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Example sentences for "brevity"

Lexicographically close words:
brevi; breviaries; breviary; brevis; breviter; brew; brewage; brewed; brewer; breweries
  1. But the train is wise, it knows brevity is essential to all exquisite things, so it gives its passengers only an evanescent glimpse of the glories they have just now learned to appreciate.

  2. The brevity of this recess is essential to it.

  3. By this direct method greater freedom of expression is permitted and with the aid of notes greater brevity is possible.

  4. The Demonstration of Hugenius being the Conclusion of a long Train of Consequences, I shall for brevity sake omit; and refer you to his Book, where these things are more amply treated of.

  5. I shall not apply this in all the Cases thereof, for brevity sake; only to shew in one how all the rest may be performed, let it be demanded what is the Value of the Reversion of the younger Life after the two elder proposed.

  6. Modern intelligence and modern intensity of life demand greater brevity and directness.

  7. This brevity and simplicity of predication has resulted in greater clearness.

  8. The poetic spirit is rather shown in the terse brevity with which picture after picture is not only sketched but finished--and in the great thought at the close.

  9. In the case of all naming, brevity is unavoidable, as is proved by the usual abbreviation of even those proper names which consist of one word only.

  10. We have hints of a similar nature in the very swiftness of His death and unexpected brevity of His suffering, to be accounted for by no natural result of the physical process of crucifixion.

  11. There is nothing absolutely new in them, but what is new is the completeness and the brevity with which they cover the whole ground of His being, work, and glory.

  12. For brevity we may call these the periods of wrought iron, of cast iron, and of molten steel, recognizing that in the second and third the earlier processes continued in use.

  13. Horace says, "While I take pains to be brief, I fall into obscurity," and it may easily be seen that several of the rules for brevity interfere with the rules for clearness.

  14. Though foreign, savage, the name has a right to be handed down to posterity; it is well constructed, easily pronounced, and has the brevity that beseems a famous name.

  15. But when the errors are on a large scale, while we lament the brevity of human life, we shall in any case, do well to lag behind our own age when we see it on a downward path.

  16. True brevity of expression consists in everywhere saying only what is worth saying, and in avoiding tedious detail about things which everyone can supply for himself.

  17. This is due, in the main, to the brevity and uncertainty of life; but it also comes from the fact that men are lazy and bent on pleasure.

  18. But this is the precise endeavor of that false brevity nowadays so much in vogue, which proceeds by leaving out useful words and even by sacrificing grammar and logic.

  19. It is wealth and weight of thought, and nothing else, that gives brevity to style, and makes it concise and pregnant.

  20. Notes of Invitation, of Acceptance, and Regret, require, of course, brevity and simplicity of expression.

  21. To aim at succinctness and brevity merely, as some teach, is to practice a kind of quackery almost as offensive as the charlatanry of rhetoric.

  22. But that is only apparently true; the very brevity of life, which no skill of theirs can alter, is itself a limiting and disappointing condition.

  23. Ariosto has so cleverly complicated the threads of his plot and has developed them with such lucidity of method that any analysis would fall short of the original in brevity and clearness.

  24. The language is crabbed, uncertain, archaistic--in no point displaying the incisive brevity of Machiavelli's style.

  25. The girl shuddered, and turned to Pip appealingly, as a woman, however strong her will may be, always turns to a man she knows she can trust.

  26. The conversation then turned upon the weather.

  27. The brevity of the piece is in its favour; there is not a line that flags.

  28. Only the black bulk of the Treadwell factory beside the river defied the magic of the moon's rays and remained a solid reminder of the brevity of all enchantment.

  29. Occasionally, she would remember with a smile her three days' jealousy of Abby; but the brevity and the folly of this had established her the more securely in her impregnable position of unquestioning belief in him.

  30. Knowing but little of the April brevity of his uncle's mating impulse, he had mentally embroidered the bare instinct with some of the idealism in which his own emotion was clothed.

  31. To this conclusion I am led, or rather driven, by a variety of considerations, which I will endeavor to state, with as much brevity and conciseness as the nature of the case will admit.

  32. By following this direction, he would demean himself like a true Catholic Christian, and would have his trial despatched with all possible brevity and mercy; but if not, justice should be executed upon him.

  33. All which being done, you will forward the proceedings, sealed, with all brevity to our hands.

  34. Catholic Christian, and his trial should be despatched with all brevity and mercy; otherwise justice should be executed.

  35. But who is to be judge of the brevity necessary, you or I?

  36. The diminutive size of these pigs awakened reflections upon the brevity of swinish life.

  37. I had not taken this view of the matter, as the American custom tends to brevity on the ascending rather than on the descending scale.

  38. Its brevity carries a suggestion of discourtesy.

  39. Brevity is also a virtue to be developed in introducing people.

  40. The typical Athenian apologizes for the tendency of his countrymen 'to spin a long discussion out of slender materials,' and in a similar spirit the Lacedaemonian Megillus apologizes for the Spartan brevity (compare Thucydid.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brevity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    brevity; curtness; dumbness; economy; littleness; lowness; muteness; quietude; reserve; silence; swiftness; transience