But crispness was no longer Marilla's distinguishing characteristic.
There was a crispness about his play with his wooden clubs that indicated the man who for the time being had full confidence and could hit his hardest.
The turf, grown on a dark, sandy soil, is excellent, and more than fifty years of play upon it have given it the firmness and crispness that we miss elsewhere.
The morning was fair and fresh; summer was passing; there was a touch of crispness in the air which suggested frost and 'iron nights,' dreaded by the peasants before the harvest should have been gathered in.
He came out joyously into the freshness and crispness of the early morning.
There are enough coats-of-arms to supply whole nations with heraldic emblems, and recessed moldings of remarkable and exquisite workmanship and crispness of foliage.
The acanthus leaves are carved with all the jewel-like sparkle and crispness and the play of light and shade of the best period; the life and spring of a living stem are in them.
Pick off all the outside leaves, trim them nicely, and if they are not quite fresh-gathered and have become flaccid, it is absolutely necessary to restore their crispness before cooking them, or they will be tough and unpleasant.
Most vegetables being more or less succulent, it is necessary that they possess their full proportion of fluids in order to retain that state of crispness and plumpness which they have when growing.
I like that idea," approved Lucy Warner, with the sudden crispnesswhich marked her speech.
A change to more crispness and coolness, but a delicious spring morning.
It is too warm and still; it wants a brisk day for sap, with a certain sharpness in the air, a certain crispness and tension.
Better than their costumes were their voices; for what speech from human lips pearls itself off with such crispness and finish as the delicate French idiom from a Parisian tongue?
Salad dressing should be kept in a separate bowl in a cold, place, and not mixed with the salad until the moment it is to be served, or it may lose its crispness and freshness.
The climate, as has been told, was almost as equable then as now, but with a certain crispness which was a heritage from the glacial epoch.
The crispness of full autumn had come, one morning, when Ab and Oak met as usual and looked out across the valley to learn if anything had happened in the vicinity of the pitfall.
Mary, who was toasting a muffin to hotter crispness before the fire, turned a thin, flushed face at the announcement.
There was just a crispness of snow on the ground; in the lanes thin patches of ice made walking wary.
The salad should be put together only just before being served, or its crispness will be lost.
Serve them at once, as they lose their crispness if kept.
The paste will keep on ice for a day or two before it is baked, and for several days in a dry place after it is baked, and if placed in the oven for a few moments just before serving, it will have the same crispness as when just baked.
Its flesh is characterized by extraordinary crispness and solidity.
As a class, they are remarkable for hardiness and vigor; but the midribs and nerves of the leaves are comparatively coarse and hard, and most of the kinds will be found inferior to the Cabbage lettuces in crispness and flavor.
It is equally productive, and matures as early; but, when parched, is inferior to the White both in crispness and flavor.
Most vegetables being more or less succulent, their full proportion of fluids is necessary for their retaining that state of crispness and plumpness which they have when growing.
Mahútay ang inarmirulan ug matun-ugan, Starched clothing will lose its crispness if you don’t keep it out of the damp.
There is a certain crispness about the modelling when wrought from plastic clay, which is often wanting in work tooled up when the clay is hard.
For a constant supply successive plantings should be made every two weeks, as the roots lose their crispness and delicate flavor if allowed to remain long in the open ground.
The agreeable quality is in considerable measure due to the crispness of the tubers, and as this disappears when they are exposed to the air they should be stored in sand or sawdust.
Well clad, and in suitable clothing, he was as warm as a toast, while the unwonted exercise and the crispness of the frosty air made him step out as he had never done before.
Harmony, then, produces this repose, which is demanded instinctively, purity and crispness being further obtained by the quality of the colours used.
The crispness of late fall had infused a wine into the air.
Orde watched him from sight, then turned to the silent group, a new crispness in his manner.
For many wearers pure wool underwear proves rather an irritant to the skin, the crispness making itself felt on a tender cuticle.
The afternoon shadows fell cool and long, and already there was a faint autumnal hint of crispness in the air and a mellow, misty gold to the sunshine.
I thought there might be a frost to-night," she observed, and her tone had all the clear crispness of frost in it as she spoke.
It is said that wilted celery may be restored to crispness by dipping into hot water or laying a few minutes in warm water, then plunging into ice water.
This is one of the most delicate and digestible of unleavened breads and has a crispness and nutty flavor peculiarly its own.
It was good to be there with his chum in those dark and silent autumn woods, making ready to spend the night together in that old camp before the duck hunt that was to come in the crispness of gray dawn.
Although the air was clear and almost warm, there was a certain suggestion of crispness in it, which, together with the flaming leaves of the deciduous trees, plainly betokened that the early autumn frosts had been at work.
Still there was crispness in the air which exhilarated them, moving Peter to sundry manifestations which Maizie coldly designated as "showing off.
He stood on his head, turned somersaults, cast his voice up to the heavens, immediately spoiled the crispness of his clean blouse.
No, I haven't," said Eugene, and his friend failed to notice the crispness of the utterance.