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Example sentences for "compilers"

Lexicographically close words:
compilation; compilations; compile; compiled; compiler; compiles; compiling; complacence; complacency; complacent
  1. The Annals, thus laboriously brought to a triumphant close, carry history back to the Deluge, and down to the years contemporary with their compilers and authors, and the early part of the seventeenth century.

  2. Meseems as human form it came disturb, But scintillating Spirit's divinest light.

  3. A fair and terrible Monster unchained Courses the ocean, Courses the earth.

  4. Eleven thousand became the accepted number of Ursula's followers and the compilers of the Acta Sanctorum have actually succeeded in making out a list containing over seven hundred names[757].

  5. One of them is found at the end of the Survey of Worcestershire and was foolishly supposed by the compilers of the index volume (pp.

  6. If, anticipating for a moment, we find that we have, for the eastern counties, in Domesday the actual materials from which the compilers of the I.

  7. What would Mr Freeman have said had he known that the compilers of that sacrosanct record, Domesday Book itself, revelled in altering the wording of the sworn original returns?

  8. Lastly, the compilers of Domesday Book had no such invaluable check for their work as was afforded in the original by entering first the assessment of the whole township, and then that of each of its component Manors separately.

  9. We may take it then that the compilers of the Inquisitio Eliensis worked for Cambridge and Herts from the original returns, but, for the eastern counties, from the second volume of Domesday.

  10. This may lead us to ask whether its compilers supplied these names from their personal knowledge.

  11. This is thus an excellent illustration of the liberty allowed themselves by the compilers of Domesday.

  12. Among the compilers of the lives of saints, some wanted the discernment of criticism.

  13. If the compilers are found afterwards to have been mistaken, it is nowhere forbid to correct them.

  14. See his acts in the Bollandists, and in most compilers of the lives of the saints.

  15. It would be very damaging to my desire to convince, if I should seem to deny that the mistaken practice of these hymn-book compilers was based on the solid ground of secular common-sense.

  16. The compilers of the preliminary Ratio made an effort to draw up a uniform system for the distribution of time in the various countries.

  17. The compilers of the preliminary Ratio throw out some very useful hints, relative to the work and scope of this class.

  18. A few days after the events recorded in the last chapter, a letter was received at the residence of one of the compilers of these records, superscribed Q.

  19. The compilers of the Jung-ch'ĂȘng Chih sum up the character and manners of the people in a way that hardly needs amplification and shows what are the features that strike a Chinese observer as of special interest.

  20. Footnote: This chapter, which, with the next one, is written on a loose sheet, seems to be the passage to which one of the compilers of the Vatican copy alluded when he wrote on the margin of fol.

  21. This mark of ownership is wanting to the text in question, but the compilers of the Codex Atlanticus, at any rate, accepted it as a genuine document.

  22. Did the original compilers of the Life intend this?

  23. It is pretty plain that the compilers of the lives had some prerogatives, claims or rights to uphold--hence this frequent insistence on the evil of resisting the Saint and presumably his successors.

  24. The most remarkable exception to the general reticence occurs in the survey for Middlesex, the compilers of which go out of their way fortunately to give precisely the desired information.

  25. The compilers of the Survey were not in the habit of describing in detail the character of the holdings of the villani.

  26. The compilers all agree in extolling her as the noblest of queens and best of women.

  27. It seems clear that, full as is the account given in both these versions, the compilers still knew a great deal more than they included.

  28. The compilers of the Lancelot have a very courtly respect for women--the author of the Queste despises them utterly.

  29. The Lancelot legend appears to me to offer a very interesting parallel to the methods employed by the compilers of the Chansons de Geste, which are so ably pointed out by M.

  30. The point of view of the writer of the Queste is not that of the compilers of the Lancelot.

  31. The real truth is, that the situation was already in the story, and mediaeval compilers explained it in accordance with the social conditions of the time, and the parallel situations in contemporary stories.

  32. For other nations than those mentioned, the only systematic effort to collect the facts is made by the compilers of the Year-Book, and the results are extremely meagre.

  33. The pronunciation has been neglected till a few years ago; when Sheridan and Kenrick, with several compilers of less note, attempted to give us a standard.

  34. We have nothing in common with those who contend that the refutation of Darwinism lies solely with mere compilers of facts--fanciers, florists, and breeders.

  35. Nothing could show more clearly that the compilers feel that there is a prima-facie case against them.

  36. Probably all the books belonging to this class received from the hands of their authors or compilers no titles at all.

  37. This seems to have been the attitude, too, of the compilers of the ancient Rabbinical literature, in which the most conflicting views about this grave subject were embodied.

  38. A much greater error was overlooked elsewhere, showing that our American compilers were not sufficiently aware of the necessity which requires that the Prayer Book should always be consistent with itself.

  39. The Preface is a singularly racy piece of English, in which with the utmost plainness of speech the compilers give their reasons for having dealt with the old services as they have done.

  40. With questionable good taste the compilers have given to the former work a Greek and to the latter a Latin sub-title (Evxolioyiov and Suspiria Domestica).

  41. But what opinion must we entertain of those impudent compilers who appear to glory in scattering about them calumny and slander, and print and sell scandals as Voisin sold poisons?

  42. But this credit must be given to the compilers of the gospels' version of the Sermon on the Mount.

  43. But it is perfectly certain that the change of borrowing cannot be brought against Augustus Caesar, Plato, and the compilers of the mythologies of Egypt and Greece and Rome.

  44. Either the authors did not know their own works or the compilers did not know the authors.

  45. The compilers of the Bible have placed these songs after the book of Ecclesiastes; and the chronologists have affixed to them the aera of B.

  46. The compilers however have done their work but by halves; for as they have given us the songs they should have given us the tunes, that we might sing them.

  47. I do not suppose that the compilers of the Bible made these books, but rather that they picked up some loose, anonymous essays, and put them together under the names of such authors as best suited their purpose.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compilers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.