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Example sentences for "dooing"

Lexicographically close words:
dooden; doodle; dooe; dooeth; dooin; dooings; dook; dool; dooli; doolie
  1. Now we haue shewne our power, Let vs seeme humbler after it is done, Then when it was a dooing Sicin.

  2. I know you can doe very little alone, for your helpes are many, or else your actions would growe wondrous single: your abilities are to Infant-like, for dooing much alone.

  3. And if the duke should breake and go from the premisses, then are they altogither to ceasse from dooing him any seruice, till he reforme his misdooings.

  4. Whilest these things were thus a dooing in France, K.

  5. These things being thus concluded at Winchester, and the warre that had continued, for the space of 17 yeares now ended and fullie pacified: the king tooke the duke with him to London, dooing to him all the honour he could deuise.

  6. Whilest these things were a dooing in England, Philip K.

  7. The confines of France were disquieted by the Frankeners and Saxons borderers vnto them, euerie one as they could breaking foorth, & dooing great harme by cruell spoile, fire, and taking of prisoners.

  8. They diligentlie dooing their dutie, shortlie after returned, declaring to the king that the earle was incamped at the towne of Lichfield.

  9. Suerlie these be examples of more vehemencie, than mans toong can expresse, to feare and astonish such euill persons, as will not liue one houre vacant from dooing and exercising crueltie, mischiefe, or outragious liuing.

  10. Sidenote: A sore floud of high water dooing much harme, called the duke of Buckingh[=a]ms great water.

  11. But yet he delaied time in performance of his promise to become a Christian: howbeit he had left his dooing of sacrifice to idols, euer since he made promise to be baptised.

  12. The cardinall comming into France, and dooing his message in most earnest wise, was present at the interuiew appointed betwixt the two kings in the feast of S.

  13. Neuerthelesse in the end he became so desirous to be dooing with king Henrie, [Sidenote: The French K.

  14. And by this means it was not to be douted but he should haue inough of his owne, without dooing iniurie to any man.

  15. About the first daie of March, there began sore raine and tempestuous weather, whereof insued great flouds, as before in the beginning of the yeare passed, had chanced, though not dooing so much hurt as before.

  16. About Easter, the archbishop of Rone came ouer into England, and dooing homage for such reuenues as belonged to his church here within this realme, had the same restored vnto him.

  17. Albons, constreined the abbat to giue vnto him foure score marks of siluer, for a fine, in recognisance of dooing his homage till the feast of the purification of our ladie next insuing.

  18. After he was thus arriued in Britaine, he entered into the French dominions, with the said earle, and the earle of Marsh his father in law, dooing much hurt within the same.

  19. Fouke dooing the message somewhat after a rough manner, maister Martine asked him what he was that gaue foorth the said commandement, or whether he spake it of himselfe or from some other?

  20. But certeine yeeres before his death, bicause he was diseased with the palsie, he gaue ouer that office, and drew himself into a quiet trade of life, so ending his daies in praiers and dooing of almesdeeds.

  21. Be patient in extreame adversitie, (Mans chiefest credit growes by dooing well).

  22. This dooing so much displeased the people, that if politike prouision had not beene, great mischeefe had immediatlie insued.

  23. The bishop of Salisburie dooing this message not so circumspectlie as had beene conuenient, returned without bringing anie towardlie answer; but rather words of high despite and vtter defiance.

  24. But on the same daie at the standard in Cheape was a man beheaded for dooing contrarie to the proclamation.

  25. After this the king road to Excester, and there not onelie commended the citizens, but also hartilie thanked them for dooing so well their duties in defending their citie from their enimies.

  26. Adelwold, builded the abbeie of Ramsey, though some attribute the dooing thereof vnto Oswald the archbishop of Yorke, and some to king Edward the elder.

  27. Edmund, and redéemed it againe with a great summe of monie, which maner of dooing grew into an vse vnto other kings that followed him.

  28. But how well their dooing herein agreeth with the saieng of Peter, & examples of the primitiue church, it may easilie appéere.

  29. For hir dooing therein can neither be woorthilie allowed, nor throughlie excused, although those that occasioned the mischiefe by aduancing hir stepsonne to an other mans right, deserued most blame in this matter.

  30. Howbeit in dooing of these things, they reteine still the old order of the land in vse before the conquest.

  31. But shortlie after they had refreshed themselues, and recouered new strength, they began to play their old parts againe, dooing the like mischéefe by their semblable inuasions, as they had vsed before.

  32. But if this their dooing offend thy mightie highnesse, they are not to be blamed, but rather in this behalfe to be pardoned, sith euerie captiue prisoner is desirous to be restored vnto his former estate and dignitie.

  33. Yet by this my dooing herein, I hope some better table may be framed hereafter by other, wherof I would be glad to vnderstand when soeuer it shall please God that it may come to passe.

  34. Heretikes are burned quicke, harlots and their mates by carting, ducking, and dooing of open penance in sheets, in churches and market steeds are often put to rebuke.

  35. But how well their dooing herein agreeth with the saieng of Peter, & examples of the primitiue church, it may easilie appeere.

  36. And then they did wind their Cornettes, thus dooing euerie time that the repositorie was drawne out, vntil that it came in againe, at what time they ceased.

  37. This dooing and keeping such custome and guise, they call thee good huswife, they loue thee likewise.

  38. Whilest these things were a dooing in France, the lord Henrie prince of Wales, [Sidenote: Iohn Stow.

  39. First, that where the king that now is, was readie to arraigne an appeale against the duke of Norfolke, he dooing what perteined to his dutie in that behalfe, was yet banished afterwards without anie reasonable cause.

  40. Whilest these things were thus in dooing in England, Waleran earl of saint Paule, bearing still a deadlie and malicious hatred toward king Henrie, [Sidenote: The earle of saint Paule in the Ile of Wight.

  41. Then king Lewes called his companie againe, and with most lowlie and amiable commendations tooke his leaue of the king of England, speaking certeine friendlie words to euerie Englishman: king Edward dooing likewise to the Frenchmen.

  42. French kings man, dooing homage to him also without consent of king Henrie, for all those lands that belonged to his said father on that further side the sea.

  43. Now the king of Scots (according to couenants before concluded) came vnto Yorke in the moneth of August, where dooing his homage about the twentith day of the same moneth in S.

  44. That no man should appeale to the said pope or archbishop, nor by their appointment hold any plée: and if any person were found dooing the contrarie herevnto, he should be taken and committed to prison.

  45. The king with a sterne countenance beheld the duke, not dooing him the honor that he was accustomed.

  46. After the kings returne to Calis on wednesdaie next insuing, being All |834| hallowes daie, in solemne wise he married the said ladie Isabell in the church of saint Nicholas, the archbishop of Canturburie dooing the office of the minister.

  47. And likewise, that all his subiects were bound for euer, to obserue and keepe the same, without breaking or dooing anie thing preiudiciall therevnto.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dooing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.