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Example sentences for "drap"

Lexicographically close words:
drame; drames; drams; drank; dranke; drape; drapeau; draped; draper; draperied
  1. He had hard work gittin' her home, an' Uncle Billy hain't teched a drap since.

  2. I've seed two men with the drap on each other and both afeerd to shoot, but I never heerd of sech a ring-around-the-rosy as eight fellers with bead on one another and not a shoot shot.

  3. Now when I give the word I want you, Jim Falin and Rufe Tolliver thar, to drap yer guns.

  4. Wait till daybreak and git the drap on him, when he comes out.

  5. There is another apple totally different from this to which the name of Drap d’Or is applied.

  6. Why dois your brand sae drap wi bluid, Edward, Edward, Why dois your brand sae drap wi bluid, And why sae sad gang yee O?

  7. Drap twa o them o your ladye, And ane upo your little young son; Then as lively they will be As the first night ye brought them hame.

  8. Night rider come by and drap something at your door and say: 'I'll just leave you something for dinner'.

  9. De ole man take me 'way from helping de Missus en send me out to plow corn en drap peas.

  10. When I wants to drap in for a chaw at some friend's house, I does.

  11. I'm goin' to put a few holes in that thar Nelson Floyd, ef I git the drap on him 'fore he does on me.

  12. A person that loses sleep wonderin' whether another person is dead or alive mought be in better business, in this day and time, when just anybody is liable to drap dead in the'r tracks.

  13. Then out it speaks a bonny bird, That flew aboon their head: 'Keep well, keep well your green claithing Frae ae drap o his bluid.

  14. Then up it raise her eldest brither, Into her bower he's gane; Then in it came her youngest brither, The het leed to drap on.

  15. The maiden touchd the clay-cauld corpse, A drap it never bled; The ladye laid her hand on him, And soon the ground was red.

  16. She put it to her cheek, her cheek, She put it to her chin; She put it to her fause, fause lips, But neer a drap gaed in.

  17. To wean the heart frae warldly grief, Frae warldly moil an' care, Could maiden smile a lovelier smile, Or drap a tend'rer tear?

  18. She gwine drap some warm catnip tea down yo' th'oat now.

  19. And I maintain They's nary drap in ary vein O' mine but what's as free as air To jest take issue with you there--!

  20. I'm makin' a drap mair for them in case they come again.

  21. Well, laddie, if the worst should happen I'll just treat them to a drap parridge.

  22. Then Luke Shanders 'lowed he was cold, and asked if I had a drap o' whiskey.

  23. Dan'l would raise his rifle, put a bullet twixt a buffalo's eyes an' he'd drap in his tracks.

  24. A coon can't jist drap inter the ground without a hole.

  25. Jes drap it in de grease wha' left in de pan a'ter dey fry de meat en make it right brown lak.

  26. I never is gwine to drap my raising, don't care what de style comes to.

  27. Dat t'ing gwinna make uh racket when it drap on anyt'ing wha' fresh.

  28. He mock how de tar make uh racket when it drap on he skin.

  29. I never axes fer nothing, but when I sets around de courthouse and informs men as I been doing dis evening, de Lawd has dem to drap a nickle or a dime or a quarter in my hand but He never gits dem to a half of a dollar.

  30. Den he say dey tie him to uh tree en take uh fat light'ud torch en le' de juice drap outer it right on he naked body.

  31. The King’s cabinet or study (estude) was lighted by one large window with painted glass, and four small ones, and hung with black drap de Caen.

  32. Meppy dose fellers haf a drap all sed for us, und dot ve vill trop indo it und mix oop mit all kindts oof oxcidement.

  33. When you have had a guid nicht's sleep and a wee drap mair nourishment, it will be time enough.

  34. If ye're stoppin' on here ye'd better drap that English tongue o' yours, and learn to talk like a civilised body.

  35. Ye can translate that literally for yersel', but I'll drap my renderin' in yer lug.

  36. Tak' the advice o' ane that means ye nae ill, and drap yer conscience in the water o' Blednoch, and say farewell tae it forever.

  37. We'll see if a wee drap o' Blednoch will no' bring the puir fellow roon'.

  38. She's pretty an' nice Lak a bottle full o' spice, But she's done drap me twice.

  39. I maun see ance mair, though it were only to hauld up in his face this bairn, and then drap doun at his feet, and dee?

  40. I'll drap the lyre, and mute admire The charms o' lovely Davies.

  41. Hope I'll drap dead in my tracks if I taste de least wee morssel.

  42. I'd radder go to hell on my knees backward dan tech de fust drap ob dat.

  43. I am sure ye were not obliged to ken onything about it; and what the waur was the King that the lairds here got a soup o' drink, and the ladies their drap o' tea, at a reasonable rate?

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drap" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.