And the mordycant couer of the same was thicke set with incomparable iewelles: and in lyke sorte all the base and handle whereas conueniencie requyred, and glystering about.
Oh blinde Monster, how doost thou blinde, and with what deceipt doost thou couer the eyes, and deceiue the vnderstanding sences of vnhappie and miserable Louers with vailes and mystes.
The lower turning about, where thecouer did close with the vessell being of two parts, ioyned togither with an excellent foliature, halfe a foote broad, as if they had bin inseparable.
Vppon the which there was placed an other vessell as it were a circularcouer of a most curious leafe worke, with a smal coronice, and an artificiall orifice.
Yet neuertheles I could not so bridle and suppresse my amorous inflamed sighes, or so closely couer them, but that they would needs expresse my inward desire.
This couer to the necke was made in skalie work of Hyacinth, except the vaynes of smaragd, for the little dragons, their bellies and feetes fastening to the skalie couer.
And it is to be noted that the same day the raine was so great and so strong, that it made the earth to sincke a great deal that they had cast into the ditches, for to couer them from the shot of Auuergne.
The best pieces of Ordinance were brought foorth vnto that side of the towne, where the battery was looked for to be made: and they made priuy fences to couer the better their cannon shot withall.
Their Captaine comes to me as naked as my naile, Not hauing witte or honestie to couer once his taile.
Some run now in the wood, and there for rootes do seeke, Base meat would here be counted good too bad that we mislike Our clothes now rot with sweat, and from our backs do fall, Saue that whom nature wils for shame, we couer nought at all.
And if they haue not seene the thing whereof you aske them, they will wincke, or couer their eyes with their hands, as who would say, it hath bene hid from their sight.
They do teache that the sacrament of the Lordes body and bludd / shuld be ministred in one kinde only / when it is gyuen to the people.
Mutch les is it lawfull for them which haue professed the name of Christe / and are signed with holy baptisme / in that fierce fight betwene Christe and Antichriste to slippe a syde / and to ioyne himself vnto neither partye.
Fourthly, to couer his owne fraud and treachery, that it may not be perceiued.
And if his right genitour be trussed vp before he goeth tocouer the Ewe, then doeth he beget an Ewe lambe.
And if when the North wind bloweth the Ram doth thencouer the Ewe, doth after beget a hée lambe.
And when the olde Rams in their time to couer the Ewe, be sooner moued thereto, than the yong Rammes, it doeth then signifie a good and profitable season to ensue in that yeare, and a good season and prosperous also for shéepe.
But if in the proper time to couer the Ewe, the yong Rammes be sooner prouoked thereto than the olde Rams, then doeth followe the greate rotte or murreyne of shéepe in that yeare.
For remedy of the which, some make a couer ouer theyr hole the better to kéepe off the weather & raine.
And if in the time of the South wind blowing, the Ram doth then couer the Ewe, he doth after beget a shée lambe.
And lyke as of other[333] he enquired of one, if any man had brought to hym to be solde the foole that sate at sainct Dunstanes foote vpon the couer of the cuppe?
Whan he was deed, the yonge mans sonne came to him and sayde: father, I prey you gyue me this olde sacke cloth, that was wonte to couer my graundfather.
This tale touchethe them, that wolde couer a smalle offence with a greatter wyckednesse; and as the prouerbe saythe: Stomble at a strawe, and leape ouer a blocke.
Sirs, couer the while, the Duke wil drinke vnder this tree; he hath bin all this day to looke you Iaq.
Death is the fairest couer for her shame That may be wisht for Beatr.
O what authoritie and shew of truth Can cunning sinne couer it selfe withall!
That is done to sir, onely couer is the word Loren.
For matter of Religion it would require a particular volume, if I should set downe how irreligiously they couer their greedy and ambicious pretenses, with that veile of pietie.
Father, for the old knaue, thinking by his bastardie to couer his owne heade, putteth it like a stagge ouer the pale.
By this we may consider the great miserie of mans estate, in that so mightie a prince could not haue so much ground after his death as to couer his dead corps, without dooing iniurie to another.
To this her last request the Gods consent, And so the ground her feet did couer ore, Out from her toes the scrawling roots were sent Which by her travell she had bruised sore.
Into a bushie caue hard by they got, Which thicke set trees did couer ore the top; In which the Carthage Queene Æneas led, Who there deceiu'd her of her maidenhead.
At the end of dinner, the maior of London serued the king & queene with sweete wine, and had of each of them a cup of gold, with a couer of gold.
Couer and the Burne, which doo fall likewise into the Vre or Ouze.
For they were so poore and ragged, that they had scarse anie tatters tocouer their priuie parts withall.
Couer on it: 6 siluer trencher plates: also blankets and Coverletts and Rugs euery[way] Compleat to furnish so many beds.
Sometimes you may weare him on your shoulder, now and then vnder your arme: but seldome or neuer let him 65 couer you: for 'tis not the fashion.
Before that chapell there was a litle howsse, which he sayd ones in wynter tyme whan that there was litle rowme tocouer the reliques, that it was sodenly broght & sett in that place.
Dyuerse of ye monks stode ther aboute with greate reuerence, the couer takyn a way, all we kneled downe and worshyped.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "couer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.