This species grows from four to fifteen feet high, and is easily known by its intense scarlet fruit and shining leaflets, which are sharply serrate to the base.
Easily known by its opposite dentate leaves, viscid pubescence and rose-purple corollas.
The commonest species, easily known by its half prostrate habit, lanceolate leaves, and short clusters of white or pinkish twisted flowers.
This vivid scarlet "Painted Cup" or "Indian Pink" is easily known by its entire leaves.
Easily known by the stripes of green upon black and the long, slender tails.
Easily known by the reddish orange bars on the sulphur-yellow wings.
Easily known by its small size and narrow yellow wings with black bars across the outer angles and black bands across the back border of the front wings and the front border of the hind wings.
Easily known by its small size and delicate structure.
Tobira, a native of China, easily known by its thick leathery leaves, the midribs of which are strongly marked, and whitish.
The tree is large and very handsome, and it is easily known, even in winter, by the smooth shining white bark of the main trunk.
The pectens are so easily known that I need only mention some fine species, such as P.
The hinge of Mya, the first on the list, is easily known.
The Pterocera genus is easily known by the digitated, or fingered, appearance of the right-margin.
This is easily known; it comes from a deep valley, having a high mountain on the west, the most westerly point of which is low and wooded, and the coast is sandy.
It is of a rude, barren appearance, especially on the eastern side, and is easily known by its lofty double-peaked mountain.
This is also well known in Europe: There are several sorts, but the best of those we found here is called Calappi Edjou, and is easily known by the redness of the flesh between the skin and the shell.
This cape may be easily known, as it rises into a hummock like the head of a porpoise.
The Rio Sesto is easily known by a ledge of rocks to the S.
Upon both corners of this cape there are two green spots like meadows, and to the westwards of this cape the land forms a bay, by which it may be easily known.
A very constant but somewhat rare variety; easily known by the dark-brown pileus.
It is a large fine fungus, easily known by its white and yellowish hues, its crowded gills, viscid stem and peculiar penetrating almost alkaline odor.
This species is easily known by its small size and the crested appearance of the white pileus, an appearance produced by the orbicular unruptured portion of the cuticle that remains like a colored spot on the disk.
This species is easily known by its white pileus, but its color is lost in drying.
A very distinct species, easily known by its peculiar drab-colored peridium and dull brown stalks.
This beautiful species is easily known by its comparatively large size, peculiar, obovate shape, its brilliant color, and unusually persistent membranous calyculus.
Easily known by its long, tubular sporangia packed with rusty spores and destitute of any trace of columella or capillitium, the hypothallus explanate, rather thick, but not columnar.
This is a beautiful species, easily known by its discoidal or almost annulate sporangia mounted upon short dark black stipes.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "easily known" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.