The swelling caused by the infiltration gradually subsides, leaving a cicatrix to which the overlying conjunctiva becomes adherent.
Notwithstanding the great changes which occur during the progress of a purulent conjunctivitis, there is on recovery a complete restitutio ad integrum so far as the conjunctiva is concerned.
The changes further lead in the course of time to cicatricial transformations, so that a gradual and progressive atrophy of the conjunctiva results.
Amyloid degeneration, in which waxy-looking masses grow from the palpebral conjunctiva of both lids, often attaining very considerable dimensions.
Some of the severer forms of catarrhal conjunctivitis are accompanied not only by a good deal of swelling of both conjunctiva and lids but also by a decidedly muco-purulent secretion.
Seen through the conjunctiva its vessels have a darker, more purplish hue than the superficial ones.
Hyperaemia of the conjunctiva where not followed by inflammation causes more or less lacrymation but no alteration in the character of its secretion.
When the conjunctivabecomes hyperaemic its colour is heightened and its transparency lessened.
When the conjunctiva is actually inflamed the congested membrane is brought into a condition of heightened secreting action.
Downward and inward on the bulbar conjunctiva were a number of flattened, grayish-yellow nodules, between which was a marked congestion of the conjunctival and episcleral vessels (fig.
The essential feature of this trouble is a nodular conjunctivitis which simulates tuberculosis of the conjunctiva and hence has been called pseudo-tubercular.
Conjunctiva of the ventral sclerites of the abdomen present, frequently well developed, surrounding the sclerites.
A single drop of one-tenth per cent aqueous solution of the poison brought about a typical irritation in the conjunctiva of the rabbit's eye.
Hypopleurals wanting; if three sternopleurals are present the arrangement is 1:2; conjunctiva (fig.
This larva was extracted from a small tumor, several millimeters long, on the surface of the conjunctiva of the eye.
A careful examination of the eye disclosed small, active, white larvae that crawled out from the folds of the conjunctiva and then back and disappeared.
During violent inflammation of the lid the conjunctiva and integuments are much swollen, and bulge out externally; by the projection the margin is forced mechanically towards the ball, and entropion takes place.
Leeches applied to the conjunctiva of the lower lid are sometimes advantageous; but leeching and scarification are more useful in the chronic stage: and the latter is injurious in acute ophthalmia.
By such cases, continuity of the conjunctiva with the outer layer of the cornea is beautifully demonstrated.
Inflammation of the conjunctiva often follows suppression, however occasioned, of the menstrual or hemorrhoidal discharges, as also suppression of discharges from the urethra, from the Schneiderian membrane, or from behind the ears.
Then swelling supervenes, often to a great extent: the vessels, both veins and arteries, are much gorged, and effusion of serum or blood takes place into the loose cellular tissue which connects the conjunctiva to the sclerotic.
The inflamed conjunctiva affords a conspicuous example of this appearance.
The base of the pterygium is always on the circumference of the eye, generally at the inner corner, and its apex is seldom, if ever, situated beyond the centre of the cornea: frequently the sclerotic conjunctiva alone is affected.
For, during the healing of the wound, the parts again contract; and, though a portion of the conjunctiva is at the same time removed, the contraction internally will hardly counteract that which is going on externally.
This is the more necessary, as small particles of foreign matter lodge more frequently on the palpebral conjunctiva than on any other part.
The spring-wire speculum (C) separating the lids, the surgeon divides the conjunctiva by a pair of scissors in a horizontal line (Fig.
The tendon being divided satisfactorily, the edges of conjunctiva should be replaced, and the eye closed for a few hours.
In mild cases the excision of an elliptical portion of conjunctiva may suffice, the edges must not be left to contract, but should be brought carefully together.
Evert the lid, incise the conjunctivafreely over the tumour, insert the blunt end of a probe and roughly stir up the contents of the cyst, thus evacuating it.
The pupil has been dilated, the patient is lying on his back, and the globe is fixed by forceps attached to the conjunctiva of the inner side of the eye, and held by an assistant.
