Puerto Cabello, there being neither waving of hats or handkerchiefs, or regrets on either side, we shaped our course to the eastward, and put our ship under a full head of steam.
Sumter, the axe descends upon the fast, the engineer's lever is turned, and the ship bounds forward, under a full headof steam.
I chose the most southern route, and giving my ship a full head of steam, we passed out, without so much as getting a glimpse of the San Jacinto!
Half an hour later, when the night crew came to swing it for the 1016, blowing hard from a full head of steam and ready to go out and couple on to No.
But Farragut, seeing that she still floated, called for a full head of steam that he might deliver a blow that was likely to send his own ship to the bottom.
Under a full head of steam, the Albemarle rammed her iron beak clean into the fire room of the Southfield.
All the time, under a full head of steam, Winslow was rushing toward his enemy for the death grapple.
Each of the warships had a harbor pilot on board and proceeded under a full head of steam for the passage between the capes, which were passed a little after seven o'clock in the evening.
All were under a full head of steam, and the thick smoke shot up in heavy clouds from every funnel.
With a full head of steam the noble Oregon reached a position between Commodore Schley's flagship and the Texas, and every vessel in the line belched forth its messengers of death and destruction.
The pursuers spurred fiercely toward him, and then Frank shouted: “A full head of steam.
No time was to be lost if they would scoop the little band of pursuers before the helpless captain could be reached, so on went a full head of steam.
Frank had just decided to put on a full head of steam in order to make a final effort, when his cousin hailed him with a signal whistle.
A man, not knowing I was in that position, hoisted the gate and turned upon the wheel a full head of water.
When the Irishman and Yankee had fairly ensconced themselves on their perch, the latter looked carefully round to make sure that no one was in the way, and then he tuned the valve, which let on a full head of steam.
The trapper did not perceive him until he had approached quite close, when they again put on a full head of steam, and they went bounding forward at a rate which threatened to tear them to pieces.
The steam man advanced at a rate which was quite moderate, until within a quarter of a mile of the astonished train, when the boy let on a full head of steam and instantly bounded forward like a meteor.
They had just passed three freight trains headed in the opposite direction, and now here was a pursuing locomotive coming after them at full speed, and with a full head of steam on.
If a pursuing locomotive had sprung out of the ground at their feet with a full head of steam on, they could not have been more astonished.
The soldiers loitering about the station laughed and cheered at the queer spectacle of a conductor giving chase on foot to his locomotive which, with a part of his train, was running away under a full head of steam.
Captain Fuller saw the bent rail, but he had also seen the game, and he allowed his engine to be driven over it under a full head of steam.
But now the other Confederate came bearing down under a full head of steam, and crashed into the "Lane.
A minute later two frightened men were driven at the point of a revolver from the cab of a freight locomotive that, under a full head of steam, was standing on the outer one of the two west-bound tracks.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "full head" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.