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Example sentences for "euyll"

Lexicographically close words:
eut; eutectic; euthanasia; eux; euyl; euyn; evacuate; evacuated; evacuates; evacuating
  1. Why" (quoth I) "dyd not this sorrowfull and fearefull sight much greue the, and for thy tyme longe and euyll spent?

  2. Bawde Phisicke, is he that is a Cocke, when his Maysters meate is euyll dressed, and he challenging him therefore, he wyl say he wyll eate the rawest morsel thereof him selfe.

  3. Illustration: He is a fole forsoth and worse That to his saddyll wolde lepe on hye Before or he haue gyrt his horse For downe he comys with an euyll thee But as great a fole forsoth is he And to be lawghed to derysyon.

  4. It is a kind of men most to be abhorred, which hurteth the body of infantes wyth bewitchyng: and what shal we say of those parentes whiche thorowe their negligence and euyll educacion bewitch the mynd?

  5. Sidenote: Chyldren euyl broughte vp, brynge shame to their parẽtes] Agayne into what shames and greate sorowes they cast their parentes that bee euyll broughte vp.

  6. Naye better it is to be a swyne, thẽ an vnlearned and euyll man.

  7. Shuld it be to the verye father more pleasaunt if the chylde folowe an euyll deede, or expresse a leude worde, thẽ if wyth his lytle stuttyng tonge, he spake a good sentence, or folowe any deede that is wel done?

  8. The lawes of man do temper the fathers power: the same also permit vnto the seruauntes an accion of euyll handlyng, and from whence then commeth thys crueltye amonge christen men?

  9. As it is therefore a greate euyll to accustume thy selfe to euyl, so to vse thy selfe to small good thynges is a greate good.

  10. The greatest parte of thys euyll is thorowe oure owne faute, whyche mar the wittes w^t vyces, before we teache them vertues.

  11. It is sayde that beares caste oute a lumpe of fleshe wythout anye fashion, whych wyth longe lyckyng they forme and brynge into a fashyon, but there is no beares yonge one so euyll fauored as a manne is, borne of a rude mynde.

  12. Thys thynge as it can not be false, so is it very true, that the greateste parte of this euyll cõmeth of leude and naughty bryngyng vp, inespeciallye of tender youthe, whyche is plyeable to euerye thynge.

  13. And againe of them to whom their euyll condicions & wyt wythout all lernyng hath brought infamie, contempt, pouertye and myschiefe.

  14. His olde age he passed in rest and quyetenes fortunately / saue for one thyng / that his sonnes agreed euyll betwene them.

  15. In the one was great refuge to suche as were in mysery: In the other was sore punisshment & per- nicion to mysdoers & euyll transgressours of the law.

  16. And prosper sayth that to good men lacketh no goodnes/ ner to euyll men tencions stryfs and blames And pacience is a ryght noble vertu/ as a noble versifier sayth That pacience is a ryght noble maner to vaynquysshe.

  17. As when wee accuse anye manne that by euyll companions he was broughte to do also the mischeuouse deede.

  18. A common place shall bee, wyth wordes to exaggerate howe much it profiteth to keepe goodnesse, to bee in companye wyth good men, and contrarye howe greate myschyefe the companye of euyll men dothe cause.

  19. And yf an euyll bysshop be a thefe and a robber, then we shulde not so greatly abhorre and hate the name as the thynge.

  20. It is true there are many wolde take it euyll as you saye in dede.

  21. Is a vertue [that] departeth good from euyll / & it standeth in chesynge good & refusynge euyll.

  22. And in lyke wyse the Ioye of euyll men fadeth anone.

  23. Do no euyll for euyll / ne gyue an euyl answere.

  24. Than thynke in thyself what thynge sholde cause the to do euyll / or what thynge sholde drawe the fro god.

  25. And yf [thou] haue spended it euyll / wepe & be sory for it.

  26. To euyll done to the or aduersyte / make no resystence.

  27. But delyuer vs from euyll Amen / that is to saye.

  28. Beside all this tell me trueth hast thou none euyll wyllers, Besyde all thys tell me trueth, hast thou none euyll wyllers.

  29. But yet my good man so euyll wylling to bestow ought vpon his wyfe, maketh good chere, and lassheth out the dowrye that hee hadde with mee no small pot of wine.

  30. And I would be sorry if the King were heere, that he should fall into Peryl, or suffer any anoyance and therewythall would deeme my selfe vnhappy if I did let hym to incur sutch euyll or incombrance.

  31. Both good and euyll haue theyr reuolution in the gouernment of humane affayres.

  32. Lucie le bastarde +Lucie the bastarde 8 Ne fera iamais bien; Shall neuer doo well; Car elle dist mal de ceulx[1] For she saith euyll of them Qui bien lui ont fait.

  33. Fait chausses si mal taillies Maketh hosen so euyll shapen Et si mal cousues[1], And so euyll sewed, Que ie ne conseilleroye nulluy That I shall counseille noman Chauses a luy achatter.

  34. Cest mal offert, “That is euyll boden, Ou trop demande; Or to moche axed; 36 Encores ameroie mieulx Yet had I leuer Quil fust dor in vostre escrin.

  35. Puis que malefaicteurs After that the euyll doers ount gehy leurs meffais, Haue knowlechid her euyll dedes, 24 Les a il a mestrijer; He hath them to mastrye; Dieu nous garde God kepe vs De sa meistrise!

  36. By this ye may se, that dyuers men haue so euyll and larg conscyence that they thynke, yf they do one good dede or refrayn from doynge of one euyll synne, that yt ys satysfaccyon for other synnes and ofencys.

  37. Of the good man that sayde to his wyfe he had euyll fare.

  38. Noo of a truthe, but it is bycause of enuy and euyll will.

  39. In ye meanseson that contemplacyõ and light delited my mynde, that a good mã is lykened to a shepe, an euyll man to a benemouse best.

  40. The serpent after she is dede, cã stynge no more, not withstondyng with her euyll sauour and poyson she infecteth and corruptyth other.

  41. Thou speakest with a slaunderous tonge All of euyll wyll, and yet it is wronge welth in this realme hath bin longe Of me commeth great honour.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "euyll" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.