Jules Guérin carefully divided the conjunctiva over it, and sought for the remains of the internal rectus, freeing it from its attachments.
Lest it should not be freely divided, various dips with the hook may be made to catch any stray fibres left untouched; but very great care should be taken not to wound the conjunctiva beyond the first horizontal cut in it.
The eye should be still further steadied by the conjunctiva and subjacent cellular tissue on the inner side being seized by a pair of catch-forceps, still with no downward pressure on the ball.
Patient being put under chloroform, the ball is fixed by the wire speculum, and also by a fold of conjunctiva being seized by forceps.
The next day the patient presented himself, quite free from pain, which had not returned; the conjunctiva was clear, and there was no visible Meibomian secretion.
The conjunctiva was intensely congested, and there were lachrymation and very marked photophobia, but there were no signs of iritis, and no corneal clouding.
The conjunctivais red; that portion of it which spreads over the sclerotica is highly injected, and the cornea is opaque.
As the disease progresses, the conjunctiva becomes more vascular, the photophobia intolerable, the cornea itself becomes opaque, and sometimes exhibits a vascular appearance.
The conjunctiva is not so red, the pupil is not so dilated, and the dog appears to implore pity and not to menace evil.
The infected vessels of the conjunctiva form a species of net-work, and can be moved about with this membrane, showing that the inflammation is entirely superficial, and not penetrating the other coverings of the eye.
The excrement was dark and fetid, and the conjunctiva had a strong yellow tint.
His throat was filled with froth, the pupils of his eyes were dilated, the conjunctiva was strongly injected, his neck was spasmodically contracted, and the spine of the back was bowed, and most highly sensible to the touch.
The conjunctivaremained inflamed, the cornea in due course became ulcerous, and the eye was ultimately destroyed by the discharge of its contents.
Scarifying the conjunctiva with the point of a lancet, has been resorted to by some veterinary surgeons with success.
His eyes were wild, the conjunctiva considerably inflamed, and he panted quickly and violently.
The conjunctiva and particularly that portion which covers the sclerotica, will be considerably injected, but there will not be the usual intense redness of inflammation.
Occasionally, however, the inflammation of the conjunctivawill be exceedingly intense, the membrane vividly red, and the eye impatient of light.
Ultimately, however, what is known as "picric jaundice" appears, the conjunctivaand the whole skin being stained more or less yellow.
He was jaundiced, the conjunctiva yellow, and the lips blue.
Either of these substances applied to the conjunctiva produces coagulation in the vessels and a secondary inflammation, to which in the case of jequirity has been given the name of "jequirity-ophthalmia.
Next comes the sclerotic coat, formed of dense whitish tissue, which seen through the transparent conjunctiva makes up the “white of the eye.
Eleven years ago Mr Edwin Canton discovered some curious ova attached to the conjunctiva of a turtle’s eye.
If the lids are everted it will be found that the vessels of the conjunctiva are turgid with pale or yellowish colored blood, the whole part presenting a peculiar moist or watery appearance.
These points are often well illustrated in cases of black eye, where the blood effused under the conjunctiva is bright red, while that in the eyelids is almost black.
This fact is sometimes of importance in diagnosis, as, for example, in certain fractures of the base of the skull, where discoloration appears under the conjunctiva or behind the mastoid process some days after the accident.
The wound in the conjunctivais closed by a suture.
Therefore, on July 1st, the right internal rectus was also divided, with small conjunctival wound without loosening of the conjunctiva and without suture.
For this a thread is passed through the conjunctiva at the outer edge of the cornea about 4 mm.
The method of tenotomy as I carry it out is as follows: The conjunctiva is seized with fine forceps exactly over the insertion of the muscle to be divided, and the fold thus raised cut into with the smallest possible wound.
Therefore in the middle of October the internal rectus of the right eye was divided, and the conjunctiva loosened as far as the caruncle.
