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Example sentences for "challenging"

Lexicographically close words:
challengeing; challenger; challengers; challenges; challengeth; challengingly; chalmer; chaloupe; chals; chalybeate
  1. It is very imprudent to criticise others when you are yourself on the point of challenging criticism.

  2. The knight lightly sprang from the falling charger and drew his sword, boldly challenging Tristram to meet him on foot.

  3. In challenging the idea of truth, the pragmatist raises the no less important question of the nature of error.

  4. Bertrand borrowed a horse and arms of his cousin and presented himself in the lists, challenging the first esquire who would break a lance with him.

  5. Hostilities began by the Bastard de Foix dressed as St. George, riding up to the walls and challenging any knight to come out and break a lance with him in honour of the ladies.

  6. Yet there was not a word in the letter that might not have been read on the house-tops--not a trace in it of her old alluring, challenging self.

  7. She arched her brows in challenging scrutiny of Bouchard, while her eyes twinkled at the prospect of adventure.

  8. He received it as a mastiff would receive a bite from a pup, and she stood her ground, her eyes challenging his fearlessly.

  9. Her eyes were two continuing and challenging flames.

  10. Entering the cut, he was halted by the challenging cry of "Who goes there?

  11. But then she had not seen these things; she had not observed these thousand graces and beauties of form and shadow which now seemed to crowd around, challenging her regard and demanding her sympathies.

  12. He was in a condition of mental unrest, undefined but acute; odds and ends of curious thought kicked about within him, challenging him to follow them down to unexplored depths.

  13. And Klinker's question had been an acute one, challenging the immediate value of social science itself.

  14. He cast a half smiling, half challenging glance at Marjorie.

  15. Everything about her shimmered and glimmered softly, as if her dress had been woven out of candle-beams; and she carried her head high, like a pretty woman challenging a roomful of rivals.

  16. He held his head well up like a soldier, challenging nothing, fearing nothing.

  17. She snatched the letter from Barclay's hands and made her exit with what sounded like the challenging snort of an old war-horse.

  18. Her face was settled in wrinkles of challenging tenacity, but she never moved and never changed her expression.

  19. A cheap laugh may thus be obtained by challenging a stranger to count these balls accurately; for the missing cantle, being turned towards the river, is quite invisible from the bridge itself.

  20. These two boats used to row along, challenging each other, by sound of bugle, to extempore bursts of racing.

  21. It seemed to Banneker that he himself stood forth in a stark nakedness of soul and thought, through those blatantly assertive words, shameless, challenging to public opinion, yet delightful to his own appreciation.

  22. That puts the case irrefutably," said the young clergyman, with a challenging glance towards the one-legged man.

  23. Arms enlacing one another, we walked the floor in silence, slowly passing from her chamber into mine, and back again, heads erect, challenging that Destiny whose shadowy visage we could now gaze on unafraid.

  24. Her challenging eyes, big and wistful, fanned his chivalry into reckless flame.

  25. From the rocks to the eastward voices answered them, challenging wildly.

  26. Mrs. Belfield carried her husband off indoors; Wellgood went with them, challenging his host to a game of bezique; Harry invited Vivien to a stroll; Isobel Vintry and Andy were left together.

  27. Wellgood sore over his two pounds, Isobel dissatisfied with fate but challenging it, sat silent.

  28. I'm ready to learn my lesson," he assured her, with a challenging gleam in his eye.

  29. I never do it with pedigreed stock," he assured her with a solemnity belied by the challenging twinkle in his eyes.

  30. Oh Joy him say call new boy--" He hesitated and stared at his master with a challenging glint of eye.

  31. Aaron was challenging a little later; while Paula glanced significantly to Graham.

  32. But the devil of speech was in Dick Forrest's tongue, and before Graham could murmur a reply to Paula, Dick was challenging him for data on the subject from the South American tribes among which he had traveled.

  33. From that distant fire there came the challenging howl of a dog, and instantly it was taken up by a score of fierce tongues about them.

  34. He sprang from the rock and went down to the shore of the lake, scanning its surface with eager, challenging eyes.

  35. Claire began an introduction, but Mrs. Richards cut in with her odd, challenging way.

  36. An immediate notable increase in the number of pioneers, particularly for the newly-opened transatlantic field of service, is the supreme necessity of this challenging hour.

  37. I appeal to the New World champions of the New World Order of Bahá’u’lláh to stand fast at this tragic hour in the fortunes of mankind and the challenging state of the evolution of the Faith.

  38. Assumptions made by the Platonic Sokrates, questionable, such as the real Sokrates would have found reason for challenging 188 Peculiar theory about friendship broached by Sokrates.

  39. Polus now interferes and takes up the conversation: challenging Sokrates to furnish what he thinks the proper definition of Rhetoric.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "challenging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alluring; arrogant; audacious; bold; brash; brassy; brazen; bumptious; challenging; cheeky; contemptuous; daring; defiant; derisive; disdainful; disregardful; encouraging; energizing; exciting; formidable; galvanic; impertinent; impudent; insolent; inviting; pert; piquant; provocative; provoking; rousing; saucy; stiff; stimulating; stirring