Trim them to a pear shape, three and a half inches long and three wide at the broadest part.
Cut the bacon very thin, get a cutter the size of the oysters, trim them with it, then cut eight circles of bacon for six oysters.
PARE good potatoes, cut them into quarters, trim them round, and put them into a stewpan.
CUT a loin or best end of a neck of mutton into steaks, trim them neat, and fry them till three parts done, and of a nice colour.
Cut the head and tongue into slices, trim them neatly, and leave out the gristles and fat; and slice some of the bacon that was dressed to eat with the head, and warm them in the hash.
Let your cutlets be about half an inch thick; trim them, and flatten them with a cleaver; you may fry them in fresh butter, or good drippings (No.
Take them up with a slice, drain them for a minute from their greasy moisture, trim them neatly, and serve on slices of fried bacon or ham; or the eggs may be placed in the middle of the dish, with the bacon put round as a garnish.
Cut the veal into cutlets, trim them, and put the trimmings into a stewpan with a little butter; lay in the cutlets and fry them a nice brown colour on both sides.
When soles are very large, the best way is to take off the fillets, trim them neatly, and press them dry in a soft cloth.
Take up the eggs with a tin slice, drain the fat from them, trim them neatly, and send them up with the bacon round them.
Cut the chops nearly half an inch thick, trim them neatly, and beat them flat.
Blanch ten nice sweetbreads, trim them well, cut a deep incision in the centre of each, in which stick a very fine cockscomb (No.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trim them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.