Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said art or mystery of Shipwrights of Redrith aforesaid shall from henceforth have perpetual succession, and .
Master Wardens and Commonalty shall not] be enforced put placed or impannelled in or upon any Assises Juries Inquests or Attaints whatsoever [nor] be pressed or enforced to serve .
Order and manner the said Master Wardens and Commonalty .
Master Wardens andCommonalty and to their successors forever any manors [&c.
The names of those elected by the Commonaltyhave not come down to us.
One alderman and the Recorder were nominated by the Court of Aldermen and their nomination was subsequently confirmed by the Common Council in the Guildhall; whilst two commoners were nominated by the commonalty attending at the Husting.
But the stomachs of these warriors were not so dainty as the stomachs of the monks, and the commonalty of them, being accustomed to fare hard before now, made no complaint.
The Saxon commonalty were stupified with amazement and terror,--Pavefactus est Populus.
I ask again, In what consists this distinction between the rare genius and the commonalty of minds that exclaim, "He expresses what we feel, but never the whole of what we feel"?
Sir John le Bretun, Warden of London, the whole commonalty of the city aforesaid was assembled, viz.
Mayor, commonalty and citizens of London respecting the hospital was sealed, by which they came under the rule of the city.
In 1538 the Mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the City of London petitioned Henry VIII.
Strago, had scandalized the aldermen by saying that they take the money of the commonalty at the Guildhall under pretext of wardship of orphans and then waste such money for their own profit.
Shortly after this an order of the Mayor, aldermen and commonalty was issued which took away the right of the wards of directly electing their aldermen.
In the meanwhile, those elected to Parliament by the commonalty for the common weal of the kingdom earnestly complained concerning [the frustration of justice by] those who were in power in certain parts of the country .
Truly those elected by the commonalty of the kingdom hearing these things, since no remedy would be given, remained silent.
Then John Windle had fled to the forest and become a wolf's head, which is the name the commonalty have for outlaws, since the killing of either wolves or outlaws may bring a bounty from the Crown.
He showed beyond all doubt the power that would accrue to our party through this inclusion of the rights of the commonalty in our charter.
Whatever the name, its acceptance and thorough infusion through the organizations of political commonalty now shooting Aurora-like about the world, are of utmost importance, as the principle itself is needed for very life's sake.
They were made a body politic by the name and designation of Mayor and Commonalty of the town of Fredericksburg, and by that title were to have perpetual succession.
Even the West India Company became convinced that it was necessary to make some concessions to the commonalty at Manhattan.
Van Der Donck was the faithful representative of the commonalty in their fatherland.
This treatment offended not only the senate, but the commonalty too, as if they thought the affront upon the senate equally reflected upon the whole republic; so that all who could decently leave him went off, looking much discomposed.
By these proceedings, Sylla excited the secret distaste of the senate; but the displeasure and free indignation of the commonalty showed itself plainly by their actions.
He was not tenacious of any particular mode, but supposed it highly proper that some notice should be taken of the polite attention shown the Government by the President of the Commonalty of Paris.
Benjamin Franklin, pronounced before them, to be transmitted to the President and Congress of the United States, Resolved, That the Speaker communicate the sense of this House in a letter addressed to the President and Commonalty of Paris.
The English sovereigns were richer, stronger, and more potent; the English commonalty more perfectly developed, and more capable of affording a strong support to a monarch who stood against the nobles and their capricious tyranny.
Followed the fightingcommonalty with axe and spear.
For in an upper room there was business of great folk, and the commonalty must keep its distance.
That the new liberties and privileges to the burgesses of Yarmouth in a certain place called Kirkley road, is prejudicial and hurtful to the commonalty of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, and all other counties, etc.
Also they say that the commonaltydo sustain and bear very great griefs, damages, and hindrances, by colour of the liberties and privileges aforesaid.
That it should be to the commodity of the commonalty of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, and all other counties of the realm of England: 1st.
And at the same time it was the common profit, as well of the commonalty of the realm of England, as of the said town of Yarmouth.
And also the said commonalty do sustain and support great griefs and hinderances by color of the liberties and privileges aforesaid in this behalf.
What “the commonalty of the realm, hither summoned,” may mean, we cannot now define with any certainty.
The whole commonalty of the realm” was never absent from his thoughts.
Always and on all occasions does the king associate with himself in public acts, “the commonalty of the realm, the lowest as well as the highest.
King set a new toll of forty shillings upon every sack of wool, without the consent of his Parliament; which the Commonalty felt to be a very heavy imposition.
That the Mayor and Commonalty of London have power to rent three waste portions of land in divers places in London for the support of London Bridge.
We have seen a Charter belonging to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of London, written in these words.
Prince Henry, after his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, was conducted in great state up the river, from Baynard's Castle to Westminster, the Mayor and Commonalty of the City following in their barges.
This thing being bruited abroad, and the voice of the indignant Johanne ascending to the ears of the Aldermen, the said Robert was attached to make answer to the Mayor and commonalty as in a plea of deceit and falsehood.
Such was the price, in money and rights, that the commonalty had to pay before they could satisfy the civil authorities.
Martin's to be rung, that the commonalty might be summoned together in a body.