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Example sentences for "depriued"

Lexicographically close words:
depression; depressions; depressive; depressor; depriue; deprivation; deprivations; deprive; deprived; deprives
  1. Not long after this, king William depriued Edgar Etheling of his honor, which duke Robert had assigned vnto him, banishing him out of Normandie for euer.

  2. For suerlie he knew that to be the daie, in the which it should be decided and determined whether he should peaceablie obteine and inioy his kingdome during his life, or else vtterlie forgo and be depriued of the same.

  3. Now, for that he still defended his cause, and would not reuolt from his will, Offa depriued him of all his possessions & reuenues that he held or inioied within anie part of his dominions.

  4. After this Guthrid or Gurmo his sonne Sithrike succeeded, and after him other of that line, till king Adelstane depriued them of the dominion, and tooke it into his owne hands.

  5. And therefore is depriued of his kingdome, bound in fetters, and carried captiue vnto Babel, 2.

  6. But it was not =Dauids= meaning that hee should goe into a place where he should bee depriued of the sight of God for euer.

  7. And that is the passage, that the Queen of Amazoine makethe to ben kept.

  8. It hath towards the Sea a free port, the awfull king of that Iland is in Colombo, and is turned Christian, and maintained by the king of Portugall, being depriued of his kingdome.

  9. Britains in fine depriued him of all kinglie honour, after that he had reigned 16 yéeres, and in his steed crowned his sonne Vortimer.

  10. Sidenote: The archbishop of Yorke depriued of his crosse.

  11. It was also ordeined at this parlement, that the wealthiest citizens of London should be cast into prison, and that the citie should be depriued of hir liberties.

  12. Guy de Rochford a Poictouin, to whom about two yeares before the king had giuen the castell of Rochester, was now banished the realme, and depriued of all that he held in this land.

  13. He complained vnto him, that a subiect of his was risen against him, and depriued him of his tribute, requesting his aide against him, for he meant to seeke him in his countrie, and to punish him according to his desert.

  14. In the ende many of our people fell sicke of a certaine disease in their legges, reynes, and stomacke, so that they seemed to bee depriued of all their lymmes, and there dyed thereof about fiftie.

  15. Besides that, they are taken for the most warlike men of all that countrey, as they made good proofe when the king of Calos, hauing made alliance with Oathcaqua, was depriued of Oathcaquaes daughter, which he had promised to him in mariage.

  16. By whose aduise was a great councell called at Greenewich, where the duke of Yorke was discharged of his protectorship, & the earle of Salisburie depriued also of his office.

  17. Thus farre the tragicall historie of Henrie the sixt depriued of his roialtie.

  18. After this, he was depriued of his bishoprike, hauing a certeine pension assigned vnto him for to liue on in an abbeie, and soone after died.

  19. Candaules king of Lidia, shewing the secretes of his wyues beautie to Gyges, one of his guarde: was by counsaile of his wife, slaine by the said Gyges, and depriued of his kingdome.

  20. He ordeined that counterfeitures of money should loose both their eyes, and be depriued of their priuie parts.

  21. Yorke; for which cause the King depriued him of all his goods, and banished him out of the Realme.

  22. If a man had oppressed any woman, he was depriued of his priuie parts.

  23. Hereupon he sued to Pope Victor, and obteined of him a dispensation: and afterwards so wrought, that by a prouinciall Councell his vncle Mauger was depriued of his dignitie.

  24. For so when Iacob[32] depriued his eldest sonne Reuben of his priuiledge of birth, he expressed the cause, For that he had defiled his fathers bed; which fact of his Hierome applieth to the case in question.

  25. And because he refused to acknowledge obedience to the See of Canterbury, hee could not haue his Consecration, but was depriued of his dignitie by the King.

  26. In the meane time the Kyng depriued Rustanus of all his offices, and promotions, and tooke away from him the priuy Signet whereof he had the keeping, and deliuered it to Achmat Bascha.

  27. Thus rested she alone ful of sutch heauinesse and vexation as they can think which see themselues depriued of things that they esteeme most dere.

  28. For the which his inordinate dooings, his nobles conspired against him, and finallie depriued him of all his honor and kinglie dignitie, after he had reigned about the space of one yeare.

  29. The lamentable distresse and pitifull perplexitie of the Britains after their ouerthrow, Domitian enuieth Agricola the glorie of his victories, he is subtilie depriued of his deputiship, and Cneus Trebellius surrogated in his roome.

  30. It is pittie posteritie shoulde bee depriued of such precious recordes, and yet there is no remedie, and yet there is to, for when all fayles, welfare a good memorie.

  31. For, what ciuill countrey hath euer suffered themselues to be conquered so few men as they were; to be depriued of their naturall King, and to be tyrannized ouer thus long, but they?

  32. The lamentable distresse and pitifull perplexitie of the Britains after their ouerthrow, Domitian enuieth Agricola the glorie of his victories, he is subtilie depriued of his deputiship, and Cneus Trebellius surrogated in his roome.

  33. Flemings, and Frenchmen abroad, it was thought most expedient, that the spiritualtie should be depriued of their temporall possessions, to the reliefe of the kings necessitie.

  34. Finallie, to auoid further inconuenience, and to qualifie the minds of the enuious, [Sidenote: Dukes and others depriued of their titles.

  35. Secondlie, that he should assist them against the said duke of Burgognie and his fautors; to recouer againe their goods, which by occasion of the said duke and his fréends they had lost and béene depriued of.

  36. To be short euery science is so necessary, as the same taken away, reason is depriued and the Life of Man (of due order and gouernment) defrauded.

  37. In which imprisonment shee was not depriued from the companie of her gouernesse, by whose meanes she let the Bastarde vnderstande all her fortune, and she likewise vnderstode what he thought best for her to doe.

  38. If not to see me depriued of your grace, expelled from your Court, and cast headlonge into the gulfe of death extreme?

  39. That such preests as would forgo seruing at the altar, and holie order (to remaine with their wiues) should be depriued of their benefices, and not suffered to come within the quire.

  40. Prouided that such archdeacons or deanes as refused this oth, should be depriued of their roomes.

  41. King Henrie being thus depriued of issue to succeed him, did not a little lament that infortunate chance: but yet to restore that losse, shortlie after, euen the 10.

  42. This Gerard therefore obeieng his commandement, did consecrate them all, William Gifford bishop of Winchester excepted; who refused to be consecrated at his hands, wherevpon he was depriued and banished the relme.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "depriued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.