His eyes sharpened and glared at us over the receiver as he listened and said "yes" with exasperating reiteration.
There their features were sharpened to the tenseness you find hardened into a type here in America, men who are alive!
Confinement and suspense had sharpened his features; his eyes were harder and brighter than of old, and the shallow tenderness which had fooled Henrietta no longer floated on their depths.
And this being so, it was strange how the suspicion sharpened the chaplain's keenness to win the prize.
He sharpened its cutting edge as best he could, and with the sun at its height, set out to begin felling trees.
He also wore thongs about his neck and wrists, a sharpened clamshell hanging from the former, the strands dangling loose in the case of the latter.
With a sharpened stick Jeff held the thin slices over the fire for a few moments.
He sharpened a green stick, and, taking some strips of meat from his pocket, roasted them over the hot flame.
But the Reverend Robert Penfold was in a keen agony that sharpenedall his senses; he caught the sense of the words in spite of the speaker, and clung wildly to the straw that monotonous machine held out.
What with the stillness of the night and her sharpened senses she heard it all round the island: she seemed environed with peril, and yet surrounded by desolation.
This may seem a strange vow for a man to make on an unknown island; but Robert Penfold had a powerful understanding, sharpened by adversity, and his judgment told him truly that he possessed wealth on this island, both directly and indirectly.
This sharpened the young gentleman's wits; he went in and groped here and there till he found the address, and gave it her: No.
The fire on top was raked away, the contents of the pit were taken out and placed upon green, clean palmetto leaves, and the two castaways fell-to with appetites sharpened by their long wait.
Walter hastily cut two long green palmetto stems and sharpened them to points at the ends.
Before leaving the island, he cut a long, straight cypress pole and sharpened one end to a keen point.
However, that did not dismay me; but having sharpened my wits up, I succeeded not only in making something quite as good, but in exceeding it by far.
I drew a little dagger with a sharpened edge, and breaking the line of his defenders, laid my hands upon his breast so quickly and coolly, that none of them were able to prevent me.
Those old letters--to look them through them had been a sure sign of this vague craving--had sharpened to poignancy the feeling that life was slipping away from her while she was still comely.
His temples, curving like thatches over the hollows beneath, his cheek-bones and chin, all were sharpened in his sleep, and there had come upon his face the confession that he was an old man.
To keep a postcard reproduction of this picture in his pocket and slip it out to look at became for Jon one of those bad habits which soon or late disclose themselves to eyes sharpened by love, fear, or jealousy.
She was very white, and she knew--for with her nerves thus sharpened she saw everything--that he was both uneasy and compunctious.
And I saw that he held in his fast-consuming hand a long roll of journalssharpened to a point of burning flame.
He had so little to say that it was difficult to understand why he came; but, sharpened by this new dread for his daughter, Pierson noticed his eyes always following her.
In this sharpened realization of her own sorrow she forgot that it had not been the actual cause of her grief.
Thank heaven for Sir Basil, was Jack's thought, over that sharpened ache.
The instrument is a sharpened arrow point or any other small piece of pointed iron.
This piece of iron being sharpened at one edge is tied on a handle made of elk’s horn (fig.
They scrutinised, with ingenuity sharpened by hatred, the claims of the clergy to the public gratitude, and sometimes went so far as altogether to deny that the order had in the preceding year deserved well of the nation.
Instead, somewhat sharpened by communion with these Holy Sisters; and I've no fear but that 'twill be sharp to serve us in the little scheme I've in part sketched out.
And what use would a bow or a foot or two of sharpened metal be against things which could kill from a distance or turn rock itself into a flowing, molten river?
With sight sharpened by excitement he surveyed the gray dewy field.
His memory, strangely faithful, and sharpened by practice, revived again and again new particulars of the Juanita period, with the distinctness of hallucinations.
Then he drew a little English penknife from his pocket, sharpened it upon an ash-receiver, and laid it on the table beside his bed.
It did not escape Felix's morbidly sharpened glance, that behind the pleasant smile with which Elsa met the child, surprise and compassion were hidden.
It is not a reward," Karlsefne answered; and for a moment his gaze sharpened so that the Red One winced under it.
The camp was not so easily entered as of old, for now there rose around the twelve huts a fence of mighty logs with sharpened tops; and at each of the three gates there stood a man on guard.
Lighting on Hallad, her glance rested there dully for a while; then all at once itsharpened to more than ordinary keenness.
Any bit of good iron may be heated as hot as the camp-fire admits; hammered flat, lashed into a handle, and sharpenedon a stone.
Very small pitfalls, with sharpened stakes, planted inside them, that have been baked hard by the fire and well poisoned, are easily to be set, but they are very dangerous to man and beast.
The other end is flattened by a tap of the hammer, or roughened, that it may be held by the whipping; then the point is sharpened by a file, and finished on a stone.
It is true that the rector did venture tentatively to open the subject to the curate, who listened with a lowering brow and sharpened a lead pencil with a colossal pocket-knife that he had bought at a ship-chandler’s in Dilbury.
Mr. Bygrave had told him at Aldborough, sharpened by his own sense of the haggard change that he saw in her face.
The interview of the past night had sharpened his perception of the difficulties to be encountered in the coming enterprise.
The remembrance of the keys still concealed in their hiding-place in her room sharpened her sense of the reasonableness of this new view.
Even our friend the Dominie is returned thrice the man he was, from having sharpened his wits in controversy with the geniuses of the northern metropolis.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sharpened" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.