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Example sentences for "unharnessing"

Lexicographically close words:
unharassed; unharmed; unharmonious; unharness; unharnessed; unhatched; unhealed; unhealthful; unhealthfulness; unhealthiness
  1. The grooms were unharnessing the leaders, that were still bathed in the white of their sweat.

  2. Of unharnessing a man, please your Honor!

  3. My offense, if offense it is, was caused by the necessity which was imposed upon me of unharnessing a man.

  4. The doctor would have helped her, but she took the lamp from his hand, replaced it in its socket and set about unharnessing without further to-do, coaxing Dapple the while to stand steady.

  5. Harnett said no more then, but busied himself in caring for the animals by unharnessing and feeding them.

  6. They are unharnessing the horses," he cried, in a tone of disappointment; for he had almost persuaded himself that they would leave the place at once.

  7. At the back door she found Caleb unharnessing the horse.

  8. Then she went out, and, deftly unharnessing the horse, put him in her little shed, and gave him a feed of oats.

  9. He resumed his work of unharnessing the horse, leading it away, as soon as it was clear of the shafts, to a lean-to shed at the side of the hut where he hung up the harness and turned the horse free.

  10. He climbed out of the buggy and began unharnessing the horse.

  11. Peek & Wallis, ably demonstrated her ability to manage a horse by unharnessing this very animal and leading it into the stable.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unharnessing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.