While treating the animal, feed food that is easily digested.
Feed clean, soft food that is easily digested, as hot wheat bran mashes and steamed rolled oats, vegetables, etc.
One of the chief sources of starch among vegetables is the potato, in which the starch grains are large and, if properly cooked, easily digested.
Chocolate added to plain junket not only varies the junket dessert, but also adds food value, since chocolate contains a large quantity of fat that is easily digested by most persons.
In either of these two forms--starch and sugar--vegetable carbohydrate is easily digested.
For instance, a plain baked potato is easily digested, but the same potato sautéd in fat is more difficult of digestion.
Patients should be kept warm, and perfectly quiet in bed, and supplied with such nutritious and easily digested food, at frequent intervals, as the partially paralyzed stomach can take care of.
The diet should be aseptic, easily digested, and should contain the necessary food elements.
Easily digested food is necessary, as the organs of digestion are in weakened condition.
It is not, perhaps, as unwholesome as new bread, but bread is best eaten in a condition dry and hard enough to require chewing, that its starch may be so changed by the action of the saliva as to be easily digested.
The grains are pre-eminently nutritious, and when well prepared, easily digested foods.
The fat of nuts is similar in character to cream, and needs to be reduced to the consistency of cream to be easily digested.
While the juice, as we commonly find it, is readily transformable for use in the system, the cellular structure of the fruit is not so easily digested.
The diet must be simple, nutritious, but food that is easily digested.
Absolute rest and the feeding of an easily digested, laxative diet is a very essential part of the treatment.
Easily digested feeds, and in case the animal has difficulty in swallowing, soft feeds and gruels, should be given.
After recovery the hogs should be confined in a comfortable pen and fed an easily digested ration.
Children especially appreciate their luscious sweetness, as afforded by an abundant sugar which is easily digested, and which quickly repairs waste of heat and fat.
This fruit is soft, easily digested, and corrective of strumous disease.
This is a light vegetable, easily digested, and rather laxative, besides having some wonderful properties ascribed to its use.
It is plain, therefore, that if we can manage both them and the rest of our food, they must be easily digested; and that is why they do not interfere with the digestion of the rest of our food.
Cheese of good quality, eaten in moderation, is a nutritious food, easily digested.
Buttermilk and clabbered milk are more easily digested by many than is the fresh milk.
Some writers upon the subject have expressed their opinion that beetroot is easily digested, but those who have taken pains to carefully analyze its qualities make quite a contrary statement.
In the form of mush, corn meal is easily digested; besides, such mush is a very good breakfast cereal when served hot with milk or cream.
Whenever cereals are served, whether alone or in combination with other foods, the result is an economical dish and usually an easily digested one, unless, of course, the food with which they are combined is expensive or indigestible.
If it is prepared well, it is very palatable, and when eaten with milk or cream it is a food that is particularly desirable for children, especially for the evening meal, because of its food value and the fact that it is easily digested.
Light, easily digested food is of the first importance in many illnesses.
To give the really weak as perfect rest of mind and as easily digested food as possible, are conditions that must not be overlooked if we would be successful in their cure.
Eat slowly, and not too much at a time, and see that only well-cooked, easily digested food be taken.
In case it is necessary to give the infant artificial diet, the greatest care should be taken to provide clean, easily digested food.
It is considered that oysters properly cooked are easily digested.
In order to increase the fuel value of diluted milk, carbohydrate food of some soluble, easily digestedkind is added.
During an attack it is necessary to pay particular attention to diet-- easily digested, nonconstipating food only.
Good, lean beef or mutton, broiled or baked, is easily digested, and may be eaten moderately at midday.
Bouilli is a healthful food, which satisfies hunger readily, is easily digested, but which when eaten alone restores strength to a very small degree, because in ebullition the meat has lost much of its animalizable juices.
When seasoned with salt it is easily digested, and must be digestible.
That it is nourishing, easily digested, and is not so injurious to beauty as coffee said to be.
He will eat little meat; but that little very savory and prepared in a manner to be easily digested.
It is therefore best to choose but light dishes, which, if we wish to rest well, must be easily digested, and eaten at least two or three hours before bed-time.
This sour cheese, whether soft or hardened, is easily digested; it even excites the stomach like spice, especially if you eat it with caraway seeds, and thus promotes the secretion of gastric juice.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "easily digested" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.