Though these narratives are compilations which accepted new matter during several centuries, I see no reason to doubt that the oldest stratum contains the recollections of those who had seen and heard the master.
The Brahmanas and Upanishads are not such obvious compilations yet on careful inspection the older[63] ones will be found to be nothing else.
Compilations made by heretics, in the form of dictionaries, concordances, etc.
In the first place, the imperial legislation remained in force for the Roman population, though in the compilations made under the barbarian kings various changes are made to satisfy new and complex relations.
The necessary complement of the records is of course found in the various compilations of statutes.
True, there is musically little gained by burdening the memory with compositions which chiefly consist of compilations of passages calculated to display the dexterity and skill of the performer.
The English books of instruction for certain instruments were generally but poor compilations got up by the publishers themselves.
With the objectionable curiosities in musical literature might also be classed certain compilations which contain acute observations interspersed with silly remarks.
The works which pretend to embrace its whole science are often but mere compilations by writers who, like Bottom the weaver, want to act not only Pyramus, but at the same time also Thisbe and the lion.
Another favorite class of ethical books consisted of compilations made direct from the Talmud and the Midrash.
They were either compilations from older books or direct translations from the Arabic.
Sidenote: Collections} Collections are copyrightable as compilations or otherwise, and where the use of copyrighted poems or other copyright material is permitted, these are protected by general copyright notice on the collection.
Compilations of existing materials, from common sources, arranged and combined in an original and useful form, receive the same protection as wholly original matter.
With much material he had himself accumulated in the course of many years, our author incorporated a much larger amount of material derived from the compilations just mentioned when writing the "Principles of Sociology.
Scholarship was devoted to books, to old manuscripts in convent libraries, to recovering what the wise men of Greece and Rome had written, and trying to wrest new facts out of their blundering old compilations of ancient history.
The bibliographical references appended to the {380} compilations last cited will guide the student in gaining access to the more important special observations of anomalous cases.
Tauchou's compilations of nine thousand fatal cases of carcinoma show that intestinal cancer was present in 4 per centum.
The system adopted in some modern compilations of permitting prominent men to write their own biographies, or of procuring from them the data for less sympathetic treatment, has not been followed here.
Some ancient books are compilations rather than original productions; for example, the Diatessaron of Tatian, or the religious books of the Babylonians, which give abundant evidence of compilation.
Works of morals and philosophy and compilations of Mohammedan law, have flourished.
But the same tendency is noticed outside of the Church, as the great schools of interpreters of Aristotle and of Plato, and the large volumes of abstracts and compilations from preceding writers, bear witness.
Of more importance than his numerous compilations of mystico-allegorical expositions of Scripture are the iii.
Then we have the clumsy compilations of =Annals= and =Chronicles= which most monasteries produced, and which were continued from year to year.
See the compilations of Bollandus from the authors of the Byzantine history.
Alulphus, a monk at Tournay, in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, made the like compilations from his writings.
Compilations relating to local history are the Book of Fenagh and the Book of Munster.
Footnote B: The Compendium (Richards and Little) is the type after which most of the latercompilations have been fashioned.
A] but they will also obtain much ready help from the several existing excellent compilations of references, classified under doctrinal headings.
Whenever possible it is advisable to make continuation cards instead of entering new compilations or new editions on separate cards.
He would like also some publication which would give the various codes and compilationsof laws, both official and unofficial, in advance of "our law book friend" who comes along to tell us about it.
One of the best historical, archaeological, and geographical compilationsthat has appeared.
The compilations of Pliny are not in a right sense encyclopædic, being presided over by no definite idea of informing order.
I have already said, that we are not to sacrifice our reason to the compilations or works of a Jewish scribe, who borrowed evidently so much, and who pretended to divine inspiration and conversations with the angels.
We should note that the Latin draft reduces the Gonfalonier's interval of ineligibility to one year only, while the other compilations extend it to two years, as in the case of the Priors and as subsequently enforced.
But there are several old compilations of it, differing so much from each other, that one form only comprises twenty-two rubrics, whereas some have more than a hundred.
We should remark in this connection that the law edited by Bonaini is not only incorporated with the enactments in Compilations F.
Of the various compilations of the enactments, that included among the printed statutes was the first to be published.
If in these compilations we turn our attention to the constitution of the family, more particularly as regards succession, we find it exactly as it was before the law was interwoven with the Imperial edicts.
Four othercompilations remain, one of which only is inedited.
Thus, it may now be affirmed, that the Codex in the Florence National Library is a genuine and, as it were, photographic representation of the method employed for the earliest compilations of Florentine historiography.
But although this rough draft is somewhat anterior to the actual law itself, the existing compilations are all posterior to it, and may consequently include later appendices and modifications.
This was inserted as part of the original law in the compilations edited by Fineschi and Giudici.
Thus the notable divergences found in the various compilations are reduced to very narrow limits as regards the original body of enactments.
The two later compilations have an addition tacked on at the end, that is not included in Compilation B.
It should be noted at this point that, leaving aside other partial disparities, those rubrics, included inCompilations G.
Most of them were published anonymously, and indeed they are mere compilations from the older collections in Latin and French.
To such compilationsthe name of Oranda fusetsu-sho (Dutch Reports) was given.
These compilations together with the Nihon Gwaishi (History of Japan Outside the Court), written by Rai Sanyo and published in 1827, constituted the chief sources of historical knowledge before the Meiji era.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compilations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.