Do you not them not depriue of heritage, That giue them vp to aduersaries handes, A man forsaken fearing to forsake, Whome such huge numbers hold enuironned?
I will not any longer delaie the time, but depriue my selfe of the decemuirate.
Neuerthelesse, pouertie doth not depriue anye parte of nobilitie, but riches hath.
Doest thou pretende (throughe thine owne misfortune so rooted in thy harte by liuinge in these wildernesse) to depriue thy sonne of the honor, which the heauens and his good fortune haue prepared for him?
A fetch soe foule as to report I shame, Euen to depriue the life I lately gave, And shed the bloud I would have dyed to save.
But this naturall affection towarde our most deare of-spring is plainely seene in the heathen themselues: that whomsoeuer you totally depriue of this, you denie them also to bee men.
Sidenote: The imaginations of the duke of Buckingham to depriue K.
But the Viceroy saith that he hath a warrant from his Maiestie, that if any Iudge whatsoeuer dwelling in that kingdome of Guadalajara should mary any sonne in that iurisdiction, that then the said Viceroy is to depriue him of his office.
And therefore he went about to depriuethe Iudge and the kings Attourney of their offices.
By assistance of these the King purposed to depriue Anselme, and to expell him out of the Realme.
Thou Nature art my Goddesse, to thy Law My seruices are bound, wherefore should I Stand in the plague of custome, and permit The curiosity of Nations, to depriue me?
Or to the dreadfull Sonnet of the Cliffe, That beetles o're his base into the Sea, And there assumes some other horrible forme, Which might depriue your Soueraignty of Reason, And draw you into madnesse thinke of it?
After the expulsion of the bishop of Durham, and other of his adherents, the king passed ouer into Normandie, purposing to depriue his brother of that dukedome, and being arriued there, he besieged and tooke S.
I could not chuse but manifest this desire in writing, lest it should please God to depriue me of time to speake.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "depriue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.