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Example sentences for "deliberative"

Lexicographically close words:
deliberates; deliberating; deliberation; deliberatione; deliberations; delicacies; delicacy; delicat; delicate; delicately
  1. Agreeably to this definition, every law passed by a deliberative body is an act of sovereignty as to the subject to which it relates.

  2. On the other hand I assert, that if this amendment does not pass, this will be the only deliberative body in the world, pretending to be free, in which it is in the power of a majority to force a decision, without any deliberation.

  3. He had no objection to a moderate increase of the number of members; if they amounted to so many that one side of the House could not hear the other side speak, debate was at end, and the purposes of deliberative legislation defeated.

  4. It has been asserted, that "if this amendment passes, this will be the only deliberative body in the world which cannot stop debate.

  5. I readily admit the motive of deliberative bodies cannot always be known.

  6. It was some time before the new deliberative body exercised all the powers which had belonged to its predecessor, the Grand Council.

  7. It was, for instance, the custom of the reeve and four best men of each township to attend the county court; but there was no such body as a representative national deliberative body in existence.

  8. Because it destroys the character of this body as a deliberative assembly: a right to deliberate and discuss measures being no longer in Congress, but with the majority only.

  9. The deliberative power of the body had nothing to do with it.

  10. One organ or one vehicle will be no more competent to serve a deliberative ecclesiastical body, diverse in its components, than one organ or vehicle will be able to serve a deliberative political body broken into factions.

  11. The voice of the Free Church--that by which she condemns or approves--can be emitted through but her deliberative courts, and recorded in but the decisions of her solemn Assemblies.

  12. Mr. Clay was confessedly the best presiding officer that any deliberative body in America has ever known, and none was ever more severely tried.

  13. In spite of universal suffrage and deliberative assemblies, despotism increased and was strengthened.

  14. I look upon it as a sort of Providential favor, by which we are put once more in possession of our deliberative capacity, upon a business so very questionable in its nature, so very uncertain in its issue.

  15. But in truth this scheme of reconciling a direction really and truly deliberative with an office really and substantially controlling is a sort of machinery that can be kept in order but a very short time.

  16. Hence, in the finest specimens of his political orations, his Catilinarians and Philippics, we look in vain for the calm, practical weighing of the subject which is necessary in addressing a deliberative assembly.

  17. While the legal and political constitution of the Roman people gave direct encouragement to deliberative and judicial oratory, respect for the illustrious dead furnished opportunities for panegyric.

  18. One great tap-root of our national increase has been the growth of self-government, or government by deliberative bodies, representing opposed principles and conflicting interests.

  19. It was very interesting and, unlike the enormous assemblages since of twelve or fifteen thousand people at Chicago and elsewhere, was a really deliberative body.

  20. From time to time the convention ceased entirely to be a deliberative body.

  21. I had not, as may be supposed, a deliberative voice; but I am bound to declare that.

  22. Here it is the dictatorship, or the absolute and monstrous usurpation of power, rather than the form of the deliberative assembly, which is the true cause of the display of energy.

  23. An assembly or council having the highest deliberative and legislative functions.

  24. Glancing once more triumphantly round the circle, who sat smoking their pipes in calm and deliberative silence, the latter now observed the eye of a young chief, who sat opposite to him, intently riveted on his left shoulder.

  25. They did not, however, develop any vigorous life of their own, and have not had corporate solidity enough to maintain separate deliberative bodies.

  26. Although the divisions did not prove important from a deliberative point of view, they have had a very distinct value for administrative purposes, and have been distinctly convenient as districts for the spread of Conservative doctrines.

  27. This is true as a general rule; but there are times, and they are not infrequent, when the House is anything else than a sedate and deliberative body of men.

  28. The popular opinion is that it is a calm and deliberative body.

  29. As a necessary consequence, a deliberative council is a poor director of the operations of a campaign.

  30. Thus it is not as a deliberative body that the cardinals take part in the government.

  31. The first set of wheels in this complicated machine is composed of the twenty-three Congregations, a kind of executive and deliberative committees, consisting of cardinals and prelates, and first used by Sixtus V.

  32. Although nominally the council of the Pope, the consistory or official assembly of the cardinals has few of the characteristics of a deliberative body.

  33. This body possesses several obvious advantages over any other deliberative assembly now existing.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deliberative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    advisory; bicameral; cognitive; conceptual; introspective; lawmaking; legislative; meditative; mental; musing; noetic; parliamentary; pensive; reflective; ruminant; serious; sober; speculative; thinking; thought; thoughtful; unicameral; wistful