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Example sentences for "abbeie"

Lexicographically close words:
abbatem; abbati; abbatial; abbatis; abbats; abbeies; abbes; abbess; abbesse; abbesses
  1. The value of the iewels & ornaments which he bestowed on the abbeie church of Couentrie, was inestimable.

  2. Moreouer, about the same time the king put his wife queene Editha from him, and appointed hir to streict keeping in the abbeie of Warwell.

  3. Hastings, whereas the abbeie of Battell was afterward builded.

  4. This order was after brought into England by one called Walter Espeke, who founded the first abbeie of that religion within this relme at Riuall, about the yeare of Grace 1131.

  5. Edmunds land in Suffolke, he did not onelie harrie the countrie, but also rifled and spoiled the abbeie of Burie, where the bodie of saint Edmund rested.

  6. Petroks abbeie in Cornwall, Porthland in Deuonshire, and diuerse other places by the sea side, speciallie in Deuonshire & Cornwall.

  7. Finallie, recouering his disease, his parents made him a priest, and placed him in the abbeie of Glastenburie, where he gaue himselfe to the reading of scriptures and knowledge of vertue.

  8. Certes by the report of common fame it hath béene a pretie water, and of such quantitie, that botes haue come in time past from Bilie abbeie beside Maldon vnto the moores in Radwinter for corne.

  9. Amongest other, the foresaid bishop Tuda died, and was buried in the abbeie of Pegnalech.

  10. For quéene Eufled that was his kinswoman got of hir husband king Oswie a place there for the foresaid Trumhere to build that abbeie vpon.

  11. Howbeit in processe of time, when Malcolme Cammor had erected his abbeie at Donfermeling, he gaue occasion to manie of his successors to be interred there.

  12. Finallie he was buried in the abbeie of Geruie, distant fiue miles from Wiremouth, an abbeie also in the north parts, not far from Newcastell (as is before remembred.

  13. Cledoch that runneth by Kelebebilch (and also Neth abbeie where maister Crumwell dwelleth) it goeth on by Coitfranke forrest, Nethwood, Briton ferrie, and so into the sea.

  14. This abbeie of Bangor stood sometime in English Mailor, by hither and south of the riuer Dée.

  15. Kenred, a moonke of saint Benets order (called Egwin) builded the abbeie of Eueshame, who afterwards was made bishop of Worcester.

  16. Certes by the report of common fame it hath beene a pretie water, and of such quantitie, that botes haue come in time past from Bilie abbeie beside Maldon vnto the moores in Radwinter for corne.

  17. This abbeie stood in a valleie, and in those times the riuer ran hard by it.

  18. When such a motion was made by some vnto king Henrie the eight, he could answer them in this maner; Ah sirha, I perceiue the abbeie lands haue fleshed you and set your teeth on edge, to aske also those colleges.

  19. From hence it goeth to Terrebie, a village about a mile from Caerleill, then through the baronie of Linstocke, and Gillesland, on the north side of the riuer Irding or Arding, and a quarter of a mile from the abbeie of Leuercost.

  20. This abbeie of Bangor stood sometime in English Mailor, by hither and south of the riuer Dee.

  21. She builded the abbeie of Whitbie, wherein were placed both men and women, with such an equalitie in all things, that there was [Sidenote: Bale.

  22. Sidenote: He is kept out of the abbeie at Durham.

  23. An extract of the foresaid writ, as it is registred in the booke that belonged to the abbeie of Abington.

  24. In the meane time Richard the archbishop of Canturburie, and diuerse other bishops and abbats both of England and Normandie assembled togither at Caen, and in the abbeie church of S.

  25. His bodie was buried at Founteuerard, which is an abbeie situate not farre from the towne of the eagle within the dutchie of Alanson.

  26. December, and fift daie of Christmasse, which as that yeare came about fell vpon a tuesdaie) hauing gotten togither certeine souldiers in the countrie thereabouts, came to Canturburie, and first entring into the court of the abbeie of S.

  27. At his comming into Scotland, he was courteouslie receiued of the king himselfe at the abbeie of Melrosse.

  28. Shortlie after, the king himselfe came, and lodged in the abbeie of Pharon, the duke of Excester in the abbeie de Chage, the earle of March at the greie friers, and the earle of Warwike directlie against that part that is called la March.

  29. He also wan the abbeie church of saint Stephan, which the Frenchmen were in hand to haue ouerthrowne, by vndermining the pillers; but the duke obteining the place, filled vp the mines, and so preserued the church.

