The daughter of Fullus and that of Menemphus, with hir counterfeit father, and that other of Diodes with hir lap full of flowers and a writhing serpent, and the faireyoong gyrle no more sorrowing for the growing of hir hornes.
Sidenote C: Clepsydra is sometime taken for a diall measuring time by the running of water, but here for a pot to water a garden and yoong sectlings in a nourcery for an orchyard.
Sing ye yoong sorrow to beguile Or to gie auld fear the flegs?
An' a man 'at in ane o' his gran'est verses cud haiver aboot the birth o' a yoong airthquack!
But no great profitable peece of seruice was wrought by them: for the king had about that time banished a noble yoong man of [Sidenote: Matt.
She was a verie beautifull ladie, and tooke hir death without all feare, not once changing countenance, though she saw hir husband and hir onelie sonne (a yoong gentleman of much towardnesse) first murthered before hir face.
See here, thou yoong whelp, this is private, and we want noan o' thy spyin'!
Happen I may give thee cause to mind that name, yoong man.
It's but a poor kindness thou dost him to put a thread-paper yoong gentleman like yon against a mon as is a mon.
Henrie Mortimer, a goodlie yoong bacheller, by whome she had issue a daughter named Anne, married to sir Iohn Awbemond.
And therefore (madame) I praie you be content, I trust in God she shall bring foorth a yoongprince that shall please you.
As though princes (as yoong as they be) could not plaie but with their peeres, or children could not plaie but with their kinred, with whome for the more part they agree much woorse than with strangers.
In this wise the duke of Glocester tooke vpon himselfe the order and gouernance of the yoong king, whome with much honor and humble reuerence he conueied vpward towards the citie.
Which simple woman was well named & honest, till the king for his wanton lust and sinfull affection bereft hir from hir husband, a right honest substantiall yoong man among you.
And when they were thus at a point betweene themselues, they went about to prepare for the coronation of the yoong king, as they would haue it seeme.
Yes, laty; or what might be better, to das yoong frau, before we might be marriet.
He's never been the same in heart since he went so nigh to killing Mr. Torrens o' Pensham, him that yoong Lady Gwen is ta'aking oop with.
They seemed flattered by his opinion that they were a promussin' yoong couple.
So putting the yoong man in good hope, and receiuing as much mony as she required, because she wel knew =Paulina= could not be wonne with mony, she deuiseth a new way to deceiue her.
And so do yoong women, because commonly they are afraide.
For olde and practised souldiours doo by and by foresée to what issue things will come, but yoong men, and such as want experience, doo not forthwith espie out the euent of each enterprise.
On eache side of him were two yoong men of excellent beautie, which with whippes scourged =Heliodorus=.
Sathan doth imitate craftie gamesters, who suffer a plaine and simple yoongman to winne a while of them, that afterwards being gréedie to play, they may lurch him of all his golde and siluer.
I'd ha' licked a doozen such as him when I was yoong as thee.
On Whitsundaie the king made the earle of Glocester, Gilbert de Clare knight, and 40 other yoong gentlemen that attended vpon him.
Also the same daie and in the same church, the king made his halfe brother William de Valence, and diuerse other yoong bachelors, knights.
Certes there is no greater mischeefe doone in England than by robberies, the first by yoong shifting gentlemen, which oftentimes doo beare more port than they are able to mainteine.
They had the charge also of all sacrifices, publike and priuate, they interpreted oracles, preached of religion, and were neuer without great numbers of yoong men that heard them with diligence, as they taught from time to time.
Howbeit the making of siluer glasses had beene in vse before Britaine was knowne vnto the Romans, for I read that one Praxiteles deuised them in the yoong time of Pompeie, which was before the comming of Caesar into this Iland.
Vnto this sort also may our great swarmes of idle seruing men be referred, of whome there runneth a prouerbe; Yoong seruing men old beggers, bicause seruice is none heritage.
But ye'll lat theyoong laird come and see me, mem?
Think ye I hae been a mither to the puir yoong thing for sae mony a year to lat her gang awa' her lane at the last wi' the likes o' you for company!
Here's a bonny yoong leddy come to see ye, daddy," said Malcolm, seeking to turn the question aside.
In the same yeare the duke of Lancaster besieged the citie of Rennes in Britaine, in the title of the countesse of Richmond, & hir yoong sonne Iohn of Montfort, that claimed to be duke of Britaine.
At this feast there fell variance betwixt two yoong gentlemen, the one named Hirilda, nephew to Cassibellane, and the other Euelie or Eweline, being of aliance to Androgeus earle of London.
This Kimarus being a wild yoong man, and giuen to follow his lusts and pleasures, was slaine by some that were his enimies, as he was abroad in hunting, when he had reigned scarselie three yeares.
Guilthdacus king of Denmarke, the which had laid long in wait for him, bicause of the yoong ladie which Brenne had maried, for whome he had béene a sutor to hir father Elsing of long time.
The fat of yoong children, and seeth it with water in a brasen vessell, reseruing the thickest of that which remaineth boiled in the bottome, which they laie up and keepe, untill occasion serueth to use it.
But she tarried long, so as the yoong man called unto hir, desiring hir to make hast: for he told hir that the tide would be spent, and by that meanes his ship would be gone and leaue him behind.
So, as notwithstanding, they apprehended hir againe, and burned hir: and the yoong man returned into his countrie with a ioifull and merrie hart.
This day also the Master of the Sunneshine tooke of the people a very strong lusty yoong fellow.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yoong" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.