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Example sentences for "compositional"

Lexicographically close words:
composes; composing; composite; composites; composition; compositione; compositions; compositor; compositors; compositum
  1. These are the local, the architectural, the compositional commonplaces.

  2. In the cases of magazines desiring artistic prints, the prints gain materially by trimming them so as to produce a compositional balance of masses.

  3. Artistic photographs are printed on sensitive-paper of a surface suited to their subjects, and are trimmed so as to carry the correct compositional balance; and after, they are tastefully mounted.

  4. Reynolds's compositional schemes are of an academic elegance reminiscent of Raphael.

  5. For each new picture he seemed always to have ready some new compositional motive.

  6. Preoccupation in this new compositional element made its users forget, for the time being, the older precepts for obtaining composition.

  7. In fact, Kandinsky's compositional debt to the Chinese is large.

  8. The step from the condition of art in 1912 to its final purity, in which would be embodied all the qualities necessary to the greatest compositional painting, was not a long one, but until it was taken the cycle must remain incomplete.

  9. The compositional figure on which he builds will alone give us the substance of his character.

  10. The angular and the perpendicular always represent the second compositional step from symmetricality to order: they are indicative of the earliest stage of aesthetic consciousness.

  11. In Rubens were consummated the aims of the older painters; that is, he attained to the highest degree of compositional plasticity which was possible with the fixed means of his period.

  12. Colour must have a formal and compositional significance, otherwise it would be but shallow decoration.

  13. Even in his sculptured heads, while there is order, there is no form in the compositional sense.

  14. But while this was the secret of his attainment of volume, the compositional use to which he put this volume requires another explanation--one which has its roots in the very depths of the man's genius.

  15. He studied in the same class with Maurice Denis at the Academie Julien, and his association with this painter no doubt explains his compositional predilection.

  16. But organisation touched only the compositional side of his work: it was the resultant element.

  17. If he had carried out in other pictures the compositional elements of his Pieta, which had distinct movement, his work would have taken a higher place in the history of art.

  18. His compositional theory was that, through the inevitable evolution of line from an arbitrarily chosen centre, the artist would naturally and consciously create form which would definitely approximate to the human body.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compositional" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.