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Example sentences for "ascribed"

Lexicographically close words:
ascidian; ascites; asco; ascribable; ascribe; ascribes; ascribeth; ascribing; ascription; ascriptions
  1. Among the Hindoos the efficacy ascribed to prayer was such that the gods themselves were deemed powerless to resist it, and the mystic invocations of the priests exerted a fateful influence on the destinies of the world.

  2. To the descendants of Korah also are ascribed the following Psalms: Ps.

  3. The important role ascribed to fire in the sacred usages of the ancients, is well-known, and the origin of fire worship apparent.

  4. They ascribed to them scandalous adventures or dishonest acts.

  5. The king of Egypt, called Pharaoh, was esteemed as the son of the Sun-god and his incarnation on earth; divinity was ascribed to him also.

  6. They are not the high tides which occur at the full moon, that are ascribed to the phases of that planet.

  7. Because, even after the translation ascribed to the Seventy, we have not a single author among the Gentiles who quotes a single passage from this book, down to the time of Longinus, who lived under the Emperor Aurelian.

  8. The origin of the ancient mysteries may, with the greatest probability, be ascribed to the same weakness which forms associations of brotherhood among ourselves, and which established congregations under the direction of the Jesuits.

  9. We have seen that the early Christian societies ascribed to each other, reciprocally, the most inconceivable infamies.

  10. By its side is a smaller tomb, ascribed to Strongbow's son, whom his father killed for showing cowardice in battle.

  11. To no other reason is to be ascribed the circumstance that Shakespeare so constantly combined two actions in the course of a single play, not merely supplementing the one by means of the other as a bye- or under-plot.

  12. But if the mantle of Moliere can be said to have fallen upon any of his contemporaries or successors, this honour must be ascribed to J.

  13. But what is of present importance is that to the direct influence of Seneca is to be ascribed the composition of the first English tragedy which we possess.

  14. A remarkable burlesque poem Polemo-Middinia inter Vitarvam et Nebernam (printed anonymously in 1684) has been persistently, and with good reason, ascribed to him.

  15. He was satisfied with himself, for he ascribed in great part to his own cleverness and merit, his success in so arranging life that everything promised, peace and prosperity.

  16. The name of the South Carolina newspaper, which, with so much confirmatory evidence, ascribed The Calm to Shelley, is not given.

  17. In the account of the same miracle, in the Protevangelion, ascribed to St. James, it is related (ch.

  18. Most of the verses ascribed to them are erotic poetry of an amatory character, full of the most extravagant expressions of devotion of which language is capable, and yet the greater part of it hardly bearing translation.

  19. In the course of the preface to the published edition of their piece, the authors are careful to speak of the famous rules ascribed to Aristotle without which no dramatic piece could be constructed in the time of Racine and Boileau.

  20. If any man neglect his duty in that point, his fault must not be ascribed to the rule appointed, neither yet to the whole Church.

  21. Nor is his dilemma due, as Socialists will perhaps maintain, merely to the fact that his difference is arrogantly ascribed by snobbishness to personal inferiority.

  22. The date ascribed to the event narrated in it is the fourth day of March, in the year 875.

  23. The Dance of Death exhibited in elegant engravings on wood with a Dissertation on the several representations of that subject but more particularly on those ascribed to Macaber and Hans Holbein.

  24. Ascribed also to Francis Grose, with caricatures by Bunbury.

  25. Poems ascribed to Robert Burns, the Ayrshire bard, not contained in any edition of his works hitherto published.

  26. His manner was everything; though really below the medium height, he had the art ascribed to Louis XIV.

  27. His misfortune had happened to occur when he was without the protection of the bull's head, and he therefore ascribed his defeat to that fact and made preparations to take the field again.

  28. Two of the paintings ascribed to the latter (one bears the false signature) at the Ryks museum in Amsterdam, are now recognized as being the work of Boursse.

  29. On the European continent the custom of junior-rights is not unknown, more particularly in Germany, and it has by some been ascribed to the jus primae noctis (q.

  30. Part of a satire, entitled Monachologia, in which the monks are described in the technical language of natural history, is also ascribed to him.

  31. The absence of popular protest may be ascribed in part to the fact that the old popular control had been more nominal than real, and the new charter gave as a rule two councils of considerable size.

  32. Vasari's time has ascribed this picture to Botticelli, and that it is in reality the work of a subordinate painter somewhat similarly named, Francesco Botticini.

  33. The invention of a movable nut propelled by a screw is ascribed to the elder Tourte (fig.

  34. The phenomena of movements of the organs of plants attracted the attention of John Ray (1693), who ascribed the movements of the leaf of Mimosa and others to alteration in temperature.

  35. Much in this exceptional and new position must be ascribed to the Gallic character.

  36. Its association with the ancient mistress of the world, its destruction, and the half-prophetic destiny ascribed to it, all contribute to this.

  37. The assertion of the Greeks and Christians, that he was subject to epilepsy, must be ascribed to ignorance or malice.

  38. The quality most commonly ascribed to Cartier is courage; and rightly so.

  39. In Roman times curative properties were ascribed to the waters: Mukaddasi (A.

  40. Throughout Africa the death of anyone is ascribed to the magicians of some hostile tribe or to the malicious act of a neighbour.

  41. Comparatively few exist which can with certainty be ascribed to Luca himself.

  42. All this is natural, and it fully explains the language here ascribed to Ignatius.

  43. It is not there said that Papias ascribed the Apocalypse to St John the Apostle, or even that he quoted it by name.

  44. We know enough of St John's teaching, if the books ascribed to him in our Canon are accepted as genuine.

  45. Similar doubts' could only, I think, be interpreted from the context as doubts 'regarding the authenticity of any of the Epistles ascribed to Ignatius.

  46. The references to evangelical history, the modes of expression, the statements of doctrine, all have close parallels scattered through the other fragments ascribed to Melito.

  47. Peter of Alexandria is likewise quoted in the preface of the Chronicon Paschale, and the question of the genuineness of the fragments ascribed to Apollinaris is reserved to be discussed afterwards in connection with this Peter (ib.

  48. As early as the sixteenth century however, the strongest doubts were expressed regarding the authenticity of any of the Epistles ascribed to Ignatius.

  49. When attention was first called to this passage by Aberle and Tischendorf, Overbeck met them with the hypothesis that the notice was taken from a spurious work ascribed to Papias.

  50. But the Epistle ascribed to Barnabas, on any showing, was written before the date which our author himself assigns to the Exposition of Papias.

  51. De Clementia, make mention, is ascribed to the Emperor Tiberius by Dion Nicaeus and Suidas.

  52. Even scholastics like Suarez had ascribed too much to this influence, and Descartes goes so far in exaggeration of this dependence that he considers every judgment (even the self-evident judgments) as the work of the will.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ascribed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.