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Example sentences for "countie"

Lexicographically close words:
countes; countesse; countest; counteth; counthry; counties; counting; countinghouse; countless; countre
  1. As a kynge of Englande hunted on a tyme in the countie of Kent, he hapte to come rydynge to a great gate, wherby stode a husbande man of the countrey, to whom the kynge sayde: good felowe, putte open the gate.

  2. Wherevpon the king changing his purpose, gaue vnto the said Otho the countie of Poictou in steed of the said countie of Yorke, as after shall appeere.

  3. Geffrey archbishop of Yorke offered to the king thrée thousand markes aforehand, onelie for the countie of Yorke, and an hundred markes yearelie of increase, and so had the same committed to his regiment.

  4. About the same time he gaue vnto his nephue Otho, the sonne of his sister Maud, sometime duchesse of Saxonie, the countie of Yorke.

  5. The Earle vsed all diligence and means to impeach the buildings; but hee not onely failed of that purpose, but further lost the countie of Medune.

  6. That the Duke should yeeld to the King the Countie of Eu, the Abbey of Fescampe, the Abbey of S.

  7. So pledges being giuen on both sides, they conducted him to Rochester, and yeelded the Countie of Kent and the Castle of Douer into his power.

  8. Lastly, the Dukes first auncestor Rollo, receiued the Dukedome of Normandie by donation of Charles King of France: And himselfe held the Countie of Maine by donation of Earle Herebert, as before it is shewed.

  9. Among which there were three Englishmen, whereof one was named Iohn Foxe of Woodbridge in Suffolke, the other William Wickney of Portsmouth, in the Countie of Southampton, and the third Robert Moore of Harwich in the Countie of Essex.

  10. Sir Lleuellin Jenkins, knight, was borne at Llantrithid in the countie of Glamorgan, anno domini.

  11. John Whitson was borne at Cover in the Forest of Deane in the countie of Glocester.

  12. He was of the ancient familie of the Martins of Athelminston in the countie of Dorset, a very faire seate.

  13. Stoke-Poges in the countie of Bucks; his father a copy-holder there of about 60 li.

  14. Newbie in the countie of yorke taken before S^{r.

  15. The same charters also were directed and sent foorth into euerie countie within the realme to be proclaimed.

  16. He was also constreined to giue vnto the earle of Leicester the countie Palantine of Chester before he might obteine to haue so much libertie.

  17. Shortlie after also, Charles the French kings brother maried the ladie Beatrice, yoongest daughter of earle Raimond, and had with hir the same countie of Prouance, and so was intituled earle thereof, as in the French historie appeareth.

  18. Maps in All Souls' Muniment Room: "The description of the parsonage of Harriesham in the countie of Kent, with the glebe lands thereunto belonging.

  19. Divers Tenants of his Ma{te} manor of North Wheatley in the Countie of Nottingham.

  20. Omers, and by Turwin, and then through the countie of saint Paule, still burning the countrie as they went.

  21. After this, he entred into the countie of Cominge, and tooke manie townes there, which he caused to be destroied & burnt, togither with all the countrie abroad.

  22. The countie of Ponthieu taken by the French king.

  23. It was also agreed, that Calis and Guines with the appurtenances, the lands of Montreuill on the sea with the countie of Ponthieu, wholie and entirelie should remaine vnto the king of England.

  24. This doone, he went into the countie d'Astrike, wherin he tooke manie townes, wasted and destroied all the countrie.

  25. Edmund Chambers claimed and obteined the office of principall larderer for him and his deputies, by reason of his manour of Skulton, otherwise called Burdellebin Skulton, in the countie of Norfolke.

  26. On the contrarie side were slaine, besides the lord Persie, the most part of the knights and esquiers of the countie of Chester, [Sidenote: The slaughter of Cheshire men at this battell.

  27. Moreouer, where the king had granted to the earle of Westmerland the countie of Richmond, [Sidenote: The duke of Britaine.

  28. Durham hath the countie of Durham and Northumberland with the Dales onelie vnder hir iurisdiction, and hereof the bishops haue sometimes béene earles palantines & ruled the rost vnder the name of the bishoprike and succession of S.

  29. This neuerthelesse remaineth yet in memorie, that the towne of Walden in Essex standing in the limits of the aforesaid countie doth take hir name thereof.

  30. It hath a parish-church with a spire steeple, and a pretie towne belonging to the countie of Pembroke, and iurisdiction of one Dauid in Wales.

  31. Beside this I could saie more of our forrests, and the aforesaid inclosures also, & therein to prooue by the booke of forrest law, that the whole countie of Lancaster hath likewise beene forrest heretofore.

  32. It belongeth for temporall iurisdiction to the countie of Hamshire, but in spirituall cases it yéeldeth obedience to the sée of Winchester, wherof it is a Deanerie.

  33. Howbeit he denieth not that Hengist at his first comming got seates for him and his people within the countie of Kent, and there began to inhabit.

  34. In each countie likewise are sundrie law daies holden at their appointed seasons, of which some retaine the old Saxon name, and are [Sidenote: Motelagh.

  35. And as for temporall regiment, it apperteineth to the countie of Cairnaruon, so in spirituall cases it belongeth to the bishoprike of Bangor.

  36. Most of the Cornish sheepe haue no hornes, whose wool is finer in qualitie, as that of the horned more in quantitie: yet, in some places of the Countie there are that carrie foure hornes.

  37. Philip earle of Flanders (for his homage) a thousand pounds of yearlie reuenues in England, and the countie of Kent, with the castles of Douer and Rochester.

  38. Moreouer, the said earle Hubert granted to the said John and his wife all the right that he had in the countie of Granople, and whatsoeuer might be got and euicted in the same countie.

  39. Howbeit king Henrie hauing married the foresaid quéene Elianor, after the diuorse had betwixt hir and king Lewes, made claime to the said countie of Tholouze in the right of his wife.

  40. To his sonne Richard he gaue two houses in Poictou, with the one halfe of all the reuenues of the countie of Poictou to be receiued and taken in readie monie.

  41. The same yeare, Matthew sonne to the earle of Flanders married the ladie Marie the abbesse of Ramsie, daughter to king Stephan, and with hir had the countie of Bullongne.

  42. Henrie the king of Englands sonne made his homage vnto the French king for the countie of Aniou: and the French king granted him the office of the Seneschalcie of France, which ancientlie belonged vnto the earles of Aniou.

  43. And bicause he was not able to make repaiment thereof, he sold vnto the said Lewes (as the French writers affirme) the kingdomes of Naples, and both the Sicils, with the countie of Prouance.

  44. Raphe Houghton, of Manchester, in the countie afforesaid, gent.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "countie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.