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Example sentences for "curvet"

Lexicographically close words:
curvature; curvatures; curve; curved; curves; curveting; curvetting; curvilinear; curving; curyous
  1. I knew that he made the pony curvet because I liked it; and presently my grandmother discovered that and took me away.

  2. Kasim bounded into the saddle, and before the admiring spectators, many of them his kind friends, caused him to curvet and bound to show how perfectly the animal was trained; and then saluting them he rode on.

  3. The horse was a spirited one, and began to curvet and bound, and she dared not approach me.

  4. Joe wanted to thump her encouragingly on the back, but he suddenly realized that that would no longer be appropriate.

  5. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "curvet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amble; antic; bounce; bound; buck; canter; caper; clear; dance; disport; flounce; frisk; frolic; gallop; gambol; hack; hop; hurdle; jump; leap; lope; mount; negotiate; pace; play; pounce; prance; ramp; romp; skip; sport; spring; start; steeplechase; trip; trot; vault