In that late solary eclipse which happened on Christmas day, when the Moone was just under the Sunne, I plainly discerned that in her which may clearely confirme what the Comets and Sunne spots doe seeme to prove, viz.
As wee now wonder at the blindnesse of our Ancestors, who were not able to discerne such things as seeme plaine and obvious unto us.
This then which I now deliver is not to be rejected; though it may seeme to contradict the common opinion.
That that knowledge which she hath of me, was in the beginning of a graver course then of a Poet, into which (that I may also keep my dignity) I would not seeme to relapse.
And on her neck her skin such lustre sets, They seeme no sweat drops but pearle coronets.
And though some impious wits do questions moue, And doubt if Soules immortall be, or no; That doubt their immortalitie doth proue, Because they seeme immortall things to know.
For though the Soule doe seeme her graue to beare, And in this world is almost buried quick; We haue no cause the bodie's death to feare, For when the shell is broke, out comes a chick.
What if to you these sparks disordered seeme 'As if by chaunce they had beene scattered there?
For these two heads doe seeme to speake to me, And threat me, I shall neuer come to blisse, Till all these mischiefes be returned againe, Euen in their throats that haue committed them.
It is a figure to be vsed when we will seeme to make hast, or to be earnest, and these examples with a number more be spoken by the figure of [lose language.
This will seeme very darke to you, vnlesse it be otherwise explaned more particularly: and first of Transport.
Though many of these trees may seeme to have epithites contrary to the nature of them as they grow in England, yet are they agreeable with the Trees of that Countrie.
To which I answere, that they are poore but in comparison, compare them with the rich Merchants or great landed men in England, and then I know they will seeme poore.
That this may not seeme altogether incredible, remember that the like almost may be seene in our Ants, which will joyne sometimes seaven or eight together in the carrying of a burthen.
Yt should seemetheir is but littell good will between this fiskall and Capt.
Their headdes or their counstables may take those lodgynges, that shal seeme unto them moste commodious, on the parte towardes the trenche.
Therefore Laurence you ought to consider the qualitie of this my laboure, and with your judgement to give it that blame, or that praise, as shall seeme unto you it hath deserved.
She could not want a cunning to seeme honest When I neglected her, I am resolv'd, You still looke pleasant Madam.
Between the Isles de la Damoiselle and the Isles of Blanck Sablon there be many Isles and good harbours: and on this coast, there are faulcons and haukes, and certaine foules which seeme to be feasants.
These hils seeme wholy to be the mountaines of Apalatci, whereof the Sauages aduertised Laudonniere; and it may bee they are the hils of Chaunis Temoatam, which Master Lane had aduertisement of.
The seuenth Chapter sheweth that the planting there, is not a matter of such charge or difficultie, as many would make it seeme to be.
And the sayd Islands also seeme to proffer, through the labour of man, plenty of all kinde of our graine, of roots, of hempe, and other necessary commodities.
They paint their faces much, and sticke their haire full of feathers or downe, that they may seeme more terrible.
This Island is so full of birds, that all our ships might easily haue bene fraighted with them, and yet for the great number that there is, it would not seeme that any were taken away.
Iune we compassed the said lands about that lie West Southwest: and a farre off they seeme to be little hilles of sand, for they are but low landes: wee could neither goe to them, nor land on them, because the winde was against vs.
Some would likewise seeme to prophecie that there were more of our generation yet to come to kill theirs and take their places, as some thought the purpose was, by that which was already done.
For these meetinges are not weekely, nor monthly, nor yeerely, but when and how often it shall seeme good to this their maister.
Scarse could the Ape yet speake, so did he quake; Yet, as he could, he askt how good might growe 965 Where nought but dread and death doseeme in show.
Seeme they comparable to those two which I translated you ex tempore in bed, the last time we lay togither in Westminster?
Howbeit (as I told thee at the first) the honour and benefit of this common weale wherein I liue and breathe, hath made all difficulties seeme easie, all paines and industrie pleasant and all expenses of light value and moment vnto me.
Howbeit, suppose that these things be true which they report of firie mountaines: is it possible therefore that they should seeme strange, or monstrous, whenas they proceed from naturall causes?
Those things which haue beene hitherto, although they haue sufficiently grieued vs yet will we let them seeme more tollerable: but this most malitious deuise, and those which follow we cannot easily brooke.
Againe, if any man will denie this, he may for all me, that it may seeme to be but a dreame, while they are distracted into so many contrary opinions.
Howbeit if any man shall obiect that they haue certaine incredible relations; I answere, first that many true things may to the ignorant seeme incredible.
For it is no wonder, that the Deuill may delude our senses, since we see by common proofe, that simple juglars will make an hundreth thinges seeme both to our eies and eares otherwaies then they are.
And therefore it should seeme to be more safe to lye off and on at Sea, then for lacke of winde to bring them foorth of harborough, to hazard by sudden frosts to be shut vp the whole yeere.
Ne can this opinion seeme altogether friuolous vnto any one that diligently peruseth our Cosmographers doings.
All these yce are in tast fresh, and seeme to be bredde in the sounds thereabouts, or in some lande neere the pole, and with the winde and tides are driuen alongst the coastes.
They are fethered with two fethers the penne end being cut away, and the fethers layd vpon the arrow with the broad side to the wood; insomuch that theyseeme when they are tyed on, to haue foure fethers.
They will row with our Ores in our boates, and keepe a true stroke with our Mariners, and seeme to take great delight therein.
Their voyage is very well vnderstood of all men, and the Southeasterne way round about Afrike by the Cape of Good hope more spoken of, better knowen and trauelled, then that it may seeme needefull to discourse thereof any further.
Beares also appeare about the fishers stages of the Countrey, and are sometimes killed, but they seeme to bee white, as I conjectured by their skinnes, and somewhat lesse then ours.
But one way left, But that thy base feare dares not let thee look on; And that way will I take, though it seeme steepe And every step stuck with affrights and horrours, Yet on the end hangs smyling peace and honour, And I will on.
Whereat, the very stone would seeme to weepe, whose wrinkled face wold be besmeard with tears O man what ere thou be, thy sorrowes keepe vnto thy selfe, quoth hee; ile heare no cares.
And yet with signe of sorrow blames th'euent, Although it seeme most plaine and euident.
Who most doth loue, must seeme most to neglect it, For he that shews most loue, is least respected.
The louing banks like armesseeme to embrace it, Vpon the which there grew (the more to grace it) All sorts of coloured flowers, which seemd to looke And glasse themselues within that siluer brooke.
Whereby it should seeme that he was throughlie reuenged of them euen to their no small smart, not in word and threatning, but with sword and bloud-shedding, defending his innocencie, and manfullie shewing his warlike mind.
Shew men dutifull, Why so didst thou: seeme they graue and learned?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seeme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.