It is reported by the Civil Governor that in several places in Luzon there have gathered numbers of dishonourably discharged men from the army who are a hindrance to progress and good order.
The Division Commander desires that in future no dishonourably discharged soldiers be allowed to remain in the Islands, where their presence is very undesirable.
I thought you'd think I'd acted dishonourably in--in following her like this.
Do you fall out with another because he hath spoken dishonourably or slightly of you, or slandered you, or some way done you wrong?
Had our duke been cast upon the shores of England as Harold has been cast upon that of Ponthieu, I think that he would not have been so dishonourably treated by one of the English thanes as Harold has been by Count Conrad.
Krogstad has acted dishonourably and thereby become well-to-do; now his prosperity does not help him, he cannot recover his honour.
Miss Freeze had been expelleddishonourably from the midst of her companions.
On the girl's return to the agency nothing was said, no action taken, but for all that she was none the less expelled dishonourably from the midst of her companions.
My brother is no more likely to act dishonourably than myself," she answered, and again it was her race rather than Miles that she defended.
There are dishonourable men who act honourably out of caution, and honourable men who act dishonourably out of rashness.
I must break my pledged word, or I must behave dishonourably to you--which shall it be?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dishonourably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.