Alhazen made the great discovery of the curvilinear path of a ray of light through the atmosphere, and proved that we see the sun and moon before they have risen, and after they have set.
The crank stud i is connected by its rod j, to the swinging curvilinearrack k, which takes into the toothed wheel l, that turns freely upon the axle of the feed drum e, e.
The frame-work in which these bearings and screws are placed, has a curvilinear form, in order to permit the cylinders to be readily removed and replaced; and also to introduce a certain degree of elasticity.
The curvilineargroove h h, sunk in each face or side of the carriage, has the depth shown in the section at h.
The cylinder is partly covered with a curvilinear plate of iron c, d, which serves to sustain the flax, and to guide it in circular tresses round the periphery of the heckle.
Among our most beautiful Geometric windows are those of the Lady Chapel at Exeter, Ely Chapel, and Merton Chapel, Oxford, and of the Curvilinear our best example is probably the east window of Carlisle Cathedral.
The curvilinear tracery gave place to a rigid vertical and horizontal form, with the result that windows and panels instead of being filled with curved bars of stone, were sub-divided by straight perpendicular bars and transoms or cross-bars.
In Curvilinear windows the tracery, although based on the same forms and figures, is yet so blended into an intricate pattern that each figure does not stand out with the same individuality as in the Geometric.
The Curvilinear style is distinguished by traceries formed by curved and flowing lines.
This mould-board may be termed a plano-curvilinear figure, not defined nor described in any of the elementary books of geometry or mathematics.
A century before the characteristics of Flamboyant art developed in France, they were in use in England, and there called Curvilinear or Decorated Gothic.
Anthyme Saint-Paul, who thought that from the same elements of XIII-century Gothic one country developed its own Curvilinear style and the other its own, Flamboyant Gothic.
Enlart considers Bordeaux and Bayonne[221] to be two of the principal doors by which the English Curvilinear style entered France.
It was from the first confidently believed that the force retaining double stars in curvilinearpaths was identical with that governing the planetary revolutions.
It affords an example, on a magnificent scale, of the curvilinear motion, which you taught us in mechanics.
We may now proceed to curvilinear motion: this is the result of two forces acting on a body; by one of which, it is projected forward in a right line; whilst by the other, it is drawn or impelled towards a fixed point.
It would be the same with the quadrature of curvilinear areas.
These curvilinear beams rest on plates of fir, and are further strengthened by curvilinear oak struts, of ten feet three inches radius, forming the ceiling into an elliptical arch 58 ft.
If bounded by straight lines it is a rectilinear plane figure, if by curved lines it is a curvilinear plane figure.
Illustration North Aisle of Choir Herbert Railton] The west window is a noble specimen of Decorated work, with its curvilinear tracery, one of the finest in the kingdom.
The left hand is held with the back upward, and the right hand also with the back up is passed in a curvilinear direction down under the other, so as to rub against its palm, then up on the other side of it.
The interlocked ends of the units of the principal chain have terminations or hooks angular in two cases and curved in another, demonstrating the identity of the curvilinear and the rectilinear forms of this ornament.
Beginning with the fundamental division of figures into curvilinear and rectilinear, this dictum decides, that, in general, a curved outline is more beautiful than a right-lined figure.
For a straight-lined figure necessarily requires at least half as many laws as it has sides, while a curvilinear outline requires, in general, but a single law.
In space we know rectilinear triangles the sum of whose angles is equal to two right angles; but equally we know curvilinear triangles the sum of whose angles is less than two right angles.
But it is no longer the same, if the motion be curvilinear or varied.
Roman nose; then bring down the hand in a curvilinear manner, until the wrist touches the breast; after which add the sign, No.
Entering a house or lodge—The left hand is held with the back upward, and the right hand also with the back up, is passed in a curvilinear direction down under the other, so as to rub against its palm, then up on the other side of it.
To draw again upon the illustration of the spinning top, it will be observed that the curvilinear motion is extremely slow in comparison with that of rotation, but increases as the rotation decreases.
The chief peculiarity of this separate curvilinear motion is that its direction is always in an opposite direction to that of the rotation of the top.
This is distinguished by many objects of high-class workmanship, and by curvilinear to scroll designs.
Their frozen contents yield quantities of fossil ivory, all of which shows the work of man, and among them occur specimens with fine curvilinear designs and of high scientific as well as artistic value.
Decorative designs incised on the interior surface of the lamps are reminiscent of typical Eskimo punctate designs as traced on the inner circumference of rectilinear or curvilinear etchings on ivory and bone.
In uniform curvilinearmotion the total or resultant acceleration becomes normal to the curve.
Motion of rectilinear or curvilinear translation; simultaneous displacements, and velocities of its different points.
Curvilinear motion occurs when a moving body is pulled or pushed away from a straight path.
There are the degrees of direction of line, curvilinear or angular.
In a rose, for instance, it would be possible to dwell on its angular side for the square, and on its curvilinear side for the circle.
The fact, however, is equally certain; and hence Descartes inferred that every curvilinear deflection is produced by some controlling force, from which the body strives to escape in the direction of a tangent to the curve.
The curvilinear iron bar appeared to be the favourite material used for the erection of plant-houses in this establishment, which must evidently be the most economical and substantial for large houses.