  30. On saint Margarets daie, the king being readie to take his iournie to Berkhamstéed, in the great court of the abbeie of S.

  31. Albons, and the tenants of other townes and villages thereabout, that belonged to the abbeie of S.

  32. Benets abbeie at Holme, which they would haue kept for a fortresse, to haue withdrawne into vpon anie force that had beene against them.

  33. For the first abbeie or frierie that is read to haue beene erected there, since the dissolution of the noble house of Bangor, which sauoured not of Romish dregs, was the Twy Gwyn, which was builded in the yeare 1146.

  34. Shortlie after this also, died William de Breuse the elder, which fled from the face of king John out of Ireland into France, and departing this life at Corbell, was buried at Paris in the abbeie of S.

  35. The Nobles supposing that longer delaie therein was not to be suffered, assembled themselues togither at the abbeie of Burie (vnder colour of going thither to doo their deuotions to the bodie of S.

  36. Wherevpon she went no further towards the queene, but secretlie got hir ouer the water into the new forest, and tooke sanctuarie within the abbeie of Beaulieu.

  37. Queene Margaret, and hir sonne prince Edward, with the other that landed at Weimouth, went from thence to an abbeie neere by called Ceerne.

  38. There were found in the abbeie and other places of the towne, Edmund duke of Summerset, Iohn Lonstrother lord prior of S.

  39. Likewise Robert Marmion, who had attempted the semblable robberie & spoile in the abbeie church of Couentrie, was slain before the same abbeie by a like mischance.

  40. Albons, and then the abbeie of Ramsey, which he fortified and defended as a fortresse, [Sidenote: Hen.

  41. His bodie was interred in the abbeie of Feuersham in Kent, which he had builded, where his wife also, and his sonne Eustace were buried before.

  42. First of all therefore he spoiled the abbeie of S.

  43. Howbeit they saie, that he gat by long siege the towne and abbeie of Fecampe, and did none other notable act, during the time of his rule and gouernment.

  44. About this season, queene Katharine mother to the king of England departed out of this life, and was buried by hir husband in the abbeie of Westminster.

  45. Furthermore Ranulph earle of Chester, after he was come from the holie land, began to build the castels of Chartleie and Beeston, and afterward he also builded the abbeie of Dieu Lencresse, commonlie called Delacresse of the white order.

  46. After this, the king departed foorth into the Welsh confines, and comming to an abbeie of the white moonks called Cride, caused it to be burnt, bicause it serued as a refuge for his enimies.

  47. Stephan Segraue shrowding himselfe in secret within the abbeie of Leicester, and Robert Passelew feining himselfe sicke, kept within the new temple at London.

  48. Some put the blame in such moonks of the abbeie as were strangers, as though they should prepare this entrie for the enimie: but howsoeuer it was, the king got the towne out of his enimies hands.

  49. Paule in London, receiued there the same bloud conteined in a christalline glasse, the which he bare vnder a canopie supported with four staues, through the streets, vnto the abbeie church of Westminster.

  50. This yeare was a parlement holden at Merton, a towne in Surrie, distant from London 7 miles, where was an abbeie of regular canons founded by one Gilbert a lord of Normandie, that came into the realme with William conquerour.

  51. In the first yeare of this kings reigne, we find in records belonging to the abbeie of S.

  52. For (as some authors write) the Scots had almost taken him at dinner in the abbeie of Beighland.

  53. Guie earle of Warwike, a man of great counsell and skilfull prouidence, departed this life this yeare, and was buried at the abbeie of Bordisley.

  54. Ailewin, at the exhortation of the same bishop Adelwold, builded the abbeie of Ramsey, though some attribute the dooing thereof vnto Oswald the archbishop of Yorke, and some to king Edward the elder.

  55. He burnt the abbeie of Rippon, which was kept against him.

  56. This Aldhelme was a learned [Sidenote: The abbeie of Malmesburie.

  57. In this meane time Edilred or Ethelred, hauing gouerned the kingdome of Mercia by the tearme of 29 yéeres, became a moonke in the abbeie of Bardenie, and after was made abbat of that house.

  58. Aldredus the archbishop of Yorke, who was also bishop of Worcester, repared an other in the same citie, that was after the chiefe abbeie there.

  59. The abbeie of Glastenburie which his father had begun he finished.

  60. By the aid and furtherance of this Kenred, a moonke of saint Benets order (called Egwin) builded the abbeie of Eueshame, who afterwards was made bishop of Worcester.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abbeie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.