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Example sentences for "domesticity"

Lexicographically close words:
domesticate; domesticated; domesticating; domestication; domesticis; domestick; domesticks; domestics; domesticus; domestique
  1. Yet he was aware of his growing fondness and approval, his growing conviction that domesticity with Jane Vail need not of necessity be the curbing and cloying thing he had visioned.

  2. They revealed a fascinating personality, and their touches of domesticity made them classics in many an English household.

  3. During the afternoon, Millie had exhausted domesticity and herself alike--and there had been Joseph the Second.

  4. Bindle had become too inured to the lurid qualities of domesticity to allow them to perturb him.

  5. The price of building sites in the suburbs and the many pretty houses which have arisen show that even for this class, which was most nomadic in its habits, domesticity has become a fact.

  6. They had a tribal organisation, and a certain domesticity of nature which, while it made them an easy prey to warrior tribes, enabled them to live side by side with the Dutch immigrants as herdsmen and house-servants.

  7. Time was before us, all seemed delicious, the domesticity of the amorous amusements, the passion with which she returned my embraces, her modesty and enjoyment were all so like the days when I fucked my mothers servants.

  8. Where do we find, in nature, this multitude of races of dogs, which, as the result of domesticity to which we have reduced these animals, have been brought into their present condition?

  9. But of all the modern notions generated by mere wealth the worst is this: the notion that domesticity is dull and tame.

  10. I will not exhaust my intelligence by inventing ways in which mankind might unlearn the violin or forget how to ride horses; and the art of domesticity seems to me as special and as valuable as all the ancient arts of our race.

  11. Numberless modern women have rebelled against domesticity in theory because they have never known it in practice.

  12. The idea of private property universal but private, the idea of families free but still families, of domesticity democratic but still domestic, of one man one house--this remains the real vision and magnet of mankind.

  13. She did this and that for him, and she was no doubt on such terms of intimacy with him that they were really part of each other's life in a scheme of domesticity unlike any boarding-house organization she had ever known.

  14. Like islands in the shining yellow sea, are houses--sometimes in a clump of trees, sometimes only like bare-backed domesticity or naked industry in the workfield.

  15. Wylton used to work in little spells of domesticity in the intervals of being horse-whipped out of other people's houses, and disappearing abroad while sundry little storms blew over.

  16. Recovering himself, he told a malicious anecdote about an artist who was taking to etching because his eyesight was failing, and he explained the domesticity of British Art by the objection of artists’ wives to all models except babies.

  17. On his soul, tensely strung by Eleanor’s hand for the high notes of imagination, this cheap domesticity now jarred abominably.

  18. The temporary lull that attended their installation in British domesticity was succeeded by graver frictions when Rosina had finished furnishing.

  19. A charming face can make him campaign and fight and slay like a demon, can make a coward of him, can fill him with ambition to win the world, and can tame him into the domesticity of a drawing-room cat.

  20. You transform this uninteresting piece of domesticity into an ideal woman, ennobling her surroundings.

  21. Husbands, you know, haven't so much talent for domesticity as we have.

  22. If of victory you dream, there will be brisk activity along business lines, and domesticity will be harmonious.

  23. You will be cast down with gloomy forebodings, and children and domesticity in general will ally to work you discomfort.

  24. Domesticity and paternalism were nevertheless by no means alien to the sugar régime.

  25. The scale of the orchards was in some degree a measure of the domesticity prevailing.

  26. Or rather she had not found domesticity wanting so much as temporary--a period of tranquil suspense, as it were, leading up to an inevitable climax which had somehow failed to come off.

  27. It was as a whole not so old as the agents had represented it, by some centuries, but it adapted itself as little to his preconceived notions of domesticity as if it had been built by Druids.

  28. Barnard, scoffingly; "domesticity would seem to be your forte.

  29. Few of us have not had occasion to remark the wondrous change produced in some quiet household, where the work of domesticity goes on in routine fashion, by the presence of an agreeable and accomplished guest.

  30. Matravers found himself wondering at this new and very natural note of domesticity in her " 169 She did not answer him.

  31. She made the coffee carefully and well, and Matravers, as he lit his cigarette, found himself wondering at this new and very natural note of domesticity in her.

  32. Howard had never seen a Victory, but his vision of domesticity was untroubled.

  33. That peaceful domesticity was the very nearest approach to happiness, to her thinking, and she longed for the day when her father might consent to the obscurity and solitude of some nameless "Dorf" in the dark recesses of that old forest.

  34. Lady Hester's system of small irritations and provocations rendered domesticity and home life out of the question.

  35. Yet in this very domesticity lay a danger.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "domesticity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.