Children born of negroes owing service by indenture should serve till the age of thirty if male, and till twenty-eight if female.
There were no more attempts to legalize slavery by political agency, but persevering efforts were made to perpetuate it by judicial decisions resting upon old French law and the Territorial Indenture Act of 1812.
In 1842, a colored woman named Sarah Borders, with three children, who was held under the indenture law by one Andrew Borders in Randolph County, escaped and made her way north as far as Peoria County.
The state constitution, adopted in 1818, prohibited slavery, but recognized the indenture system by providing that male children born of indentured servants should be free at the age of twenty-one and females at the age of eighteen.
The previous decisions in the court of last resort had generally sustained the claims of the owners of slaves held under the French regime and their descendants, and also those held under the so-called indenture system.
On the third day he entered Ely, and received the adhesion of Fergananim O'Carroll, who bound himself by indenture on the usual terms, and gave his son into the Lord Deputy's hands.
Under the indenture system this difficulty was removed, for anyone could secure free transportation provided he were willing to sacrifice, for a few years, his personal freedom.
The period of indenture was from four to seven years, except in the case of criminals who sometimes served for life, and without this constant immigration the plantations would have been deserted.
During their term of indenture it was as field laborers that most of them had spent their time, and many were ignorant of any other means of earning a living.
What was of more common occurrence was the entering into indenture of persons who had become bankrupt.
Some of the servants upon the expiration of their terms of indenture secured work as overseers, if they found it impossible to obtain patents to estates of their own.
Tutors were sometimes brought over from England under terms of indenture to instruct the children of wealthy planters in courses higher than those offered by the local schools.
Occasionally the servants upon the close of their term of indenture earned a subsistence as hired laborers.
The emigrants who had no capital were usually indented servants, the terms of indenturevarying from two to seven years.
Practically all of the settlers were freemen, although slavery and indenture gradually crept in.
The indenture with John Thornton for glazing the great east window is still extant; he is to "complete it in three years, pourtray with his own hands the histories, images, and other things to be painted on the same.
Another indenture of the same date was made between Thomas de Boneston and Robert: for making a window at the west gable of the cathedral church, the said Robert is to find all sorts of glass and be paid 6d.
This act recites the indenture relating to this exchange, describing the property very fully.
It is "le Moel de Kintyr" in anindenture in Bain, ii.
It may just be that there was a confusion as to the origin of the indenture which caused the mischief.
There actually was an indenture or bond between Bruce and Bishop Lamberton, drawn up, too, in 1304, the year to which Fordun attributes that between Bruce and Comyn.
The coolie used to be brought to South Africa under what was termed the "indenture system," the indentureship periods being from three to five years, during which he could not leave his employer.
Indians are brought to Fiji under the indenture system for a term of five years.
It is usual in the indenture to state whether the apprentice is to be paid wages or otherwise.
Where a charity or institution intervenes, it retains control over the indentures until the end of the term of apprenticeship, when the indenture should be cancelled and given up to the apprentice.
According to the articles of indenture drawn up between me and Tommy Staytape, by Rory Sneckdrawer the penny-writer, when he was bound a prentice to me for seven years, I had engaged myself to bring him up to be a man of business.
They at first consisted of those who had signed an indenture of service for a limited number of years and were brought into the Province by the masters themselves.
Upon the expiration of his indenture a servant was entitled to fifty acres of land and a year’s supply of necessaries.
Robert Ryngwoode brought in a certain indenture wherein Lewis Lowth was [bound] to hym to serve as a prentys for seven years.
This Indenture made the ffourtenth daie of December in the yeares of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord James, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, ffrance and Ireland, king, defender of the fayth.
In that year two-and-a-half acres of arable land in Settle and a meadow called Howbeck ynge were let to one William Hulle by the indenture of the cantarist.
When James was put into prison for libel, he returned me my indenture with a discharge written on the back, to show in case the government interfered with my publishing the paper.
James returned his indenture only that he might be able to publish the paper unmolested.
I am my own man from this time," he cried, holding up his indenture which his brother returned to him, as we saw in a former chapter, in order to evade the officers of justice.
This indenture to the masters or owners of ships lasted until the boy reached 21.
And judgment was given that the entry and feoffment were good and lawful, and the use changed by the first indenture and agreement.
Also, some apprentices were bound by means other than indenture to avoid settlement.
The remedy for this, in his opinion, would be to induce servants to come over by offering them homes when the terms of indenture should expire.
A copy of the indenture is given by Mr. Percy Fitzgerald ("New History," ii.
The indenture will be found at length in Mr. Percy Fitzgerald's "New History of the English Stage," i.
It may be that Genest supposes that this indenture marks the end of Brett's connection with the theatre; whereas it was probably one of his first actions.