Germans were curving in a spiral towards the south-west, seeking a way out of the sea lion’s jaws.
The whole German Fleet is curving into a long, close-knit spiral between us and Beatty, and, if the light will hold, we have it ripe for destruction.
The Scharnhorst and Gneisenau worked round to the south, and the Leipzig and Dresden were sent curving to the north and west, in order to keep the English ships away from the shelter of the land.
Thus changes in the direction and velocity of the wind would have little disturbing effect, and the operator would be required to attend only to the steering of the machine, which was to be effected by curving the forward surface up or down.
The machine was stream lined, and the wings, curving as in the early German patterns of war aeroplanes, gave a total lifting surface of about 290 sq.
From there to a point on the north shore, near La Punta, in a slightlycurving line, a high wall was erected for the purpose of defence on the western or landward side.
It might be likened to the curving handles of a plow attached to a share, or to any one of a dozen things that it does not at all clearly resemble.
That sardonic smile still curving his wide lips, he turned over the check and carefully indorsed it; across the back of the paper he wrote the same name which he had signed to the note.
Abel Dorales looked at her, his lips curving in cruel enjoyment.
In the narrowing inlet southwest of Palmetto Island, Kitty had to cut down her speed to keep from running aground in the curving channel.
They succeeded in crossing the street finally, and hurried down the path curving around the bay shore.
Curving her hands on either side her mouth, she called him, sending her voice ringing through the clear, crisp air.
He had dined rather early with a view to escaping the chattering crowd which thronged the hotel, and now he was sitting alone in a windowed corner of the salle, his eyes resting absently on the curving line of coast and sea.
Then, as we looked, the levee became an esplanade shaded by rows of willows, and through them we caught sight of the upper galleries and low, curving roofs of the city itself.
She held out her hands to her husband, her lips curving into a smile that was all love and tenderness.
Then she bent her head and flung up her arms, curving them to shield her face.
She undertook, first of all, to have a light and gracefully curving stairway leading to her salon instead of supplanting it.
From the Forty-second Street Station the "new departure" of many a life has begun, the radial lines oftencurving downward into the sheer depths of ruin of the Morgue, or the darkened abysses of the Tenderloin.
While he still wandered in a Fool's Paradise, the crafty office boy was hastening across the great span which hangs its curving arch from Manhattan to Long Island.
Just enough light to show him the dark flags and swords of the iris flowers along the terrace edge--his favourite flower that had the night's own colour on its curving crumpled petals.
While he put her through this catechism, it seemed to him that he had never seen lips so fine and sensitive, the lower lip curvingjust a little upwards, the upper touched at one corner by the least conceivable dimple.
His temples, curving like thatches over the hollows beneath, his cheek-bones and chin, all were sharpened in his sleep, and there had come upon his face the confession that he was an old man.
Here Holly, perched on the arm of the great leather chair, had stroked hair curving silvery over an ear into which she would whisper secrets.
The greatcurving horns of the wild sheep have always exercised more or less influence on people's imagination, and have given rise to various fables.
The river Rothay does precisely what Wordsworth did: it moves from Grasmere to Rydal, flowing along the base of Loughrigg Fell, avoiding the terrace and curving up towards the "Wishing Gate" to the western point of Rydal Water.
The puller-off swung the small truck on to the turn-table, another man ran with it along the bank down the curving lines.
When he came to, he wondered what was near his eyes, curving and strong with life in the dark, and what voice it was speaking.
Directly the priest appeared it began to wag its short tail violently and to run round his feet, curving its body into semi-circles.
In the vision of the distances, where desert blent with sky, earth surely curving up to meet the downward curving heaven, the dimness was like a voice whispering strange petitions.
From the steamer the little village presents an attractive appearance, situated on a curving beach, with wooded slopes rising behind it.
Passing through the town, one soon reaches the hard, white road that leads along the curving shingle to Indian River.
At one place in the rapids the waves curving over rocks somewhat resemble a white horse, with wildly floating mane and tail of foam.
The latter is a pretty village situated on a curving agate beach.
There is a curvingwhite beach, from which the town of Unalaska received its ancient name of Iliuliuk, meaning "the beach that curves.
In summer these waters seem to be of living silver, so thickly are they swarmed with darting and curving salmon.
The lovely bay, set with a thousand isles, stretches sparkling before it; the blue waves break musically along the curving shingle; the wooded hills rise behind it; the winds murmur among the tall trees.
It had a fascination for him, this narrow track, winding among the boulders and curving up the nullahs, for he remembered how in the map it had gone on and on, stretching away into the unknown heart of Africa.
In itself it was a pretty thing, ivory white with a mesh of blue veins, and curving gently from jaw to chest.
Shipbuilding) Defn: A rib, or a curving piece of wood, branching outward from the keel and bending upward in a vertical direction.
A regular, curvingindenture in the margin of anything.
One of the curving pieces of wood or metal on which a cradle, chair, etc.
Defn: Uniformly bending or curving to one side; -- said of leaves which grow on several sides of a stem.
Polygonatum, having simple erect or curving stems rising from thick and knotted rootstocks, and with white or greenish nodding flowers.
Having a shape broad for the height, with rectilineal and angular rather than curving outlines; as, a man of a square frame.
Defn: The curving extremity of the wing of an army or of a squadron drawn up in a crescentlike form.
I am now in a precarious position, riding the ends of the down-curving roofs of two cars at the same time.
Then, gripping the edge of that curving roof, I climb over the curve to the level roof above, where I sit down to catch my breath, holding on the while to a ventilator that projects above the surface.
I raise my arms overhead until my hands rest against the down-curving ends of the roofs of the two cars.
Not yet the round clouds of the Maytime cling Above the world's blue wonder's curving show, And tempt to linger with their lingering.
Full in front the curving glacier of Val Bondasca filled the space beneath the smooth cliff-faces, and at one spot a gap between them irresistibly suggested a new pass for the morrow.
At a hasty glance one might have compared the fantastic shapes to those assumed so frequently by dolomitic limestone, but closer observation showed the tendency to curving outlines and to sharpness of edge peculiar to crystalline rock.
It plunged abruptly for about a foot, passed under a curving root, squeezed between some small root branches, and terminated in a double compartment.
Below, in the curving glen where the heath gave place to white bent-grass, a burn flashed like a silver riband among the stones; above, the long ridge of Criffell ran up against the clear blue sky.
Heavy shadows lay over the trees which lined the curving walks leading across a little park to the stately white house beyond.