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Example sentences for "dishonours"

Lexicographically close words:
dishonourable; dishonourably; dishonoured; dishonoureth; dishonouring; dishpan; dishwasher; dishwashing; dishwater; disillusion
  1. Now, this no more dishonours you at all Than to take in a town with gentle words, Which else would put you to your fortune and The hazard of much blood.

  2. He said that bravest men might dread the dishonours of the scaffold.

  3. You speak of what you know not: the most valiant heart that ever beat might yet shrink from the shame and dishonours of the scaffold.

  4. These stirrings of native gallantry, this brave thirst of honourable distinction, go far to redeem him from the rank dishonours of his conduct, as showing that he is not without some strong and noble elements of manhood.

  5. This mixture dishonours and annihilates it.

  6. However, they have kept at the cost of their life this very book which dishonours them in so many ways.

  7. But we must remember that our citizenship is in heaven, and it seems to me that any departure from the laws of the King of that country dishonours us, and even dishonours the earthly country which we call our own.

  8. Did I not take him preaching to the Souldier[s] How lazily they liv'd, and what dishonours It was to serve a Prince so full of woman?

  9. This suit," said the honest lady, "dishonours Fermer.

  10. I don't know that there is any penalty in the statute book which dishonours the culprit; that would be tyrannical, and we would not bear it.

  11. For the moment, forgetting Jehovah the merciful, Moses will himself act God; and he misrepresents God, dishonours God, as every one who forgets Him is sure to do.

  12. He will at all events do the messengers the honour of seeking another oracle for their sakes, though he dishonours the name of God from whom he seeks it.

  13. Virtue is free, and as a man honours or dishonours her he will have more or less of her.

  14. Virtue is free, and as a man honours or dishonours her he will have more or less of her; the responsibility is with the chooser--God is justified.

  15. The idea of representation is modern; it comes to us from feudal government, from that iniquitous and absurd system which degrades humanity and dishonours the name of man.

  16. Hence every prince who despises his subjects, dishonours himself, in confessing that he does not know how to make them worthy of respect.

  17. If, having such funds in his hands, the banker dishonours a cheque, he is liable to the customer in substantial damages without proof of actual injury having accrued (Rolin v.

  18. And yet, Pausanias, yet you know that all other love dishonours the virgin even of Byzantium.

  19. The inscription that dishonours him by its vainglory will be erased.

  20. On the other hand, he who has ordered any work and does not pay the workman according to agreement, dishonours Zeus and Athene, and breaks the bonds of society.

  21. Ah, worthy choice; not one of all your train Which censures blast not, or dishonours stain.

  22. He who does not honour his wife, dishonours himself.

  23. It is wrong for a wife to remain with a man who so dishonours her.

  24. And yet, which is the worst, I wonder, to be at the mercy of a man who loves one, or the wife of a man who in one's own house dishonours one?

  25. The worship of images dishonours God, even if it be His semblance that they claim.

  26. But how much sorer woe to the son who dishonours his earthly parent, and in so doing slays within himself the very principle of obedience to the Father of spirits!

  27. Who dishonours my friend dishonours me," he said.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dishonours" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.