Unceremoniously they hoisted him clear of the ground, although in a sudden panic he kicked and struggled.
As suddenly as it had commenced the panic subsided, and the tide turned the other way.
This case has caused a panic among the negroes in the vicinity, and there have been a few suspicious cases of illness which are being carefully watched.
Dawn had fled in a panic far into the depths of the garden.
The quiet remark created almost a panic for a brief moment, coming thus unexpectedly into the decorous order of the place.
For the first and only time during the war she was overcome by a panic of terror and laying the dead boy on the ground, she ran like a hunted deer towards what she took to be the Union troops, to find to her horror she was mistaken.
The atmospheric ugliness that surrounds our scientific war is an emanation from that evil panic which is at the heart of it.
Now this same primarypanic that I feel in our rush towards patriotic armaments I feel also in our rush towards future visions of society.
Whatever wild image one employs it cannot keep pace with the panic of the human fancy, when once it supposes that the fixed type called man could be changed.
He paused, exhausted by his panicand his flow of words.
Like a deer she leaped down the marble stairs and, in a panic she had no need to assume, burst into the presence of the staff.
The panic passed and with a confident smile he shook his head.
It was as though we were in another world then, instead of the little world of panic and distress we had just quit.
Frantically he began to struggle toward the beach, yielding to a moment's panic that was to cost him dear.
Most of them made a miserable escape one way or another and fled, carrying a voice of panic that cleared out the establishment from end to end front and rear.
Alarm was in the air, but for the moment they hung on the razor-edge between panic and dignity.
Panic had fled, and a curious exhilaration had seized upon her.
Panic was knocking at the door of her soul, but dignity refused to be dislodged.
Without him, Tommy believed an instant panic would set in; and, the honest men left to themselves, an eleventh-hour reconciliation would be possible.
Fighting down that instinct of panic which urged her to turn tail and run without further delay, Tuppence returned the lady's gaze firmly and respectfully.
As if fascinated, she watched the long cruel line of the red curving mouth, and again she felt that sensation of panicpass over her.
It is easy to conceive what a panicsuch rumours would cause among badly armed and half-drilled militia.
The regiment that had broken in panic could not yet be rallied, although their officers strove like brave men to get them back in line, and, like brave men, died trying.
The flying regiment ran into another that was coming up and carried it along in its panic of the moment.
This single division alone greatly outnumbered the whole American army, but panicand terror were in its ranks.
The Christians, when they saw the head of their dead king in its soldier's helmet thus held aloft, were struck with panic and fled precipitately.
These two serious defeats caused panicat Constantinople.
As so often happened to the Turks, the loss of their leader caused a panic in their ranks and completed their discomfiture.
A sudden scare or panic had just taken place at the camp.
The truth is that something little short of a universal panic prevailed, which only by degrees subsided as time passed on without any invasion, and leisure was allowed for reflection.
At last, chiefly through the scathing fire of shot and shell from four of our big guns, the movements of the enemy became paralyzed, and a panic commenced.
The retreat became a flight, and that even degenerated into a species of stampede, panic guiding the actions of the fugitives.
An undoubted panic seized the party; every one who could spring on his horse mounted and galloped for his life.
There was a great panic and scamper, but I believe no one was wounded.
So soon as the news of Isandhlwana reached the colony, a terrible panicwas the result.
Some of these killed two Dutch farmers, and this gave occasion to a panic among the Boers, who precipitately fled to Pietermaritzburg.
A terrible panic seized Charles, and his army became suddenly disorganized, and fled in wild haste, the Swiss closely following in pursuit.
A superstitious panicseized on the Austrians, and they fled in the utmost confusion to Naefels, and thence sought to regain their faithful Wesen.
Immediately there followed a general excitement in which even good men in their panic and prejudice about abolitionism forgot that mobs were worse evils than these, talked against Birney, and winked at the outrage; N.
Yesterday Mr. Stagg went to the city and found all gloomy and discouraged, while a universal panic seemed to be drawing nearer than ever before.
He knew he was falling a long way behind, and panic seized him that he might lose the others.
He appealed to the Vails to assist him further, but they could not, since the panic of 1837 had impaired their resources.
But his partner's fortune was swept away in the panic of 1837, leaving Goodyear again an insolvent debtor.
In the flush of victory one young Frenchman contrived to set fire to the island fort; it surrendered, and the whole population of the New Andely fled in a panic to Château Gaillard, leaving their town to be occupied by Philip.
In the middle of the combat, the Polovtsi were seized with a panic and fell back on the Russian ranks, thus throwing them into disorder.
As the retiring soldiers approached nearer to the top of the ridge, from which in so luckless an hour they had descended, the panic began to increase.
Their retreat was unmolested; for the panic of Cuddie and his companions had occasioned nearly as much confusion on the side of the besiegers, as the screams of Jenny had caused to the defenders.
On beholding the bent of this misdirected career, a panic shout of mingled terror and wrath was set up by the whole equipage, insides and outsides, at once, which had the happy effect of averting the threatened misfortune.
The panic was communicated to the Arabs, who, after firing a few wild shots, some of which found billets in their own men, turned about and led the flight.
At the expense of his shins, he groped his way upwards, disturbing on the way innumerable bats and birds, which cannoned against him in a panic rush for the open air.
Ere many days passed, his usual escort was a throng of naked youngsters, who gazed with awe at his tall gaunt figure, and scampered off in a panic if he happened to turn round and look at them.
But instead, the panic made his heart pound and he saw the hatred all around him.
He felt himself getting more tense, and the panic raced through him.