signified iustice vnto the temporaltie.

  55. Sidenote: A gaie pretense of iustice and equitie.

  56. And thus he taught other to execute iustice and equitie, the contrarie whereof he dailie exercised.

  57. In the which I doubt not, but God will rather aid vs (yea and fight for vs) than see vs vanquished and ouerthrowne by such as neither feare him nor his laws, nor yet regard iustice or honestie.

  58. This seuere executing of iustice at the very first did breed such a deepe terror in the hearts of the whole armie, that it seemed to cut off all occasion of the like disorder for euer afterwards to be attempted.

  59. Thus it hath pleased God to fight for vs and to defend the iustice of our cause, against the ambicious and bloody pretenses of the Spaniard, who seeking to deuoure all nations, are themselues deuoured.

  60. I am for it Lieutenant: and Ile do you Iustice Iago.

  61. If she be in her Chamber, or your house, Let loose on me the Iustice of the State For thus deluding you Bra.

  62. Good, good: The Iustice of it pleases: very good Iago.

  63. Oh Balmy breath, that dost almost perswade Iustice to breake her Sword.

  64. Then blest be Heauen, and Guider of the heauens, From whose faire influence such iustice flowes!

  65. One y^t he calleth Iustice legiti- me or legal / an other that he called Equi- te.

  66. And the office or ende of this Iustice is to [A.

  67. The Diffinicion and cause had: I come to the thyrde place called partes to knowe whether there be but one kynde of Iustice or els many.

  68. Affynes or vertues nigh to Iustice are constancy / lyberalytie / temperaunce.

  69. Iustice legall is that that consysteth in the superiours whiche haue power for to make or statute lawes to the i[n]feriours.

  70. As yf a man desyre to know of me what Iustice is.

  71. Iustice is a morall vertue / wherby men be the werkers of rightfull thynges (that is to saye) whereby they bothe loue & also do suche thynges as be iust.

  72. And for this purpose I fynde that Arystotle in the fyfte of his Ethikes deuideth Iustice in two speces or kyndes.

  73. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iustice" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.