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Example sentences for "adorn"

Lexicographically close words:
adorers; adores; adoreth; adoring; adoringly; adornd; adorne; adorned; adorneth; adorning
  1. Kings carry the bodies or relics of saints on their shoulders, and kiss bits of their bones, and enrich and adorn their oratories and favourite altars with them.

  2. Don Quixote, "and doth she not of a truth accompany and adorn this greatness with a thousand million charms of mind!

  3. The hall of many an earl lacks the bounty, the palace of many a prelate the piety and learning, which adorn the quiet Quaker’s home.

  4. Instead of an artificial fountain in its square, Quebec has this magnificent natural waterfall, to adorn one side of its harbor.

  5. I rubbed my eyes to be sure that I was in the Nineteenth Century, and was not entering one of those portals which sometimes adorn the frontispieces of new editions of old black-letter volumes.

  6. A number of exquisite flowers and shrubs adorn these plains, which rival any garden in beauty during the spring and summer months.

  7. The sailors had not forgotten a green bough or two to adorn the ship, and the bird-cage was soon as bowery as leaves could make it.

  8. In the middle ages, the Genoese had a great trade with Rabat, but this trade is now removed to Mogador, Many beautiful gardens and plantations adorn the suburbs, deserving even the name of "an earthly paradise.

  9. We knew just the pictures that must hang on the walls, the tone of the rugs that should lie on the floors, the style of the furniture that should stand in the rooms, the pattern of the silver that should adorn our table.

  10. The apostle enjoins upon women to adorn themselves with modest apparel.

  11. The apostle Paul, in the text quoted at the commencement of this letter, directs women to adorn themselves with modest apparel; and forbids the wearing of costly ornaments and jewelry.

  12. Hence, the apostle Peter exhorts women to adorn themselves with the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is, in the sight of God, of great price.

  13. But I was particularly diverted in a little Roman Catholic church which is permitted here, where the professors of that religion are not very rich, and consequently cannot adorn their images in so rich a manner as their neighbour.

  14. The poetical descriptions which adorn and illustrate his argument are like the sublime and beautiful scenes which refresh and reward the adventurous discoverer of distant lands.

  15. With infinitely less accomplishment and less variety, the older writers show signs of a robuster life and a more vigorous understanding than some at least of those who adorn the Augustan era.

  16. Numerous pennons and streamers adorn each ship, some bearing a fleur-de-lys, and others a cross.

  17. Nibbs, in a most exquisite painting which is placed amongst the local works of art that adorn the Borough Council Chamber, at the Town Hall.

  18. His noble presence, his courtly manner, and the dignity which he observed on all ceremonial occasions, would have qualified him to adorn the court of Maria Theresa or Louis Quatorze.

  19. At this Watts continued to work till the year of his death, though he parted with the first version in response to Lord Grey's appeal when it was wanted to adorn the monument to Cecil Rhodes.

  20. As in the other arts, his lifelong friend Burne-Jones was called in to supply figure drawings for the illustrated books which Morris was himself to adorn with decorative borders and initials.

  21. A headband, sometimes of gold, keeps his long hair in place, and for very special events he may adorn each hair with a golden bead (pp.

  22. Ornaments of gold adorn the ears, and finger rings of the same metal are several times mentioned (pp.

  23. Silks, linens, or other suitable materials would be necessary to adorn his person, and to furnish and beautify his mansions.

  24. Is it possible that, after the scientific conversation we have had, your majesty should select the least of the qualities which adorn your life guardsmen for remark?

  25. It was a delightful episode, which chance had willed should adorn the entertainment I had invented.

  26. A man abandoned by himself on a desert island would adorn neither his hut nor his person; nor would he seek for flowers, still less would he plant them, in order to adorn himself therewith.

  27. We could adorn a figure with all kinds of spirals and light but regular lines, as the New Zealanders do with their tattooing, if only it were not the figure of a human being.

  28. A golden age of literature and poetry served now to adorn the general peace, which the mighty Augustus had conferred on the conquered world.

  29. Several twining species of Mikania adorn the forests of Shoa; two fructiferous Cacaliae, full of a balsamic sap, and one Klenia, exhibit the brightest scarlet in the jungles of Efat.

  30. On no foreigner who had yet visited the Christian land had this mark of distinction been conferred, but the despot now suddenly resolved that the fluted tulip scabbard should adorn his English guests.

  31. These are the latest and loveliest of the flowers that adorn this tract of land.

  32. I perish, with my glittering star, The laurels that adorn my brow-- My laurels are surrender'd now.

  33. Ten stately trees adorn the isle, The house, a crazy, tottering pile, Where once the doctor plied his trade On feverish tars and rakes decayed.

  34. They did have remarkable taste in dressing, for they had a form to dress and a face to adorn that dress.

  35. They were also to adorn their persons duly.

  36. Similarly, diverse other species of animals inhabiting the woods, contribute to adorn thee.

  37. The silken robes they wear, the excellent ornaments that adorn their persons, the animals and vehicles they ride, and the seats they use are all the result of their penances.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adorn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adorn; array; beautify; become; bedeck; blazon; color; deck; decorate; dignify; distinguish; dizen; drape; dress; elaborate; embellish; emblazon; embroider; enhance; enrich; flatter; flourish; furbish; garnish; gild; grace; honor; illuminate; illustrate; involve; ornament; overcharge; overlay; overload; paint; prank; preen; signalize; spangle; trim; varnish