Hall states that "he hymself with his nobilitie warlikely accompaigned passed over betwene Dover and Caleys the iiij daye of July," his army, horses, and ammunitions of war having in their transport occupied twenty days.
Ther was slayne upon the Skottes syde, For soth and sertenly, Syr James a Dowglas ther was slayne, That daye that he cowde dye.
Eight of them did answer make, Eight of them spake hastilie, 70 "O father, till the daye we dye We'll stand by that good erle and thee.
In wittnes whereof wee haue sett our hande, this Eight daye of July, in the Tenth year of our Reigne, 1634.
And if the firste daye of Ianuarie happen on Fridaye, then shall the Winter be verie cold and drie, the Spring boysterous and wette, the Sommer temperate, the Haruest more wette than drie.
Came only 40 Miles to daye My Frend Capt Lewis is recoverig fast the hole in his thy where the Ball passed out is Closed and appears to be nearly well.
And of yor procedinges in observacõn of this our request, that ye do furthwith after yor nexte comen counsell daye assertayne us by writing from you to the intent we maye have consideracõn of the same as shall appertayne.
At my place besides Westmynster the iijde daye of Septembre.
Yeoven undre oure Signet at our towne of Northampton the v daye of Septembre.
Yeven under our privee seal at Lychefeld the iij daye of Septembre the yeer of or regne xxxvth [1456].
Yeven under our signet at or Castell of Kenelleworth the xxij daye of Marche.
Trulye translated out of the high Duch according to the Copie printed in Collin, brought ouer into England by George Bore's ordinary Poste, the xj daye of this present Moneth of June 1590, who did both see and heare the same.
So ended she; and all the rest around To her redoubled that her undersong, Which said their brydale daye should not be long: And gentle Eccho from the neighbour ground Their accents did resound.
There kneled he down vpon his knees thre times a daye / he made his petition and praised his Godd / and so opened he his confession to Godd.
So we thincke that the holy Apostles and Martirs of the olde churche which wer occupied nighte and daye in the holy scriptures / did not consider this acte and Example?
For ther are sum which at this daye do openly / and that without shame / curs and bydd adew to the truith of the gospell / which with demas do embrace this present worlde.
And euen vnto this daye the Sclauonians in their churches vse their vulgare and commen speache.
And vnto thisdaye the churche of India is enfected with the same vice.
For these too kindes of mẽ do in all places this daye liue amonge / and do dwell togither wyth the Christians.
Therefore watch and remember, that yeares I ceased not to warne every |by the space of three years I one of you, both nyght and daye with |ceased not to warn every one night teares.
The nexte daye we cam to |arrived at Samos, and tarried at Mileton.
Nyght and daye have I |suffered shipwreck, a night and a bene in the depe off the see.
In witnes whereof, the partyes abovesaid to theis present Indentures have interchangeablie set to their handes and seales the daye and yere above written.
This Indenture made the fourtenth daye of October in the yere of the reigne of our Sovereigne Ladye Elizabeth, by the Grace of God Queen of England Fraunce and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
The thyrde daye they came vnto Tlacopan, whyche was also as all the Townes of the lake, wythout people, there they were lodged in the Lordes house of the Towne.
The nexte daye they lodged in Xolotepec, whych was not inhabited.
There was that daye aboue foure thousande Indians in fyghte and defence of the Towne: There was much Indian bloud shedde, bycause they fought naked, manye were wounded, and fewe Captiue.
Therefore from this daye forwarde you and all youre lignage and friendes maye accompte your selues frée and exempt from the seruitude of Mexico, without rendryng the tributes accustomed.
And also they were charged to shew vnto their Generall who had sente them, that both dayeand night he would be ready for them.
But his men replyed so muche, that hee was compelled to graunte to theyr requeste, and proclaymed the entraunce for the nexte daye following.
In this communications the daye was spente, and night at hand, their heads occupyed, and heartes full heauie, for hunger alone hadde bin ynough to finish theyr dayes, without any further warre.
The qlk daye Mr. Hew Binnen made his popular sermon 1 Tim.
The presbytery “ordaines Mr. Hugh Binnen to make ye exercise this daye fyfteen dayes, and the rest of his tryels to be ye said day.
The same daye the minister declaired yt yr wes a petitioune come from the prisoners at Tinmouth quho wer taiken at Dunbar, and representit to the presbyterie for support, because they wer in ane sterving conditione, and all comanders.
Ister daye on Pickeren their Chorch Warden caim up to us with intent to make some of ourse drone as is sospeckted but the Lord sofered him so to misdemen himslfe as he is likli to li by the hielse this too month.
A printer named Steeven Daye was brought over from England to do the printing on this new press.
Ech daye declareth by his course an other daye to come And By the night we know lykwise a nightly course to run.
That play the Play of Resurrection upon Estur Daye in the mg.
This daye two Sermons by Mr. P'son one afforenone, and the other afternone, and Edward Dawson taylyor did openlye conffess before the Congregation that he had abused the mynister Sr.
And at the Mounthe daye an oder tryntall to be purveyed hoole of myne executors and to kepe dirige, lawdis and commendacons as is afore reherssed, with iij high massis be note [by note, i.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.