His great flat-topped grinding teeth that lie in a long straight row along each side of his jaw behind the place where the bit goes, are his millstones with which he grinds his oats and corn into meal.
Then he backs off once more, turns again, and swims ahead.
But in none of them is it the slightest use, except in certain lizards, especially in one in New Zealand, where it is a real eye placed in the middle of the forehead between the other two.
It’s like the extra legs and tails on the lizard, and the extra heads on the planarian.
This latter tint forms a band parallel {138} to the outer margin of each wing, the band on the front wings having a row of pale spots in it; that on the hind wings a row of black spots.
Beneath, the wings are shaded with greyish tints, crossed by a white line on each wing, and having two orange spots at the inner corner of the hind wing.
The general colour of the male Brimstone Butterfly is a clear, brilliant yellow, much like that of the Daffodil, its contemporary; and in the centre of each wing is a small spot of rich orange-colour.
On the poles of the lateral axis two opposite strong conical spines (one in the middle of each wing).
In this last case there would be seven corps, allowing one for the reserve; but this last corps should contain three divisions, to give a reserve to each wing and to the center.
If the reserves of cavalry are sufficiently numerous to permit the organization of three corps of this arm, giving one as reserve to the center and one to each wing, the arrangement is certainly a good one.
Would an army with its rear resting upon a forest, and with a good road behind the center and each wing, have its retreat compromised, as Napoleon imagined, if it should lose the battle?
It has a long, slender, hornlike ornament on its head, and two sharp spurs on each wing.
Its back is gray; the tail and wings are blackish, with a white patch on each wing; the outer tail feathers are partly white.
The male is black, with a conspicuous patch of bright red, bordered with orange, on each wing.
Each wing has a lunate spot surrounded by rings of light yellow, blue, and black.
I suppose you know," said Jumper, "that Snipper has a cousin who looks almost exactly like him with the exception of two white bars on each wing.
On each wing was a band of orange-red and his sides were the same color.
And I noticed that he had two white bars on each wing," said he.
As he flew, Peter saw the beautiful red patch on the bend of each wing, from which Redwing gets his name.
Variation in the other direction is towards the complete suppression of the black dots; and I have seen specimens with only one such dot on each wing.
The male is dark brown or blackish, with a few usually obscure black dots on each wing.
Each wing consists of a vaulted corridor, which runs from one end of the wing to the other; on both sides of each of the six corridors are nineteen cells, whose entrance is from the outside.
A large garden, surrounded with a wall, is attached to each wing, serving as a place of recreation for the patients.
In each wing there is a separate nursery for the patients of both sexes.
At the end of each wing is a yard where the prisoners walk, and in each yard there is a shed under which they work.
This bleaching may affect the whole or a portion of one wing only, or it may take the form of symmetrical blotches on each wing.
White spots are arranged in double rows on the black outer margin of each wing, and there are seven other rather larger white spots on the black apical patch of the fore wings.
The female is slightly more orange in tint, and has a series of pale spots on the outer margin of each wing.
Very handsome indeed is the emperor-moth, which has a big eye-like spot in the middle of each wing, something like those of the peacock-butterfly.
Then there are the turnip-fleas, little black beetles with a yellow stripe on each wing-case, which skip about just as fleas do, by means of their hind legs.
You will notice, on looking at a cricket, that in each wing-case there is a kind of stout horny rib, which starts from a thickened spot in the middle.
In the red and blue macaw, for instance, which is one of the best known, the general color is bright vermilion red, with a patch of yellow feathers on the upper part of each wing.
Each wing is slightly smaller than the upper surface of the body, and the thickness of the body is equal to each wing spread.
All the wing angles are such that whether the suspension point of each wing is moving downwardly, or upwardly, a support is found in some part of the wing.
Above bright reddish-brown, with two light bands on each wing.
Two white bands on each wing, and white spots on the end of the tail.
Most birds shed their rowing feathers one at a time in each wing, so that they never lose their power of flight.
The gander is all white; the female is spotted black and white, or grey, with a large white spot on each wing.
A sharp wire of the small size was driven into the bend of each wing (0, Fig.
The Owl after the body is put in; it is now ready to close up, by stitching up the slit on the nape, the body slit B to C and the two wing slits El to H, on each wing.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "each wing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.