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Example sentences for "commeth"

Lexicographically close words:
commercially; commercials; commercio; commers; commest; commettre; commin; comminatory; comming; comminge
  1. And halfe a league within the land the citie of Nombre de Iesus was builded, East and West with the sayd cape right against a cliffe, which commeth from the sayd Cape, and goeth within the Streits.

  2. Sidenote: He commeth home in an English ship from Maiorca.

  3. The riuer which is called Tlacamama commeth from the mountains of Atoyaque and Amusgos, which are some 17.

  4. For when it commeth vpon the sudden and vnlooked for, and vnprouided for, it bringeth men into a great amazement and at their wits ende.

  5. Wine and oyle there is none growing in the Countrey, but what commeth out of Spaine.

  6. M148) But the right and ready way to Saguenay is vp that way to Hochelaga, and then into another that commeth from Saguenay, and then entreth into the foresaid riuer, and that there is yet one moneths sayling thither.

  7. Our wild men told vs that there was the beginning of Saguenay, and that it was land inhabited, and that thence commeth the red Copper, of them named Caignetdaze.

  8. After my heartie commendations, I haue for certaine causes deferred the answere of your letter of Nouember last till now, which I hope commeth all in good time.

  9. Which when they heard, they greatly thanked our Captaine and gaue their Lord three bundles of Beauers, and Sea Woolues skinnes, with a great knife of red copper that commeth from Saguenay, and other things.

  10. They pare these rootes and stamp them and squese them in a thing like a presse: the iuyce that commeth from them is of an euill smell.

  11. They are very great theeues, for they will filch and steale whatsoeuer they can lay hold of, and all is fish that commeth to net.

  12. M139 The riuer of Saguenay commeth from the West, where there is gold and siluer.

  13. Omoncon, captain of the king of China, commeth to seeke Limahon, and doth meete with Spaniards.

  14. There is also much camphora, and all kinde of spices; by reason wherof there commeth vnto this kingdome to traficke, many Turkes that come in ships and foystes[101] out of the Red Sea.

  15. The Indians of this kingdome are maruellous ingenious, and doo see nothing but they imitate the same, whereof commeth that they are very good singers and plaiers vpon all sorts of instruments, yet their voices doo heale[57] them nothing.

  16. The Spaniards departe from the citie of Chincheo, and commeth to that of Aucheo, whereas the vizroy did tarrie their comming.

  17. This rouer Limahon goeth to the Ilands Philippinas, and commeth to the citie of Manilla.

  18. The blowe being giuen vppon the table by the generall, straightwayes one of the proctors maketh a crie or noise, whereat presently commeth the executioner for to execute his office.

  19. But the most varietie of yron commeth by the meanes of the water, wherein the yron red-hot is eftsoones dipped and quenched for to be hardened.

  20. As for the diverse colours which they cast forth, it never happeneth but in a darke or shaddowie place: whereby a man may know, that the varietie of colours is not in the stone Iris, but commeth by the reverberation of the wals.

  21. Whence commeth this Alarum, and the noyse?

  22. Here commeth Charles, I maruell how he sped?

  23. Therupon it came euer after to be vsed for a prouerbe that when any good turne commeth too late to be vsed, to cal it Diopithus reward.

  24. Your sonne, for he is tendre of age, Of my wyne-seller shall he be, And whan he commeth to mannes estate, 275 Better avaunced shall he be.

  25. But who commeth forth yond from my swete hearte Custance?

  26. Affection commeth not by appointment or birth; and then as good hated as enforced.

  27. And loe here our Dobinet commeth with it nowe.

  28. But yond commeth Roister Doister nowe in a traunce.

  29. His heart is here een now His body commeth after.

  30. Your pleasure ones knowen, he commeth by and by.

  31. Now wyll I goe knocke that I may dispatche with speede, But loe forth commeth hir selfe happily in deede.

  32. Lo where he commeth at hand, belike he was not fare!

  33. And loe yond he commeth and Merygreeke with him.

  34. The house commeth downe on your heads, if it take ons the thatch.

  35. But I marvell I see hym not all thys same day, I wyll seeke him out: But loe he commeth thys way, I have yond espied hym sadly comming, A iii b 65 And in love for twentie pounde, by hys glommyng.

  36. Parmenio, I cannot tell how it commeth to passe that in Alexander now a dayes there groweth an unpatient kind of life: in the morning he is melancholy, at noone solemne, at all times either more sowre or severe than hee was accustomed.

  37. For as longe as the wynde rewleth, yt is playne, Twenty to one ye get no drop of rayne; And when the element is to farre opprest, Downe commeth the rayne and setteth the wynde at reste.

  38. It was I and none other: this commeth to good passe.

  39. The fatte of a Foxe and a Drake enclosed in the belly of a Goose, and so rosted, with the dripping that commeth from it, they annoynt paralyticke members.

  40. The horne of this beast being put upon the Table of Kinges, and set amongest their junkets and bankets, doeth bewray the venome, if there be any suche therein, by a certaine sweat which commeth over it.

  41. And it is said, that if a man take the liquor which commeth from a piece of a Crocodyle fryed, and annoynte therewithall his wound or harmed part, that then he shall bee presently rid of all paine and torment.

  42. From whence commeth the tempeste, the stormes and bitter seasons?

  43. Who so euer now heareth it of the father and lerneth it, commeth vnto me.

  44. Every man which hath herde, and lerned of the father, commeth unto me, not that eny man hath sene the father, save he which is off God.

  45. Besides, his iudgment in vrines commeth little behind the skilfullest in that profession.

  46. Yet is not this deare letting euerie where alike: for the westerne halfe of Cornewall, commeth far short of the Easterne, and the land about Townes, exceedeth that lying farther in the Countrey.

  47. None commeth in kindnes to see him, but departed gratifyed with somewhat, if his modestie will accept it.

  48. The rest are common to other Shires, but the Shote in a maner peculiar to Deuon and Cornwall: in shape and colour he resembleth the Trowt: howbeit in bignesse and goodnesse, commeth farre behind him.

  49. In priuate life, there commeth into consideration, their Tenements, which yeeld them sustinance, and their houses, which afford them a place of abode.

  50. Our English hony and Safron is better than any that commeth from any strange or foregn land.

  51. And that, you shall perceiue, by this, which in order commeth next.

  52. For so it commeth to passe, that nothing can be so sure confirmed by mans power, but the same by the like power may be againe destroied.

  53. Arthur besieged him, till at length the same Colgrime escaped out of the citie, & leauing it in charge with his brother [Sidenote: Cheldrike commeth in aid of Colgrime.

  54. Nor halfe the benefites that commeth of me yt cannot be tolde nor resyted shortly Welth is the floure of althing earthly That you cannot denye.

  55. Thou speakest with a slaunderous tonge All of euyll wyll, and yet it is wronge welth in this realme hath bin longe Of me commeth great honour.

  56. I wold see th[=e] come in 780 Helth commeth in with a kercher on his head.

  57. I promise you I loue them ΒΆ Here commeth remedy in and to him saith +Welth.

  58. Sidenote: Duke Robert commeth into England to visit his brother.

  59. Thus it commeth often to passe, that those which receiue the greatest benefits, doo oftentimes soonest forget to be thankefull.

  60. From thence it commeth that the people of the East partes did breake and rent in peeces their garmentes when they had understanding of euil newes.

  61. From thence commeth the Latine prouerbe, that daunsers play the fooles, or wantons, but it is with measure.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.