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Example sentences for "will accompany"

  • Charles, for thy sake, I will accompany thee to the altar, and wed thee according to the rites of the Protestant Church and the exigences of the community!

  • Yes--Charles, for thy sake, I will accompany thee to the altar, and will wed thee according to the rites of the Protestant Church and the usages of that society in which we live!

  • He will accompany me on my expedition; he is a brave and experienced warrior; his help, I believe, will be very necessary to the success of my plans.

  • I will accompany you to the edge of the forest," Don Miguel said, "in order fully to understand the means I must employ to be able to run up at the first signal.

  • Come, dear child, I will accompany you to the gate, and give you a horse.

  • Then I will accompany you to Bannerworth Hall, and see Mr. Henry, whom I will request to permit me to do what I have mentioned to you.

  • As you please; do you find a lamp that will not go out by the sudden draughts of air, or have the means of relighting it, and I will accompany you.

  • Well, then, I will accompany you to your office, and receive such as are most needed, and by night I shall have them done if there be much haste.

  • This worthy Indian, and your friend, there, will accompany us.

  • I know that you intend riding into the eastern part of the Patent, and I will accompany you, and conduct you to a spot where some of your projects may be realized.

  • And I will accompany you,’ said another officer; β€˜it will be a pleasant ride.

  • I will accompany thee,’ replied the Sultaun; and despite the entreaties of the numerous officers by whom he was surrounded, he rode after Kasim.

  • I will accompany you," said Bhudrinath; and we took our leave and followed the executioners.

  • I am going out into the world a new man, but the old love will remain here in Cavalla with my wife and with you, and it will accompany me in the person of my beloved Osman.

  • I will accompany you to the tent," said Bardissi," and give orders to have the dromedary saddled for you while you are strengthening yourself for the ride.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "will accompany" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    will always; will bless; will call upon the; will consider; will curdle; will even; will execute; will first; will keep; will learn; will mean; will meet; will mention; will multiply; will now; will only; will pardon; will pass; will relate; will remark; will shoot; will still; will strive; will turn; will warrant; will were