Heere's a silly stately stile indeede: The Turke that two and fiftie Kingdomes hath, Writes not so tedious a Stile as this.
Remember Lords your Oathes to Henry sworne: Eyther to quell the Dolphin vtterly, Or bring him in obedience to your yoake Bedf.
John de Puerto Rico, the which is in eighteene degrees: it is fortie and sixe leagues long and fiue and twentie leagues brode, and in compasse about an hundred and fiftie leagues.
And afterwarde they understood that the other ship had taken port fiftie leagues from that place, with the like perill and danger.
The which they did with one hundreth and fiftie Indians their friends, of the prouince of Cibola aforesaide, and with the three Indians of Mexico of whom we made mention.
They passed in sight of the lande, and from thence they sayled forwards and sawe other land, vntill they came vnto Lisborne, hauing (after they had crossed the equinoctiall) sayled a thousand foure hundred and fiftie leagues.
The maior answered, that he thought verely the citizens might make in time of need, fiftie thousand men, within an houres respit.
Of those moonks and priests which came to praie (as before is mentioned) there died at that battell about the number of 12 hundred, so that fiftie of them onelie escaped by flight.
To their reignes are assigned fiftie and three yeares by the chronicles: but whether they reigned iointlie togither, or seuerallie & apart either after other, it is not certeinlie perceiued.
She was a very old woman, about the age of Fourescore[Bb] yeares, and had been a Witch for fiftie yeares.
Sidenote: 2] Secondlie, that to haue peace and the kings of Englands fauour, he should giue vnto the said king fiftie thousand pounds sterling, the daies of the paiement whereof to rest in the kings will and pleasure.
Who afterward in the yeere eight hundred fiftie and eight, being chosen king of Norway, when he was growen to age, and full strength, chaunged the forme of the Noruagian gouernment.
And where in other places we were much troubled with yce, as in the entrance of the same, so after we had sayled fiftie or sixtie leagues therein we had no let of yce or other thing at all, as in other places we found.
I left the mermayd at an anker: the fourteenth sailing West about fiftie leagues, we discouered land, being in latitude 66.
The relation of the course which the Sunshine a barke of fiftie tunnes, and the Northstarre a small pinnesse, being two vessels of the fleete of M.
Orkney is the principall of the Isles of the Orcades, and standeth in the latitude of fiftie nine degrees and a halfe.
Wherefore to buie peace, he granted king Edward for a yearelie tribute fiftie thousand crownes, to be paied at London; which, accounting a crowne at foure shillings, amounteth to ten thousand pounds.
It was first accorded, that the French king should paie to the king of England without delaie seauentie & fiue thousand crownes of the sunne; and yearelie fiftie thousand crownes to be paid at London during king Edwards life.
But duke Charles would not consent openlie to aid king Edward; but yet secretlie vnder hand by others he lent vnto him fiftie thousand florens of the crosse of S.
He liued two and fiftie yeares, hauing by wife one onelie sonne, called Edward, prince of Wales.
The course moreouer of this our streame following, from Lincolne to Boston isfiftie miles by water: but if you mind to ferrie, you shall haue but 24.
For what a thing is it to haue a ship growing on the stub, and sailing on the sea within the space of fiue and fiftie daies?
And although it paid seuen hundred ducats at euerie exchange of prelat; yet is it scarselie worth one hundred fiftie and fiue pounds by the yeare (as I haue heard reported.
Of the Myne Tynne (which is meaner) fiftie two pound: of the worst fiftie pound.
If the Load lie right downe, they follow it sometimes to the depth of fortie or fiftie fathome.
Cornwall is seated (as most men accompt) in the Latitude of fiftie degrees, and thirtie minutes; and in the Longitude of sixe.
To the hard (lesse worth by fiftie shillings in the thousand than the soft) the letter H.
His nauie consisted in thirteene mightie great ships with triple sailes, an hundred carikes or rather hulkes, and fiftie gallies.
Yielding and paying for every fiftie acres of land herein by these presents given and graunted yearely at the feast of St. Michaell the Archangell [September 29], the fee rent of one shilling to his Majties.
Hovv there ioyned a hundred and fiftie thousand men against Cortez.
In this siege were slayne fiftie Spaniardes & sixe horses, & no great number of the Indians their friends.
Wherevpon Cortez tooke with him fiftie of his men all armed, and left the residue at his lodgyng in a good readinesse, and appoynted an vnder Captayne to gouerne them.
In consideration wherof he sent Francisco de Monteio, with two vergantines, and fiftie men, to runne along the coast, vntill they should finde some reasonable poart and good scituation to build vpon.
For it was certeinelie affirmed, that in three shires within the realme, there was not found so much graine of that yeares growth, as came ouer in those fiftie ships.
The kings sonne the lord Edward had procured them thus to reuolt, promising to euerie of them in reward by his charter of grant fiftie pounds lands to aid the king his father and him against the barons.
Wherfore for a policie, they set foorth fiftie horssemen, as though there had beene no mo within the castell.
They came by the gates of Winchester as it were in maner of triumph, with vittels and spoiles which they had fetched fiftie miles from the sea side.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fiftie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.