Sidenote: 1490, or later] Right worshipfull cousine, in right harty wyse I commaundeme unto you.
And therfore he neuer ceased to crie, and to commaunde his seruants to driue them out of his doores.
Wallace commaunde a burgess for to get Fyne cawk eneuch, that his der nece mycht set On ilk yeit, quhar Sotheroun wer on raw.
A messynger the lord chargyt to wend; And this commaunde in wryt with him he send.
And whan the king had seen us everichoon, 295 He let commaunde an officer in hy To take our feith, and shew us, oon by oon, The statuts of the court full besily.
Swete husbande (quoth she), commaunde what ye wyll, and you shall fynde me obedyense in al thynges.
Alexander, to excuse his dede, sayde, he was warned by diuine monition to commaunde to slee the fyrste that he mette comynge out at that gate.
Trustye and welbeloved we greate yowe well we charge and commaunde yowe moste ernestlye to gyve order wth all spede for the defence & preservacõn of that or Cytie of London for us.
Wherefore I beseche you commaunde the Postes to deliuer me two good horse, and that you will sende worde to the porter that the gates may be opened.
Then turninge his face towards the mayden, sayd vnto her: "Is it true that thou art heere (or do I dreame) and so neare to him that most desireth to gratyfie thee in any thynge wherewyth it may please thee to commaunde him?
I humbly beseech ye (quoth hee) to deliuer her into mine armes whom ye haue promised to be my wife, and commaunde her to imbrace and kisse me.
Wherefore Madame, commaundemy Lorde my father to put me to what tormente you will, for the execution wherof you shall not finde him vnwilling.
Worchipfull Sirs, and my right trusty frendis, I commaunde me to you.
Yes dame, I will have you whether ye will or no, I commaunde you to love me, wherfore shoulde ye not?
But, fyrste, departe hence quyckly To the gentylman and all other sewters here And commaunde them all before us to appere.
This combate being ended, the Albanes became subiecte to the Romaines, and before Metius departed, he asked Tullus if hee would commaunde him any further seruice.
Wherefore I commaunde thee to come before me when I am at my campe.
Is he disposed to sende his factor beyonde the seas, about his affaires, let him first bidde him to peruse Andreuccio, and then commaunde him to beware of Madame Floredelice?
Whiche the other gratefully accepted, humblie praying that his Lordshyp would commaunde him and that he had, when he pleased, and to commaunde him as his very humble and obedient seruaunt.
It is true indeede that the holy scriptures do commaunde / that euerye soule shulde obeye the hygher poures / but so farr as by Godds word it is lawfull to obey / and no further.
And also we are commaunde to render vnto God his glorie franckly before men.
For when they shall commaunde that which is against Godd / and is hurtefull to the conscience of mã / these magistrates must not obey thẽ.
Whi the lorde did commaunde / that the Iues shuld differ from the gentils / not in circũcision only / but euen in their garments also?
Wherof the Emprour in the Code doth saye / that yf he shulde commaunde anye thinge agaynste righte / he wolde not that any suche decree of his shulde auayle in iudgementes.
The very same thinge is to be sayde / where a kinge or suche which do retayne the supreame auctoritie / do commaunde or determyne anye thynge againste right.
Cortes desired Mutezuma to goe vp into the sotie, which is the toppe of the flatte roufe of the house, and to commaunde his subiects to ceasse from their heate and furie.
And bicause that others should take example of their factes, he would commaunde them all to be slaine, willing him to take no care, for in short space they would sée ech other.
Cortez turned agayne to admonishe and require hym diuers tymes to leaue off his determination, and wylled Mutezuma to commaunde hym to accepte hys offer.
But he commaunded a certaine principal Gentleman of Mexico, who stoode there presente, that out of hande he should commaunde the market to be furnished as in time past.
Madame" (sayde the Scicilian) "yf I fayle in any thing which you commaunde mee, I praye to God neuer to receiue any fauor or grace of those Curtesies whych I craue.
Madame" (sayd the ouer wilful louer) "I take God to witnesse that of the thing which you shall commaunde I will not leaue one iote vndone, but it shall bee executed to the vttermost of your request and will.
Yes dame, I will haue you whether ye will or no, I commaunde you to loue me, wherfore shoulde ye not?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commaunde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.