One of these circuits is called the primary circuit and the other the secondary circuit.
The two circuits have a certain mutual inductance M, and each circuit has self inductance L1 and L2.
Various primary circuits were employed with this coil, which when at its best could give a spark of 42 in.
If the circuits have the same frequency when separated they are said to be isochronous.
A machine has been devised by Leslie Miller for winding secondary circuits in flat sections without any joints in the wire at all (British Patent, No.
In some cases the two circuits of the Tesla coil, the primary and secondary, are sections of one single coil.
The two circuitsare then said to be in resonance or to be tuned together.
As there are so many circuitsthrough the watch, the small current required for one light does not affect it in any way.
A detailed description of the construction of the various parts of the above circuits will not be given here, but such details can be safely left to the ingenuity of the person installing the system.
His accession to the bench of the Supreme Court was a source of general satisfaction to the profession, and to the people of the State, by whom his enlightened labors in the circuits had been witnessed with admiration and pride.
As before stated, he rode but four circuitsas judge.
In the year 1818 he was elected by the General Assembly a judge of the Superior Courts, and rode the circuits in that capacity for two years, when he resigned and returned to the practice of his profession.
And it's because of Sal that I can make the guarantee I do make: that if there are any unusual circuits in those cars, we can find them.
It took a minute for the long-distance circuits to connect him with Manhattan.
He can find electronic devices anywhere in any car made, he says--even if they're printed circuits hidden under the paint job.
At times when a dancer found no one in front of him he proceeded to sponge his own back, and might keep this up while making two or three circuits around the fire or until he caught up with some one else.
While they were making the usual circuits around the fire, the patient (a man on this occasion) was placed sitting on a buffalo robe in front of the orchestra.
Aina had said that Mars had completed 5,000 circuits about the sun since her people were brought to it as captives.
He said, that the constitution had provided that Congress should meet once a year, and that more time was spent during their sitting than was taken up by the Circuitsof the Judges.
If he was absent, the business of one of the circuits could not proceed; besides, he should preside in the Supreme Court.
It appears to me that we must either be prepared to give up the idea of lines of force or take the position that the magnetic circuitsprecipitate themselves in shortening their circuits and disappearing upon and cut the conductor.
The magnetic circuits shorten and short-circuit themselves in the bar, perhaps as innumerable molecular magnetic circuits interior to the iron medium.
The arrangements of the lamp circuits and the lamp itself may now be described.
Nevertheless, as will be shown, the magneticcircuits or lines themselves may furnish the energy for their own movement across a conductor, and so develop current as well as potential.
In the cases in which iron projects through the coil or conductor, the real action is that the lines of the magnetic circuits move at high speeds across the conductor, and the conductor is at all times in a field of very low density.
It was Hughes who put forward the idea that an iron bar in losing its apparent magnetism really short-circuits the lines in itself as innumerable strongly magnetized closed circuits among the molecules.
Does it contain intensely polarized closed circuits of magnetism which are ready to be stretched or extended under certain conditions by the application of energy, which energy is returned by the collapse of the extended circuits?
Perhaps the most extreme case of what may be called dilution of field by projections and by closed magnetic circuits in transformers would be that of a block of iron, B, Fig.
In becoming magnetic once more these short circuits are opened or extended into the air by some source of energy applied to strain the lines, such as a current in a conductor around the bar.
The effect is that of self-induction on making or upon increase of current, the measure of the amount being the energy stored in the magnetic circuits which have been extended or opened up by the current.
In these cases the resistance of the interior magnetic circuits would be increased, as there would be several breaks in the continuity around the center of the conductor.
The officers charged with this unusual commission, made their circuits throughout the counties of England most infested with this evil, and carried terror into all those parts of the kingdom.
It makes me think of the seven circuits made about Jericho, when the priests blew upon the trumpets and the walls fell.
Electromechanical protection circuits ensure that a transmitter can only be connected to an antenna that is tuned to the same frequency.
Later, when they had connected random length wire antennas to thecircuits the two schoolboys were able to talk to each other across the 400 metres which separated their homes.
The then Editor of QST wrote: "We have tested most of the circuits used by the Britishers and find them one and all decidedly inferior to our standard American regenerative circuit using variometer tuning in secondary and tertiary circuits.
The arrangements for the lighting circuits are shown in the figures.
Wires used in interior circuits should have a covering which shall act both as an electrical insulator and as a mechanical protection.
The dynamos are connected in the usual manner to one set of bus bars, and the lighting circuits are connected across these.
The proper sizes of wire for the different circuits is easily found from the lamp feet table, after having calculated the lamp feet assigned the drop.
The circuits are opened and closed on carbon contacts, reinforced with standard knife switches.
Lightning arresters used on heavy duty circuits are designed to rupture the arc as soon as formed.
All wiring for high voltage arc lighting circuits should be done with rubber covered wire.
Again, the circuits may be closed progressively, remain on a few seconds, and then be opened progressively.
Four guard wires (shown heavier than the others) extend for one span either side of the joint pole parallel to the wires of the lower circuits and protect them from contact in case of a break in the wires of the upper circuits.
It is suited to power and railwaycircuits where the load fluctuates widely and suddenly.
These can be charged from the ordinary 110-volt lighting circuits or from private dynamos.
As this revolves, the circuits are closed, one after the other, and it may be so set that bells will be rung in different parts of the house every five minutes, if desired.
Intricate mathematics are avoided, and all apparatus, circuits and systems are thoroughly described.
The easiest method of testing the Three- and Four-way circuits explained.
Short circuits in the condenser or internal wiring of induction coils or magnetos, which are fortunately not common, can seldom be remedied except at the factory where these devices were made.
Tuning is nothing more than putting these two circuits into accord with the waves you receive.
After the two circuits have been adjusted to the same frequency they are said to synchronize.
They are used on constant current circuits, and also on constant voltage circuits as in railway work and similar purposes where an attendant is always at hand to regulate the speed.
The speed of motors connected to constant voltagecircuits is usually regulated by the two following methods: [Illustration: FIG.
If now two of the brushes be removed, the current through each of the remaining two will be 120 amperes, while internally there will be only two circuits as shown in fig.
All circuits subject to abnormal increase of current which might overheat the system, should be protected by fuses which will melt and thus open the circuit.
It should be noted that the number of brush sets does not necessarily show the number of circuits through the armature.
The armature is thus divided into four circuits and four brushes are required which must be placed between the poles so as to short circuit the coils as they pass through the neutral space.
When the coils are connected in two circuitsor series parallel, it requires only two brushes at two neutral points on the commutator, for any number of poles; this arrangement is shown in fig.
With the radial diagram it is easier to follow the circuits and to distinguish the back and front pitch of the winding.
It is possible to have windings that give any desired even number of circuits in machines having any number of poles.
They are also used on series arc light circuits in which the current is of constant strength.
Describe the circuits of a simple or simplex wave winding.
In each of the fourcircuits the flow is 30 amperes, and the current delivered to each brush is 60 amperes.
He suggested that the deflection of the magnetic needle could be used for the transmission of signals from one place to another by means of as many needles and circuits as there are letters in the alphabet.
To tune in correctly you have to adjust both circuits to the wave length of the special signal that you are trying to get.
I'll bet they'll both get into the big circuits before they're much older.
That a copy of the address be sent to each presiding elder and preacher in charge of circuits and stations within the bounds of the Virginia Annual Conference.
The Minutes for that year give New York City sixty members and Brunswick Circuit (Virginia) four hundred and eighty-four, and other circuits in Virginia more.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "circuits" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.