They are applied to the personal settlement and domestication of the students within the gates and walls of that college to whose discipline they are amenable.
In domestication we vary some of the natural conditions of a species, and thus learn experimentally what changes are within the reach of varying conditions in Nature.
The tendency to vary certainly appears to be much stronger under domestication than in free Nature.
Mr. Darwin favors the opinion of the late Mr. Knight, the great philosopher of horticulture, that variability tinder domestication is somehow connected with excess of food.
The people who introduced the Neolithic culture into Europe brought with them from Egypt a knowledge of agriculture, of pottery-making, of domestication of animals, of linen, and of the characteristic burial customs and religious beliefs.
In the latter, the domestication of animals and the breeding of flocks had developed a hitherto unknown source of wealth and created entirely new social conditions.
Commencing in the East with the domestication of animals, in the West with the cultivation and irrigation of foodplants; also with the use of adobes (bricks baked in the sun) and stones for buildings.
Nevertheless, he shows no unwillingness or recalcitrancy about letting the wedge enter, for he speaks of domestication as inducing modifications "sufficiently profound to become constant and hereditary in successive generations .
Buffon, indeed, as we have seen, gives animals under domestication the foremost place in his work.
The foregoing remarks on the effects ofdomestication seem to have been inspired by those given p.
It is interesting to see that Mr. Darwin lays no less stress on the study of animals and plants under domestication than Buffon, Dr.
All botanists know that plants vary so greatly underdomestication that in time they become hardly recognizable.
In short, from the first instant of your domestication in a Turkish family, it is your own fault if you are not as much at your ease as your hostess herself.
We have good evidence under domestication how soon variations of all kinds are lost, if not selected.
In regard to the higher animals, the sexual differences which have arisen under domestication are described in the same work under the head of each species.
On the variation of Organic Beings under Domestication and in their Natural State.
It is founded, as is the argument of that work, on the study of domestic animals, and both the Sketch and the 'Origin' open with a chapter on variation under domestication and on artificial selection.
He shows how an analogous divergence takes place under domestication where an originally uniform stock of horses has been split up into race-horses, dray-horses, etc.
It coincides with the domestication of the dog, an epoch in hunting life.
For these reasons, throughout the time of the republic, and also under the early emperors, there never was much reluctance to the domestication of any kind of worship in Rome.
The end of the lower status of barbarism was marked in the Old World by the domestication of animals other than the dog, which was probably domesticated at a much earlier period as an aid to the hunter.
It began, we see, in the eastern hemisphere with the domestication of other animals than the dog, and in the western hemisphere with cultivation by irrigation and the use of adobe-brick and stone for building.
The domestication of horses and asses, oxen and sheep, goats and pigs, marks of course an immense advance.
Centuries of domestication do not make them domestic, and your swarm, if not hived, would have gone to the mountains and lived in a hollow tree.
Now in regard to your poultry, you should remember that they all existed once as nature made them--they were wild, and domestication cannot wholly change their character.
For, in the first place, the domestication of these supremely useful animals diminished man's labor as burden bearers.
Important, however, as are all the foregoing inventions, we must not forget what was an equally important contribution by woman to the welfare and progress of our race--the domestication of animals.
The next step was thedomestication of these useful aids.
From observations made upon buffaloes that have been reared in captivity, I am firmly convinced that confinement and semi-domestication are destined to effect striking changes in the form of Bison americanus.
There is no reason why the principles which have acted so efficiently under domestication should not have acted under Nature.
The Struggle for Existence Under domestication we see much variability, caused, or at least excited, by changed conditions of life; but often in so obscure a manner that we are tempted to consider the variations as spontaneous.
These paintings and sculptures assure us that in all those millenniums domestication has not produced the slightest change in the races of animals, plants, or men.
Nor has a single case of the transmutation of species ever been observed in wild animals or plants; nor has any change of species been produced in tame ones by domestication or culture.
But the facts of domestication are most emphatic in refusing to acknowledge any change of species of the most carefully bred animals.
The discussion on domestication of large animals relies on the studies by C.
Could the special history of the domestication of each animal be known, it would exhibit a series of marvelous facts.
From the invention of pottery to the domestication of animals, or, as an equivalent, the cultivation of maize and plants by irrigation, the duration of the period must have been shorter than that of savagery.
It commenced with the domestication of animals in the Eastern hemisphere, and in the Western with cultivation by irrigation and with the use of adobe-brick and stone in architecture, as shown.
The differentiation of the Semitic and Aryan families from the mass of barbarians seems to have commenced with the domestication of animals.
Middle Status of Barbarism, From the Domestication of animals on the Eastern hemisphere, and in the Western from the cultivation of maize and plants by Irrigation, with the use of adobe-brick and stone, to etc.
This wide diversity results from longdomestication under almost every conceivable variety of condition.
It is impossible to state positively to what species of the wild cock, known at present, we are to look for the primitive type, so remote is the date of the original domestication of the fowl.
This, in fact, is the great bar to the domestication of animals.
It has often been assumed that man has chosen fordomestication animals and plants having an extraordinary inherent tendency to vary, and likewise to withstand diverse climates.
I will, however, give one curious and complex case, not indeed as affecting any important character, but from occurring in several species of the same genus, partly under domestication and partly under nature.
There is no obvious reason why the principles which have acted so efficiently underdomestication should not have acted under nature.
Moreover, most of the varieties which have been experimentised on have been produced under domestication; and as domestication apparently tends to eliminate sterility, we ought not to expect it also to produce sterility.