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Example sentences for "each head"

  • Each head of family taking with him four persons to receive $50.

  • Their lands have been allotted to them in severalty: each head of a family has his patent for eighty acres.

  • Each head of a family has a patent for eighty acres of land.

  • In 1870 "the allotment of land in severalty to the Indians has been nearly completed, each head of a family receiving eighty acres.

  • Each head of a family and each single man under the age of sixty was subject to a poll tax.

  • Each head of column was covered by a good line of skirmishers, with supports.

  • Each head is surrounded by a woolly involucre, and consists of from fifteen to over twenty florets, either all perfect or including a few without stamens.

  • The flowers, which bloom from June to August, are usually clustered into two dense heads at the tip of each stalk, with a deeply-divided bract at the base of each head.

  • Each head is surrounded by several rows of overlapping bracts, and the receptacle is flat and pitted.

  • O in the hour of danger spread Thy sheltering wings above each head.

  • If by the way they wounded lie, O listen to their plaintive cry; And rest them on Thy loving breast, O Thou on Whom the cross was pressed; And in the hour of danger shed Thy glorious radiance o'er each head.

  • Each head is surrounded at its base by one or more series of usually tightly overlapping bracts, incorrectly called a calyx by the unobservant.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "each head" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another tree; each bird; each bottle; each branch; each character; each coil; each college; each composed; each corps; each glass; each group; each head; each hill; each hour; each individual; each instant; each part; each piece; each plant; each regiment; each stage; each step; each succeeding; each three; fair idea; leave home