As the edge of the insertion is now exposed we can see how the land lies, and can carry the threads exactly in the direction of the muscle under the conjunctiva to the corneal margin, where they are passed through, and ends tied in a knot.
Orbital abscess is manifested by a pushing forward of the eyeball (exophthalmos), a swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids.
The lids are swollen and inflamed, and indeed this may be so marked as to cause involuntary eversion, exposing the reddened conjunctiva to view.
If the rupture is large, the conjunctiva torn, and the globe collapsed from loss of vitreous, the eye should be removed without delay.
The lower lid droops, the patient cannot wink, and the conjunctiva therefore becomes dry, and is irritated by exposure to cold and dust.
When the orbital ridge is chipped off, without the cavity of the skull being opened into, the hæmorrhage shows at once both under the conjunctiva and in the upper lid.
Fracture of the anterior fossa is often accompanied by extravasation of blood into the orbit, pushing forward the eyeball and infiltrating the conjunctiva (sub-conjunctival ecchymosis).
The blood which infiltrates the conjunctivapasses from behind forwards, appearing first at the outer angle of the eye and spreading like a fan towards the cornea.
The blood effused under theconjunctiva remains bright red as it is aerated from the atmospheric air.
The conjunctiva then grows blood-shot, and occasionally the cornea is ulcerated.
As a general rule, the pupils are widely dilated and the conjunctivapearly white--a condition which is in marked contrast with what is seen in typhus fever.
Mackenzie, while probably having seen false membrane appear on the conjunctiva when in a state of inflammation, yet refuses to recognize diphtheritic conjunctivitis as a distinct disease.
In the beginning the conjunctiva palpebræ is smooth, dry and pale, while that of the eye is chemosed; afterward diphtheritic deposits take place either in floccules or in solid masses.
It varied from the slightest yellow tinge of the conjunctiva to the deepest staining of the whole surface.
The skin and the conjunctiva (red membrane of the eyes) are colored from a pale lemon yellow to a dark olive or greenish black.
The face is red, the capillaries are dilated, eyes are watery, conjunctiva is congested.
Early in this disease the face is flushed, while the conjunctiva and the mucous membrane lining the eyelids is congested and slightly jaundiced.
When the conjunctiva becomes inflamed it is called (Conjunctiv(a)itis) conjunctivitis.
As the disease continues to advance, the membrane of the lid is thickened, red and velvety looking and the conjunctiva (membrane) in the eye is swollen, puffy and watery.
This is a severe inflammation of the conjunctiva in the new born infant, usually due to a discharge from the mother and it is characterized by a discharge of pus.
The conjunctivaon the cornea is reddened and that on the lid is thickened, reddened and rough.
The conjunctiva should be brushed with a solution of nitrate of silver of two per cent strength (two parts to one hundred of distilled water) and then neutralized with a salt solution, not strong enough to burn.
Alling says: "Dissect off the growth from the cornea and sclera coats, leaving the base attached (toward the corner of the eye) and bury its point under the undermined conjunctiva below.
If we turn down the lower lid and turn up the upper, we see a red membrane called the conjunctiva (connecting).
The underlying cause is often an inflammation of the conjunctiva where the proper care is not taken in cleansing the roots of the lashes when the discharge collects.
The skin is pale and shows a slight jaundice, the conjunctiva being yellowish.
The eyelid loses its elasticity, and the white transparent color of the conjunctiva is lost, often becoming black or gray.
The eyeballs now become placid and if the eyelids are not closed the conjunctiva and cornea become brown and dry.
The skin is pale, the conjunctiva often stained with bile, and in the later stages oedema of the lids and emaciation come on.
The yellowness first appears in the conjunctiva for a day or two before the skin is tinted, and within forty-eight hours after the flow of bile into the intestine has ceased.
It is an active worm, little more than an inch in length, and is usually found beneath the conjunctiva of the eye.
Yellowness of theconjunctiva and of those parts of the body exposed to the air is the first manifestation; afterward the jaundice hue becomes general.
The urine may exhibit changes in appearance before the conjunctiva becomes yellow.
