I can't forget that I'm bereft Of all the pleasant sights they see, Which the Piper also promised me.
With the greedy imagination of the sensualist he saw himself living in some cheap foreign town, Bruges perhaps, or Brussels, upon his wife's small income, bereft alike of work and pleasure.
The mob, who were swiftly bereft of the luxuries which kept them in good-humour, were turning on the antichristian party now.
Followed a solo dance by Ravinski in which he gave full vent to the anguish of the bereft lover, while now and again the swan swam statelily by him.
Wherever she comes, the place should be the happier for her coming--not bereft by it.
He that was cast naked upon the shore, bereft of all his companions, has now a goddess to attend upon him, and his companions are the nymphs which never die.
Bereft of her that was his only care, Dorus resign'd his soul to wild despair; Resolv'd to leave the land that gave him birth, And seek fair Claribel throughout the earth.
Bereft of reason, they made the liquid echoes of the river ring with wild cries of mortal terror.
I was so overcome by my feelings that I was almost bereft of my faculties, and would not for worlds have spoken after my first exclamation till I found some relief in a gush of tears.
But whithersoever I went this damned Barber would go in after me, crying aloud, "They would have bereft me of my master!
And although Mohammed severely censured profane poets, who "rove as bereft of their senses through every valley" and were directly inspired by devils (Koran xxvi.
Her tones were even, bereft of every vestige of hope.
There was something emblematical in the misfortune which had bereft the picture of its setting.
Mr. Flint looked up from his desk, and his face, previouslybereft of illumination, lighted when he saw his daughter.
Still they stood irresolute, their minds now bereft of expedients.
His anger had not cooled, his eyes still flamed, but he suddenly found himself bereftof speech.
As for me, I was bereft of speech, not knowing what to say or how far to go.
I came to my wits with an immoderate feeling of faintness and sickness, with no more remembrance of things past than has a man bereft of reason.
Her great love had bereft her of her senses, for had the least grain of sanity remained to her she might have known that the thing they attempted was impossible of accomplishment.
I had stood bereft of speech, watching the scene breathlessly.
Bereft of the strength which was given To use for our good or our bane, Shall yearnings vain, impotent, endless, Be ours with their burden of pain?
There was such a thing as momentary insanity, in which the person, otherwise rational to all appearances, was for the time actually bereft of reason, and not responsible for his acts.
If he, seeks his daughter, it is the purposeless search of a lunatic, as one who wanders bereft of reason, crying where is my child?
This, then, is the sum of all my good fortune, that when life opens fairly for me, it shall be bereft of all that I care for!
Do you think that all my hard, bad experience of life has left me so bereft of feeling!
My memory, my mental powers, and my likes and dislikes all remained to me, though I was bereft of the power of articulated speech.
Then I departed from him in grief and mourning lest I should perchance be bereft of my wife.
Great the heir's gratitude, so nigh bereft Of all he prized in this world: sweet the smile Of disconcerted rivals: "Cure?
Yet still, bereftof friends, thy fate Is--blow with blow to expiate!
I can't forget that I 'm bereft Of all the pleasant sights they see, Which the Piper also promised me.
The joy which Mrs Miller now felt bereft her of the power of speech, and might perhaps have deprived her of her senses, if not of life, had not a friendly shower of tears come seasonably to her relief.
His young friend Blaise was laughing and crying and hugging the man fastened to the door as though quite bereft of his senses.
Temporarily bereft of speech in the presence of the Twinkle Twins and their distinguished relative, Iggy rallied to the cause of his beloved Brother.
Bath swarmed with detrimentals, and there was a risk of a pretty girl, bereft of a mother's watchful care, being snapped up by one of them.
Cold, cold is his earth dwelling, Care sits on his brow; Joyless his dark abode, Bereft is he now.
The heroine is not an impossible character but only a pure, winsome, earnest girl, who at fourteen years of age is suddenly bereft of fortune and father and becomes the chief support of a semi-invalid mother.
But God doeth all things well, and it may be that I am bereft of kin that I may the more readily give myself to the service of Heaven.
Any one, who has read the misanthropic wailings of Lord Byron, has seen the necessary result of great and noble powers bereft of their appropriate exercise, and, in consequence, becoming sources of the keenest suffering.
Quailing under the lash of her glance, bereft of his presence of mind, he caught at any chance for self-justification.
If the thought of allowing myself to bebereft of you has occurred to me, you understand for whose good I gave it a moment's entertainment.
If I am bereft of my two children, I am bereft indeed.
His eyes, longbereft of sleep, closed of themselves at last, and he threw himself upon his bed.
Such is man, the noblest work of God, when bereft of reason to guide and direct him.
He saw that the mere sale of drawings would be a savorless success, if it bereft him of this plain-speaking but just friend.
The assertion that New York was empty bereft him, indeed, of even his slender power of assent.