Mrs Alleyne, with a reproachful look, as Oldroyd rose.
A strange thing happened: the Goose Man took the gigantic arm of the Olympian, put his mouth to his beefy ear, and, with a sad and reproachful look on his face, whispered something to him.
When he looked up he felt he saw two sombre figures standing on the edge of the forest; he felt he saw the two sisters, and that they were casting mournful, reproachful glances at him.
Clagny, in a reproachful tone, "is he being taught to read already?
Turning round on her high heels, Denyse glided off again to the other end of the long room, where she was greeted by Pierrot with reproachful words.
Casting one steady, reproachful look at the angry girl, Grace left the room in silence.
If I had failed in my examinations neither Father nor Mother would have said one reproachful word," said Grace.
At midnight his sister found him and her glance was reproachful at first, but when she saw how truly weary he looked she rebuked herself for having kept him up late so soon after his illness.
This was said teasingly, but it was answered by a reproachful expression in the clear hazel eyes of the girl.
They all joined with Washington in his mirth, and in the midst of their hilarity the cabin door opened and Suarez, with a reproachful expression, looked in at O'Connor and waited for the noise to subside.
I told you we were ready for sea, sir," said Suarez, in a reproachful tone.
But his rosy face became rosier when he met the horrified and sternly reproachful stare of Elspie's keen blue eyes as she turned round--a whole volume of sermons expressed in her "Eh, sir?
He did not repulse her; he even looked down upon her with a melting, half-reproachful tendernes.
That fixed gaze of the unconscious child seemed like the reproachful look of some angel of innocence sent from a purer world.
The quick, reproachful glance of Harold sought his mother's face; and shortly afterwards he re-entered his study.
She saw it there, and her proud spirit rose; she poured on me a torrent of reproachful words.
Nothing abashed by the reproachful looks cast upon him, John walked straight to the bed and demanded, in the most ordinary tone: "Where you hurt, neighbor?
But Jessica saw first the abject attitude of the collie, Keno, who came reluctantly to greet them with down-hanging head and tail and a reproachful upward glance of his brown eyes.
Informed of his missed chances by a deferentially reproachful Henry, Arthur was impenitent.
She showed an affectionate but ratherreproachful anxiety about him--about his life, his doings, and his ways of thought.
He read a reproachful question in her glance, and fidgeted under it.
Dora gave me a reproachful look--the prettiest look!
I entreated her to tell Dora, if Dora were in a state to hear it, that he had spoken to me with the utmost kindness and consideration; and had coupled nothing but tenderness, not a single or reproachful word, with her name.
A half-reproachful fancy came into my mind, that he had been working at the Dictionary without my help.
Littimer was in my room in the morning before I was up, to bring me that reproachful shaving-water, and to put out my clothes.
You come upon me,' he said, almost angrily, 'like a reproachful ghost!
Why should our dear, gentle mother, have such sad, self-reproachful thoughts, and feel as if she and our family were under a curse?
The tone of his preaching has often lately been reproachful and sad.
I fancy I see her kind blue eyes filling with reproachful tears.
Luther's preaching has often beenreproachful and full of warning.
A passionate flood of self-reproachful love was on his lips.
Lady Helen with a reproachful look made a step forward, but he caught her arm.
Simply a pair of reproachful eyes, a pale protesting face.
Diana, turning reproachful eyes on that panting specimen of the canine race.
Here Wendy fixed a reproachful gaze on Geraldine, who coloured slightly.
And Charity, with her fine strong sense and her mild, yet not reproachful gravity, was so well named, and did so well set off and illustrate her sister!
He could not bear to view reflected in them, the reproachful and irrevocable Past.
Who would not rather have to fan him, in his dying hour, the lightest feather of a falsehood such as thine, than all the quills that have been plucked from the sharp porcupine, reproachful truth, since time began!
After a reproachfultalk with Bubna, on May 17th, he wrote two letters to the Emperor Francis.
She flows before the reproachful sage And begs her woman's heritage.
Your mind lingers apart from our love, my Romola," Tito said, with a soft reproachful murmur.
I have not had one," said Tito, in his gentle reproachful tone, which gave him an air of dependence very charming in a creature with those rare gifts that seem to excuse presumption.
But I depended on the garden to help me out," said she, giving a reproachfulglance at the soggy grass and dripping trees.
Fanny did not reply at once, and when she did, her voice was almost inaudible, but much more reproachful than plaintive.
Perhaps you'd like to begin without them," is Mrs. Snagsby's reproachful remark.
They brought her flowers every morning, and a reproachful look was the severest punishment known in the schoolroom.
Paul Wyndham turned away from that reproachful face, with a dark shadow on his own.
Reproachful astonishment paints itself on the face of Lafayette; speaks itself from his eloquent chivalrous lips: in vain.