Only when it can be detected in such position as the interior of the eye or beneath the conjunctiva can the patient be relieved by surgical aid.
Or if it is the palpebral conjunctiva that is affected, the meibomian glands and follicles of the ciliae become involved, destroying the lashes and leaving the lids raw and everted or inverted--a perpetual deformity.
As a rule, the face is turgid and its expression anxious; the conjunctiva suffused, respiration impeded, and sleep disturbed or impracticable.
Without distinct jaundice the skin has an earthen or tallow-like hue, the conjunctiva is muddy or distinctly yellow, and now and then well-defined jaundice appears.
The conjunctiva may be disfigured and the eyelids swollen and blackened by extravasations, and the skin of the cheeks and nose marked by stigmata.
Dermoids are found in the palate and pharynx, and open dermoids of the conjunctiva are classified by Sutton with the moles.
The conjunctiva of the right eye became congested, and a small ulcer formed on the right cornea, which healed without much trouble.
Hamill describes the case of a young girl whose conjunctivawas pierced by one of the rests of an ordinary gas-bracket.
The conjunctiva hid the organ from view, but when it was pulled aside the eyeball was exposed, and in its remote position still possessed the power of vision.
The conjunctiva was insensible and there was no contractile response of the pupil to the light of a candle.
The wound in the sclerotic was three or four lines in length, and the rent in the conjunctiva was so large that it required three sutures.
At the external angle of the eyelid was a fold of conjunctiva which extended 0.
The conjunctiva is frequently the seat of localized, very rarely the point of entrance for a generalized infection, except after severe injury.
Material containing such organisms might get on the conjunctiva and be washed down through the lachrymal canal into the nose.
As stated in this paper I have modified the procedure to the extent of removing all the conjunctiva attached to the borders of the operative wound.
The scleral slip is then freed from the conjunctiva at each end and the mucous membrane brought together over the wound by fine catgut sutures.
The patient is made to look away from the side on which is the muscle to be advanced, and the conjunctiva over the muscle is freely divided with scissors, by a curved incision with the convexity towards the cornea, and dissected back.
The conjunctiva over the sclerotic, well behind the ciliary body, is drawn down so that when released it shall form a valvular opening to the scleral wound.
With a syringe a few drops of 5% cocaine are injected through the conjunctiva into the area to be operated upon.
To facilitate the closure of the conjunctival wound it is advisable to dissect the conjunctiva back from the limbus before excising the cornea.
Hæmorrhage into the stump may occur, leading to proptosis of the conjunctiva and extravasation into the eyelids and beneath the skin of the face.
The lachrymal sac and conjunctiva should be free from all signs of inflammation (see p.
A strip of thickened conjunctiva and subconjunctival tissue corresponding to the apex of the eversion is removed along the whole length of the lid (Fig.
In cases where the strip is torn off entirely, the skin and conjunctiva should be sutured together.
The wound in the conjunctiva should be subsequently closed with fine sutures, otherwise the disease will certainly recur.
A narrow strip about 3 millimetres broad is excised from the whole length of the tarsal plate; in doing this care must be taken not to button-hole the conjunctiva or flap of skin.
A wedge-shaped strip is removed from the tarsal cartilage throughout the whole length of the lid, the apex of the wedge reaching just through the cartilage, but not the conjunctiva on its under surface.
A term applied to the small glands between the conjunctiva and tarsal cartilages, discovered by Meibomius.
Occasionally the conjunctivais much less sensitive than usual.
In less than two minutes the puncta lacrymalia began to itch violently, the right and afterward the left conjunctiva became intensely hyperemic and photophobia and increased lacrymation supervened.
Everybody winks both eyes a number of times a minute quite unconsciously, though the unconscious movement accomplishes the definite and necessary purpose of keeping the conjunctiva free from irritant particles.
In a double extraction of hard cataract there was no pain produced by the graspings of the conjunctiva in the fixation of the eyes, in the corneal incisions, and in the iridectomies.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conjunctiva" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.